• Department: Business Administration and Management
  • Project ID: BAM2933
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 79 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: Chi Square
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1,286
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This research work, examined enhancing entrepreneurship development through the activities of research institutions, a study of Project Development Institute (PRODA). The objectives of the study include; to determine how entrepreneurship development has enhanced Project Development Institute Enugu, to ascertain the extent entrepreneurship development has been enhanced by Project Development Institute Enugu, examine the challenges militating against entrepreneurship development by Project Development Institute Enugu and profer solutions to the challenges militating against entrepreneurship development by Project Development Institute Enugu. The researcher adopted the survey research method The sources of data used were the primary and secondary sources of data. The population of the study was 448 while the sample size of 221 was determined using the Taro Yamane’s formula. The data collected were presented in tables of frequencies, and percentages using the five point likert scale. The hypotheses were tested using the chi-square distribution formula. The findings include that Research institutions have significant influence in entrepreneurship development in Enugu State, entrepreneurship development has been enhanced by Project Development Institute Enugu to a significant extent, Corruption is one of the challenges militating against entrepreneurship development by Project Development Institute Enugu and Provision of fund is a solution to the challenges militating against entrepreneurship development by Project Development Institute Enugu. The researcher concludes that entrepreneurship development can be enhanced through the activities of research institutions and it was  recommended that government should fund research institutions so as to enable them carry out their duties in entrepreneurship development, research institutions in Nigeria should also interact with their counterparts abroad so as to be up to date in the latest research findings, government should also create an enabling environment, where research institutions can display their new technology. and skill acquisition centres should also be opened in many places in Nigeria and they should partner with research institutions in their day to day activities.
1.1     Background of the Study                        
1.2     Statement of the Problem                        
1.3     Objectives of the Study                         
1.4     Research Questions                            
1.5     Statement of Hypotheses                         
1.6     Significance of the Study                        
1.7    Scope of the Study                             
1.8    Limitations of the Study                        
1.9    Operational definition of terms                     
2.1    Conceptual Framework of the Study                
2.2     Theoretical Framework of the Study                
2.3     Empirical Review                             
2.4 Summary of Review of Related Literature            
2.5 Gap in the Review of Related Literature             
3.1    Research Design                            
3.2    Sources of Data                            
3.2.1    Primary Sources                            
3.2.2 Secondary Sources                            
3.3    Area of the Study                            
3.4     Population of the Study                        
3.5    Sample Size Determination                     
3.6     Instruments for Data Collection                
3.7    Validity of the Instrument                     
3.8    Reliability of the Instrument                    
3.9     Method of Data Presentation and Analysis        
4.1    Data Presentation and Analysis                 
4.2    Bio-Data                                    
4.3     Data Relating To Research Questions            
4.3.1 Research Question One                        
4.4    Test of Hypotheses                            
4.4.1 Test of Hypothesis One                        
4.4.2 Test of Hypothesis Two                        
4.4.3 Test of Hypothesis Three                    
4.4.4 Test of Hypothesis Four                        
4.5    Discussion of Findings                         
4.5.1 Discussion Based on Objective One                
4.5.2: Discussion Based on Hypothesis Two            
4.5.3: Discussion Based on Hypothesis Three            
4.5.4: Discussion Based on Hypothesis Four            
5.1    Summary of Findings                         
5.2     Conclusion                                 
5.3     Recommendations                             
5.4    Contribution to Knowledge                     
5.5     Suggestions for further Research        
List of References                             
1.1    Background of the Study
The prosperity and progress of a nation, depends on the quality of its people (Adeyemi, 2014:78). If they are enterprising, ambitious, and courageous enough to bear the risk, the community society will develop quickly. Such people are identified as entrepreneurs and their character reflects entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurship is the lifeblood of the Nigerian economy. It is the cradle of job and wealth creation in the most innovative ways.
In the words of Timus (2016:93) entrepreneurship is no monopoly of any religion or community. Entrepreneurial potential can be found and developed any where irrespective of age, qualification, experience, or socio-economic background, only efforts are required in the right direction.
The need for sharing knowledge between research institutions and industries has become increasingly evident in recent years (Johnson, 2015:145). Historically, research institutions were perceived as a source of new ideas and industry offered a natural route to maximizing the use of these ideas. However, the past decade has seen a significant change in the roles of both parties. Many companies are developing open innovation approaches to research and development, combining in-house and external resources, and aiming to maximize economic value form their intellectual property, even when it is not directly linked to their core business. In particular, they have begun to treat public research as a strategic resource.
