• Department: Office Technology Management
  • Project ID: OTM0151
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 56 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: Simple Percentage
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1,008
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This research was on Employee Participation in Decision Making and its Impact on Productivity: A study of Emenite Nigeria Limited, Enugu. The study main objectives were to ascertain the effect of employee participation in decision making on productivity and to identify how often employee participate in decision making for better performance. The research is a survey research by design because it made use of questionnaire to gather its data. Out of a population of 442, sample of 210 was adopted using Taro Yamani’s Formular. The statistical tools were tables and percentages.  The study found out that management staff are encouraged to make decisions with pre and post discussion and consultations with employees. They should also change their decisions when rejected by employees.  Also employees should design appropriate methods of improving their education and background so as to be able to contribute meaningfully in decision-making process in the organization. In spite of the poor background, however, your advice and opinions can still provide information in the area of concern.
1.0    INTRODUCTION ……………
1.1    Background of the Study…………………
1.2    Statement of the Problem    ……………
1.3    Purpose of the Study    ……………
1.4    Scope of the Study …………………
1.5    Research Questions ………………………
1.6    Significance of the Study …..    ………
2.1    Introduction ……………………………
2.2.    Conceptual Framework     …………………
2.2.1 The Concept of Participation …………
2.2.2 Concept of Decision Making……………
2.2.3 Types of Decision-Making ………………………
2.2.4 Factors That Influence Participation……………
2.2.5 Prerequisites for Participation………
2.2.6 Forms of Employee Participation……………………
2.2.7 Methods/Ways of Participation of Employees in Decision-Making
2.3    Theoretical Framework……………
2.3.1    Traditional Theory …………………
2.3.2    Self Directed Work Team Theory ……
2.3.3    Effect of Employee Participation in Decision …………
2.3.4 Challenges Of Employees Participation in Decision Making
2.3.4 The Prospect For Employee Participation in Decision Making
2.4    Empirical Studies     ……………………………………
2.5    Summary of the Reviewed Related Literature ……
3.1    Design of the Study….    ………
3.2    Area of the Study………
3.3    Sources of Data…………
3.4    Population of the Study…
3.5    Sample and Sampling Technique…
3.6    Instrument for Data Collection ……………
3.7    Validation of the Instrument Used ………
3.8    Reliability of the Research Instrument …………
3.9    Method of data Collection……
3.10    Method of Data Analysis………
3.11    Decision Rule …………………
4.1 Data Presentation and Analysis………
4.2    Summary of Finding………
5.1    Discussion of Findings …………
5.1    Conclusion ………………………
5.3    Recommendations ………………
5.2    Suggestion for Further Research………
5.3    Limitation of the study    ………………………
Appendix I
Appendix II

Table 4.1:    Management Staff Make Decisions without Pre and Post
        Discussion and Consultation with Employees.        
Table 4. 2:    Management Change Decision When Rejected By
Table 4. 3:    Effect of employee participation in decision making on productivity.                      
Table 4.4:    Employees participate in decision making for better performance 38
Table 4.5:    The level of employees participation in decision for greater
Table 4. 6:    The factors necessary for employee involvement in decision making.                         
Table 4.7:    Divisions of Respondents            
Table 4.8:    Makes Majority Decisions in the Company          
Table 4.9:    Factors that are considered before an Employee Is Involved in Decision-Making                           
Table 4.10:    Description of Level of Employee Participation in Decision Making                                  
Table 4.11:    Description of Level of Productivity When Employees are not Involved in Decision-Making                 
Table: 4.12:    Management Staff Delegate Authority Freely to Subordinates   
Table 4.10:    Effect of Inadequate Employee Participation in Decision-Making on Productivity                        
Table 4.11:    Effect of Adequate Employee Participation in Decision-Making on Productivity.                        
1.1    Background of the Study
In tracing the background of this concept of employee participation in decision making, one can infer it to be a household name in many countries of the world. Japan's success in the business world is attributed to employee participation. Decision making is shared at all levels of management. It is observed that decision making in Japanese firms are focused on defining questions or issues rather than on finding solutions. Thus all levels of the organization are involved in this process. In the United States, industrial democracy is practiced, employees are encouraged to buy shares in companies thereby enabling them to have a say in the management of their organization. In other developed countries like Britain, Yugoslavia and Germany, participatory management is popular. In Britain and Yugoslavia, it is known as joint consultation and self-management respectively while in Germany, it is known as codetermination rank, (Hand 2014).
In Nigeria, participatory management has come a long way. The Nigeria Military Government in 1977 decided to democratize industrial ownership in Nigeria by promulgating the Nigerian indigenization decree part of which provides "that 10 percent total equity share of any enterprise on schedule, 2 and 3 should be reserved for workers". This is to ensure that workers have a sense of belonging in their respective organizations. Both the state and Federal government of Nigeria have in the past involved its citizenry in the management of affairs of the state.
