• Department: Public Administration
  • Project ID: PUB0759
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 62 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: Simple Percentage
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1,018
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The theme of the study is “The Role of Leadership in the Achievement of Organizational Goal: A study of University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital (UNTH), Ituku Ozalla, Enugu . For a successful completion of this research work, the researcher made use of both primary and secondary method of data collection for information gathering. Primary data were collected through questionnaire administration, oral interview and personal observation. Secondary data were collected through text books, journals and internet. In other to get a representation of the entire population, the Taro Yamani statistical formular was employed and the sample size of 22 out of the population of 173 people. The data collected were presented in tables and analyzed with percentage. The summary of findings revealed that organizational goal s are greatly affected by leadership style adopted by their leaders and that employees react to bad leadership style by poor goal  on their output. That in all respect, employees are contingent on leadership which integrates, organization and employees objectives. Based on the above findings the following were recommended: There should be awareness of the fact that employees at all levels evaluate their job and their leadership behavior and leaders should always try to influence and motivate employees for the survival of the organization.

1.0     INTRODUCTION    -    -    -  
1.1    Background of the study    -    -    -    -   
1.2    Statement of the problem    -    -    -
1.3    Objective of the study        -    -    - 
1.4    Research Questions -    -    -    -  
1.5    Scope of the study     -    -    -    -
1.6    Significance of the study        -    -   
1.7    Limitation of the study        -    -  
1.8    Definitions of Terms        -    -    -    - 
2.1     Introduction                          
2.1.2    Conceptual Framework                           
2.2      Theoretical Framework                       
2.3     Empirical Review of the related literature                
2.5    Gap in literature
2.6    Summary Of Literature Review                        
         RESEARCH METHODOLOGY                      
3.1    Research Design                                 
3.2    Area of the Study                                 
3.3    Population of the Study                       
3.4    Sample Size Determination                  
3.5    Instrument for Data Collection                  
3.6    Validity of the Instrument                  
3.7    Reliability of the Instrument                   
3.8    Sources of Data Collection
3.8       Method of Data                        
4.1    Data Presentation and Analysis             
4.3    Summary of  Findings                           
5.1    Discussion of Findings                `                       
5.2    `Implication of Research Findings
5.3    Conclusion                                   
5.3    Recommendations                                   
5.4    Contribution to the Knowledge                            
1.1    Background of the study
Leadership is an area of managerial responsibility that is needed to develop plans, set objectives that help the organization to cope with the present future and to meet the demands of the environment.  The technical, economic, social and political characteristic of organization brings about continuing need for the innovation, creativity and imagination of a leader.  Leadership ability therefore is a valuable skill and those who posses or have it reap high rewards.  The universal dearth of roles leaders causes organization to scout constantly for them and fosters development and better utilization of existing leadership (Ismail, 2009).
    Leadership is the ability of an individual to influence others to work beyond ordinary level to achieve a goal or an objective.  Leadership is generally defined as influence, the art or process of influencing people so that they will strive willingly towards the achievement of group goal. Leadership is a process by which a person influence others to accomplish an objective and directs the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive and coherent.  The concept of leadership can also be seen as the ability of one person to get others to carry out his wish without the use of force or threat; ability to show the way to a planned destination.  Leadership could be roles and responsive or inroles and insensitive, depending on the personal qualities of the person occupying the position.  To lead is to guide, conduct and direct it.  Leaders act to help a group achieve its objectives with maximum application of its capabilities.  They do not stand behind a group to prod, they place themselves before the group as to facilitate progress and inspire the group to accomplish organizational goals (Michael, 2015).
    Leadership has an roles  on the goal of any organization.  It affects both the employees goal  of the organization.  Employees at all levels tend to evaluate the jobs and their organizations according to the kind of leadership behavior their bosses exhibit.  For a leader to lead roles ively and efficiently, he needs to understand, his followers and the situation in the organization.  The situational valuable which influences the roles iveness of a follower and the task of organizational climate power available to leader and leader – follower relationship (Ngambi, 2010).
    Basically, people tend to follow those they see as a means of satisfying their needs.  The task of a leader is to encourage people to contribute roles ively and willingly towards the accomplishment of the organizational goal, and to satisfy their own needs in the process.  The leader must always be aware of the human problems as a sensitivity towards the hopes and aspiration of those whom he supervised and a capacity for analysis of emotional forces that motivate their conduct.  If this is not achieve the projects entrusted to him will not work out, no matter how often wages are raised (Ngambi, 2010).
    The survival of every organization be it private or public depends on the goal of its leader.  He moves the group within the constraints of its maximum compatibilities to attain certain specified objective.  He handles people, motivate them to work towards the attainment of the organizational goal.  In order not to loose his identity, he takes his place before the group as he inspires the group to accomplish the organizational objective(s).   In fact, he is an architect of the goal , and hence, tries to increase the moral of his employees always.  
In summary, a leader is characterized by a strong drive for responsibility and task completion, vigor and persistence in pursuit of goals, venture sameness and originality in problem solving and drive to exercise initiative in social situations.  Self confidence and sense of personal identity, willingness to accept consequences of decision and action, readiness to absorb interpersonal stress, willingness to tolerate frustration and delay.  Ability to influence other persons’ behavior and capacity to structure social interaction to the purpose at hand.
