• Department: Staff Development and Distance Education
  • Project ID: SDE0028
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 75 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: Simple Percentage
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 966
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This research work “The Effects of Staff disengagement on the productivity of workers” was carried out with the overall aim of finding out the effect of staff disengagement on the productivity of workers. Institute of Management and Technology, Enugu was used for the study. It tried to ascertain the extent to which disengagement of workers affects the achievement of the Institution’s objectives.
The methodology employed to achieve the objective of the study involved the distribution of questionnaires to both Academic and non-Academic Staff of the Institution under study.
Moreso, the researcher made use of oral interviews to get more facts from those who do not want to involve themselves in written work, and confirm their answer.
The research used descriptive statistical which are reflected in frequency tables and percentages to analyze data colleted from the study.
The study revealed amongst other things the reasons, for disengagement, alternatives to disengagement and the consequences of the exercise to the individual and the organization both socially and economically.
Finally, the research found out that some workers who were “Lucky” to have “Escaped” being disengagement get demoralized felt insure and this effects, as on small measure the performance of their duties.    
1.1    Background of the Study
1.2    Statement of the Problem
1.3    Objective / Purpose of the Study
1.4    Theoretical Foundations of the Study
1.5    Significance of the Study
1.6     Scope of Study
1.7    Limitation of the Study
1.8    Definition of Terms
2.1    Literature Review
2.2    Reasons for the Disengagement of Workers
2.3    Alternative to Disengagement
2.4    The consequences of Disengagement
3.1    Area of the Study  
3.2    Population of the Study
3.3    Sample Size and Sample Technique
3.4    Method of Data Analysis
3.5    Sources of Data
3.6    Instrument for Data Collection
3.7    Validity and Reliability of Instrument  
4.1    Data Presentation Analysis and Presentation of Data
4.1.1    Research Question One
4.1.2    Research Question Two
4.1.3    Research Question Three
4.1.4    Research Question Four
5.1    Summary of Findings
5.2    Conclusion
5.3    Recommendation
4.1.1    Reasons of the aid Disengagement of workers     
4.1.2    The effects of Disengagement on moral and Productivity of workers
4.1.3    The Possible social and economic consequences of disengagement
4.1.4    Alternative to disengagement of workers
The Institute of Management and Technology, Enugu was an analysis of the then College of Technology, which offered ordinary Diploma level courses in Engineering and laboratory Technology, and the institute of Administration which provided short in-service training courses for civil servants of various grades. The then college to technology part of the ministry of education and was controlled directly by that ministry. Similarly the institute of administration was controlled by the ministry of establishments. Both institutions were staffed by civil servants who were posted to the two Institutions and could be reposted to other department or ministries according to the needs to their services. They were not specially recruited as teachers. This administration operation of the institutions closely followed the routine in the civil service. Both institutions were separated and for a higher institution of learning to upgrade the training in technological and management education still existed in spite of the presence of the institution. The academic programme of the college of technology, Enugu was no longer adequate for the assessed needs of Nigeria at the threshold of industrial take – off. It was know that id the industrialization of the country was to be achieved and maintained at a high standard, the technologists, technicians and professionals needed a better and more functional training. It was also clear that successful industrialization of any country depended on the availability of well-trained technologists as well as training pf personnel with sound management skills and experience.