Imaga, (2015), stated that the state represents both enterprise and workers and other social and economic institutions. Based on this argument, the researcher sees the state as representing management while the citizenry represent workers. Everybody is working for the state because everything you do, be in the private or public sector, is contributing to the national development. It is in recognition of the significance of participation that the federal military government of Nigeria sometime invited the entire citizenry to participate in deciding whether Nigeria should accept the IMF loan or not. After a heated debate by "well meaning" Nigerians, the idea was cancelled.
Despite these evidences of the existence of participative management in the Nigerians industrial set up, some people in other countries and some Nigerians are of the view that real participatory management does not exist and cannot exist due to under development, inexperience in democratic process, political instability and economic instability caused by frequent changes in economic policy by the federal government. Participative decision making can be well practiced only in a stable economic environment because of its time consuming nature and investment in training to enable workers have a contributing capacity. Also the negative attitude of the Nigerian worker to work does not encourage participatory management. They are more interested in what they will get from the employer in terms of salaries and other employment benefit and not the job itself. Such attitudes definitely cannot give rise to effective participation.
John, (2013), is of the view that participative decision making can be possible in a certain sector of the economy and not in all government owned enterprises and parastatal because of the government intention to mobilize popular support for development purposes. He goes further to say that workers participation in the multinational companies, on the other hand has at best remained elusive. Most of these companies are controlled by and depend on their parent bodies abroad for policies and decision. Among the indigenous employers, particularly the small and medium sized organization, their attitude to workers is paternalistic and authoritarians. Their activities are often shrouded on secrecy. They are suspicious of the workers and therefore cannot afford to share information and decision with them. We have experiences of some managers that fail to delegate, as they do not go on leaves, where some go, they are on working leave; still attending work,some while on leave lock up certain jobs/documents in their drawers, thus making such pending till they resume, whereas participative management involves nothing more than sharing information with subordinates.
However the participation of labour in decision making process resulted to relatively and peaceful labour management relations. Additionally, the Japanese management uses decision making by consensus in which lower-level employees initiate the idea and submit it to the next higher-level unit it reaches the desk of the top executive. If the proposal is approved, it is returned to the initiator for implementation. It is in this context that the research wishes to assess effect of employee participation in decision making on organizational productivity in Nigerian public sector organizations, using Emenite Nigeria Limited , Enugu.
1.2       Statement of the Problem
There has been many controversy as to whether an employee should participate in managerial decision making or not. Some writers argued that employees should contribute in making decision more especially where it affects them or their jobs. It is expected that such participation will serve as training and testing ground for future members of upper management.
The problem mainly lies on the fact that participation though obtained has not been clearly understood as well as its benefits. Some of the managers feel that the decision making process is their sole prerogative and as such should be protected. Again top management likes to remain aloof from its employee as to build an all-important air around themselves.
In Nigeria, experts that refuted the above assertion see the arrangement as a symptom of mal- organization. They maintained that, qualified, reasonably, honest and company oriented individuals are not available at these lower organizational levels. But, the big question is, qualified individuals really available? All these underlay the need for an investigation study.
1.3    Objectives of the Study
The main purpose of the study is to examine effect of employees’ participation in decision making on organization productivity in Emenite Nigeria Limited, Enugu.
The specific objectives of the study are:
1.    To ascertain the effect of employee participation in decision making on productivity.
2.    To identify how often employee participate in decision making  for better  performance.
3.    To examine the level of employee participation in decision making for grater output.
4.    To determine the factors necessary for the employee involvement in decision making.
1.4     Research Question
The stated objectives of the study give rise to a number question are as follows:
1.    What is extent of the effect of employee participation in decision making on productivity?
2.    How often do employee participate in decision making for better performance?
3.     The level of employee participation in decision making for grater output?
4.    What are factors necessary for the employee involvement in decision making?
5.    How does employee participation in decision making contribute to organizational performance?
1.5     Significance of the Study
The significance of the study specifies the benefit of the research, the beneficiaries and what, who ad how they would benefit. The study will serve as references for further studies especially for business administration and other related studies. It helps to get data collection which may lead to achieve a specific goal.
The study also intends to add to the body of knowledge by highlighting different decision making techniques which can improve performance in organization.
    Management and staffs of the Emenite Nigeria Limited, Enugu and will come to realized the need of allowing employee to participation in making decision during production process.
The study shall be useful to the colleagues of the researcher and the entire students in the field Office Technology and Management (OTM)
This research will be very beneficial for the researcher, in the sense that it will award the researcher HND certificate in the department of Office Technology and Management (OTM).
1.6    Scope of the Study
The scope of this study is the effects of employees participation in Decision making on productivity in manufacturing industry: the study covered Emenite Nigeria Limited , Enugu.

  • Department: Office Technology Management
  • Project ID: OTM0151
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 56 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: Simple Percentage
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1,008
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