Research findings however suggests that leadership roles iveness is not depended on the source of power alone but with situational factors, climate or any particular style.  From the foregoing, the question is that, how roles is the leadership style in bringing about a good reaction on employees towards organization, work and their environment?  It is the aim of this research work to give due answers to the question.
1.2    Statement of the Problem
    One of the most important and least understood variable of management process is leadership.  For centuries, scholars have been speculating on the nature of leadership to adopt.  Only in recent years have researchers conducted systematic investigations that have yielded useful insight into dimensions of leading.  Even with this, there is still an increasing difficulties to establish the fact that leaders achieve the desired result as and when needed.
    The prosperity, if not the survival of any organization depends on the goal  of its leader and the leadership  adopted.  The quality of leadership style shape the behavior of his employees.  At all levels the employees tend to evaluate their job and their organization according to the kind of leadership behavior their bosses exhibit.
    Theoretically, inappropriate use of some style results to workers negative goal   to work; such as absenteeism, conflict, unrest and confrontation.  All these are rampant in most of the organization today.
    This research work aims at evaluating the type(s) of leadership in existence and why they vary in their method of operation.  The work also intends to find out whether leaders recognize their position in the organizational set up, and if they do, to what extent do they exercise their leadership power and style to exhibit positive goal   from the employees for an increased productivity.  Some leadership  are retrogressive and generate ill-feelings among employees.  Most leaders always think that all employees should be treated the same way, but each individual background, orientation and level of education largely determine the best of leadership style with which they could be led.
    On the whole, the research will critically assess the reaction of employees to the style adopted by their leaders.
1.3     objectives of the study
This study is generally aimed at the role of leadership in the achievement of organizational goals: A study of University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, Enugu. Therefore the specific objectives are:
1.    To determine the roles s of leadership on organizational goal.
2.    To determine whether the leadership style use by University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital improves organization goal.
3.    To ascertain the challenges militating against roles leadership on management of University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital.
4.    To proffer solutions based on the problems observed.
1. 4    Research Questions
The following research question more raised to guide the study.
1.    What are the roles s of leadership on organizational goal
2.    Does the leadership use by University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital improves organization goal?
5.    What are the challenges militating against roles leadership on management of University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital?
3.    What are the proffered solutions based on the problems observed?
1.5    Significance of the Study
So many people will benefits from the study, among them were:
•    Policy makers: With the study, the relief will be borrowed to economic organization problems, so at to ensure a better leadership in the Organization.
•    University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital:  The  hospital will understand leadership roles in important and of benefit in achieving organizational goal and objectives.
•    Symbol of Academic Achievement: This study has a lot of significance in the sense that it represents a symbol of academic achievement as having contributed to the already record of research in public administration.
•    Practitioners or student: The study shall be useful to the colleagues of the researcher and the entire students in the field business administration in future.
•    To the Researcher: This research will be very beneficial for the researcher, in the sense that it will award the researcher ND certificate in the department of business administration.
1.6    Scope of the Study
    This Research is necessarily meant to cover UNTH, Enugu but because it is not easy for the researcher to visit all the organizations due to certain constraints beyond the Researchers’ control.  Therefore one organization which is University of Nigeria Teaching Hospital, (UNTH), Enugu, Enugu is selected as a case study.
    The study is on critical analysis and evaluation of roles of leadership on organizational goal in an organization with regards to roles and efficient management and productivity.  
    In this case therefore, many things are to be investigated on by the researcher namely, the concept of leadership, nature of leadership, leadership as a process of management, the concept of power as it relates to leadership, leadership style and finally approaches to leadership theories.
1.7    Limitation of the Study
The researcher encountered some impediments in the course of carrying out this research work.  Among them were finance, time and uncooperative attitude of respondents.
•    Finance: The researcher spent some money on transportation and in browsing and printing out relevant materials, related to the research.
•    Time:  The researcher use part of the time for lectures and assignments to carry out this research, this made the researcher to miss some lectures.
•    Attitude of the Respondents:  The respondents NBL Staff were reluctant with giving out information, but when they confirmed that the research was purely for academic purpose they gave out useful information necessary for the research work.
1.8    Definition Of Terms
    In other to facilitate roles understanding of the content of this study, the following important terms have been defined;
•    Leadership: The art or process of influencing people so that they will strive willingly towards achievement of group goals.
•    Evaluation: This is a method of appraising the value of a particular thing in the course of study.  It is a situation where the authenticity of a study is examined and logically conclusion drawn.
•    Goal: This refers to the end-target set to be achieved by the organization in the course of operation.
•    Style: These are various approaches leaders adopt in dealing with subordinates towards the accomplishment of the organizational goal.
•    Organization: This means a purposeful social unit.  It is defined as an establishment or a corporate entity, which could be public, private or services that produce goods and set-up to render services and carryout more precisely policies and programmes inspired.
•    Influence : This is the power to roles  subordinates characters, believe or actions through example, fear or admiration with or without force.
•    Power: This refers to the act or process of applying sanctions that requires or prohibits the commission of an act.
•    Employees: Employees refers to the general term used in referring to people who work for wages or salary and perform services for an employer.
•    Goal : Goal   refers to a manner of placing or holding the body and way of feeling, thinking or behaving.
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Ismail, et al., (2009). The Implication of Transformational and Transactional Leadership for Individual, Team, and Organizational Development”. Research in Organizational Change and Development, 4(1), 231.
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  • Department: Public Administration
  • Project ID: PUB0759
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 62 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: Simple Percentage
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1,018
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