This was the assessment of Nigeria / situation when the idea of an autonomous institute of management and technology was conceived. In pursuance of the idea, the executive council of the state government decided in October, 1971 that the farmer college of technology and the institute of Administration be merged and the result institution upgraded. To give effects to this decision, both the technology of Administration and the college of technology came under the unified control of the cabinet office on 1st April, 1972. In October of the same year a provisional council of the proposed new institute was appointed by the they East central  state government the provisional council interpreted its assignment as that of determining and recommending to the government the appropriate structures of an autonomous institution that would produce high qualify technologists and technicians well a professional and managerial manpower in-subject areas directed  by state and national needs. Prof. 1 Ukwu was the first council chairman and Prof. M.O. Chijioke, the first Rector.
The council pursued its task with vigour and imagination and submitted a report early in Aril. 1973. On 31st may, 1973, Edict No. 10 of 1973, titled The institute of management and technology, edict 1973, was promulgated. The edit took effect from 1st July, 1973, which was the birthday of the Institute of management and technology (IMT), Enugu. The college of technology and the institute and administration accordingly ceased to exist on 30th June, 1973, and the IMT took over their roles which was equipped to perform more effectively and at much higher level.
Today, the Institute maintain two campuses, campus I and campus III all at independence layout, Enugu. In order to fit into the information and communication technology age, the IMT established in 2004, a knowledge center in campus II to provide researcher and information seekers with quick answers, through the internet equipped with 45 Pentium IV workstation and a 35 VAST. This knowledge center is the first of its kind in Enugu and IMT believe that technology being a precious baby cannot be transferred but developed indigenously. However, through foreign aid in area of books and equipment donation, indigenous talents could e developed to manufacture products, which are relevant to Nigeria’s technological development.
The research is therefore, aimed at finding the effect is disengagement on the morale of the skill employed workforce of the institution. That is, if they felt threaten and their moral is high and they have because more productive because of the exercise.

The containi9ng economic depression which Nigeria has been passing through for some years now has compelled citizens, industrial and business establishments big and small to take for measures in the struggle for survival the economic depression such as:
1.    The difficult and stringent conditionality which Nigeria government must meet before IMF loan in given.
2.    Delay in passing the budget estimate in Nigeria
3.    Delay in giving subvention to parastatals. The successive disengagement exercises currently taking place in Nigeria public service poses economic and social problems.
According to Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary (1983:107) Retrenchment is the act of cutting down expenses, live more cheaply.
While disengagement means to tree (oneself) from an engagement, to reduces amount or curtail expenses in order to economize, it could also be seen as the act of terminating the services of a worker, when the job ceases to exist, usually as a result of technology, political is a recent phenomenon in the  history of public service in Nigeria started in the middle 70’s by then military head of state as a result of economic recession during the period.
According to Adebayo (1974:113) there was a general purge (in 1975) of the public service in which though the intention was laudable, the execution left-mush to be desired. The good were thrown out with the bad. Those who survived the hole cast were told that their advice would be sought if and when need be and that their main task was to carry out orders handed down to them.
It may not be an overstatement to say that mot developing countries of the world including Nigeria has been going through a recession, but nevertheless the Nigeria case has been a very peculiar situation because, it has resulted in many people losing their jobs.  
Subsequently, in December 31st 1999 out of 2,000 staff. 40 were disengaged and in March 300 staff were also disengaged.
In almost all the instance of disengagement of workers, the major reasons have been:-
a.    Years of Service
b.    Poor health condition
c.    Misconduct (French disloyalty etc)
d.    Inefficiency
The above reasons shall be discussed in detail in chapter 2 of this research work.
The problems of this research work is therefore to find out the above claimed reason s for disengagement of workers if the were true reasons for the exercise or not or a combination of other sets of behaviour by a worker and the criteria for selecting them.
In addition, the researcher will also be interest in finding out the effect of this exercise on the remaining workers in the institution, that is if there has been any noticeable change in productivity and in what the direction. The researcher will also focused on the effects on this exercise on the external environment.

Disengagement of workers is an event currently taking place throughout the country. It has reached its heights since the military found themselves into the position of leadership in Nigeria. It is therefore the aim of this study to find out the effect their exercise has no the staff morale and skill of employed workers.
To this end, the researcher will find out, amongst other things:-
a.    Reasons for the disengagement of workers and the criteria for selecting who were to go.
b.    How the staff feel and think about disengagement exercise.
c.    How disengagement affects their productivity and attitude to work, that is work harder because to the fear of losing their job and also if they feel alienated from jobs.
d.    Social and economic consequences of disengagement of workers.
e.    Proffer solutions to the finding of the research.

According to Ile (1999:252) citing Mc Gregory (1960:35-48), developed two theories or assumptions of human behavours namely. Theories X and Y theory.     
The basic assumptions of theory X are: -
1.    Work, if not downright distasteful, is an enormous chore to be performed in order to survive.
2.    The average human being has an inherent dislike of work and will avoid it if he can.
3.    Because of his characteristic dislike of work, most people must be contributed, directed or treated with punishment to put forth adequate efforts towards the achievement of organizational objectives.
4.    The average human being prefers to be directed, wishes to avoid responsibility, has relatively little ambition, and wants security above all.
The basic assumptions of theory Y are:-
1.    The expenditure of physical energy and mental effort in work is as natural as a play or rest.
2.    External control and the threat of punishment are not the only means for bringing about effort towards the achievement of organization’s objectives. Man will exercise self direction and self control in the service of objectives to which he is committed.
3.    Commitment to objectives is a function of the rewards associated with their achievements.
4.    The capacity to exercise a relatively high degree of ingenuity and creatively in the solution of organization problems in widely, not narrowly distributed in the population.
5.    The average human being learns under proper condition not only to accept but seek responsibility.
6.    Under the conditions of modern title intellectual potentialities of the average human being are only partially utilized. According to Olewe et al (1994:168) the level of performance of a and will. A workers ability determines how he can do the work. While the will determines what would do. When the will is positive workers output would increase, but where it is negative, work’s  performance level would be low.
 As a result of the above and in agreement with theory Y above, it is the opinion of the researcher that disengagement of workers shall not be used as a deterrents to the employed staff as this could be counter-productive.  An average human being needs to be motivated and assured of the security of his job to enable him give out best in the achievement of the institution objectives.
This research work will therefore proceed pragmatically on the above theory Y, taking cognizance of the fact that, no one suffering from a feeling of fear and depression can be expected to be efficient at his work (Adebayo 1994:115).
i.    Why were workers in Institute of Management and Technology, Enugu disengaged recently?  
ii.    What are the effects of this disengagement on the morale and productivity of the workers in Institute of Management and Technology, Enugu?  
iii.    What are the possible social and economic consequences of disengagement?
iv.    What alternative action would you have preferred to government?

For quite some years now, disengagement of workers have been the order of the day especially in the public services. It has reached a crises situation since civilian took over of government in this country.
The seriousness of this exercise has made the executives of the Nigerian Labour Congress (NLC) to cry out on behalf of their members to the government, both Federal and State to stop further disengagement of workers, because it is subjecting members of NLC to some very hard conditions and hard untold hardship.
It is based on the above premise that this research is being carried out. Hoping that through the resulting of this research, the true effect of disengagement would be known.  
However, where disengagement is done on the basis of inefficiency, misconduct etc. this works would emphasis the fact that employers do not always disengaged just to save cost or to come out of recession but also, that efficiency, employees are rewarding.
Finally, it is hoped that the research paper would be of help to others who would want to explore the more.
This study will be limited to the Institute of Management and Technology, Enugu. Therefore, the researcher has decided o restrict the scope of this study to the identification and making of recommendations on the problems of disengagement with emphasis on Institute of Management and Technology Enugu State.     
The researcher also covered the 1999-2001 since major disengagement exercise took place within these periods. The researcher will also apply descriptive analysis of findings.  

This has been seen as the act of cutting down expenses in order to  economize.
This has been defined as the mental emotional condition of an individual or group with regard to the function or tasks at hand. Morale is a feeling some what related to a spirit de corps, enthusiasm or zeal (Olewe et al, 1994)
The term misconduct has been defined as improper or unprofessional behaviour to a person or group of people towards on task or assignment.
This is a state of being wasteful (of person (s) wasting time, energy etc, in their work or duties, not producing an adequate result.  

  • Department: Staff Development and Distance Education
  • Project ID: SDE0028
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 75 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: Simple Percentage
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 966
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