Moreover, it has become clear that research institutions need to play a more active role in their relationship with various industries, in order to maximize the use of the research results. This new role requires specialist staff to identify and manage knowledge resources with business potential, i.e. how best to take a new idea to market, ensure appropriate resources (funding, support services, etc) to make it happen and to obtain adequate buy-in by all stakeholders.
The twenty-first century has been tagged the “entrepreneurial age”. This is because, nations are being shaped by entrepreneurs (men and women who have taken their destinies in their own hands by risking their resources-time, money and energy in establishing and running their own businesses). In words of Ahmed (2014:89), the unacceptable rate of youth unemployment in the country, the low standard of living and the hope of technological transfer, which is tending towards a mirage have led to a renewed interest in entrepreneurship development in Nigeria.
Although several attempts have been made at encouraging entrepreneurial activities in Nigeria in the past, there is no gain saying the fact that these initiatives failed to produce the desired results (Ademola, 2016:78). Various constraints such as poor implementation of government policies, inadequate and inefficient infrastructural facilities and over bearing bureaucracy have been identified as being responsible for this constraints.
A growing body of research suggests that entrepreneurship is influenced by the institutional context. According to this, the institutional environment, defines, creates and limits entrepreneurial opportunities, thus affecting entrepreneurial activity rates. Ile (2014:111), opines that one of the most pervasive factors in the environment is technology. It is Science which provides the knowledge and it is technology that uses it. Technological development begins with basic research, through which a scientist discovers some new phenomenon. Government institutions such as universities and research institutions conduct basic research, while independent entrepreneurs, business firms and some government agencies carry the developments out of the laboratory and into the market place (Ejiofor, 2015:82).
Furthermore, some research institutions have seen the need to set up knowledge transfer offices in recent years, aiming to improve collaboration and exploitation of research results and their uptake by business (Bello, 2016:73). Their success is largely dependent on the skills and competencies of their staff as well as the strategic role assigned to them and their managerial autonomy. The personnel working on knowledge transfer must possess a wide range of skills in order to carry out their task effectively. However, relatively inexperienced staff members are appointed to such positions, and continuous professional development, scarcely exists. It therefore seems that research institutions have under-estimated the extent to which entrepreneurship can be developed through their activities. It is based on this backdrop that the researcher has decided to carry out a research on enhancing entrepreneurship Development through the activities of research institutions with Project Development Institute (PRODA) Enugu, as a case study.
1.2    Statement of the Problem
The consequences of research institutions not playing an active role in entrepreneurship development has led to decline in the number of entrepreneurs in Nigeria. Entrepreneurs have been discouraged when the research institutions do not play an active role in entrepreneurship development and this has equally led to increase in unemployment.   
Moreover, economic development of Nigeria has been affected as innovations are stifled. Nigeria have then become a dumping ground for foreign goods. This is because of lack of potential entrepreneurs as they are not encouraged by the research institutions through innovation. Another effect of entrepreneurs not being encouraged by research institutions is the lack of technological development which has affected entrepreneurship negatively. Entrepreneurs in Nigeria compete with their counterparts in other countries, when there is lack of technological development, entrepreneurs’ loose competitive advantage.     
1.3    Objectives of the Study
The general objective of the study is to examine enhancing entrepreneurship Development through the activities of research institution. However, the specific objectives include.
1.    To determine how entrepreneurship development has been enhanced by Project Development Institute Enugu.
2.     To ascertain the extent entrepreneurship development has been enhanced by Project Development Institute Enugu.
3.    To examine the challenges militating against entrepreneurship development by Project Development Institute Enugu.   
4.    To profer solution to the challenges militating against entrepreneurship development by Project Development Institute Enugu.
1.4    Research Questions
Based on the objectives of the study, some research questions were raised to help guide the study.
1.    How can entrepreneurship development be enhanced by Project Development Institute Enugu?
2.    To what extent has entrepreneurship development been enhanced by Project Development Institute Enugu?   
3.    What are the challenges militating against entrepreneurship development by Project Development Institute Enugu?
4.    What are the solutions to the challenges militating against entrepreneurship development by Project Development Institute Enugu?  
1.5    Statement of Hypotheses  
Based on the research questions, the following hypotheses were formulated. They include:-
Hypothesis One
H1:    Entrepreneurship development can be enhanced by Project Development Institute Enugu.
Hypothesis Two
H1:    Entrepreneurship development has been enhanced by Project Development Institute Enugu to a significant extent.
Hypothesis Three
H1:    Corruption is one of the challenges militating against entrepreneurship development by Project Development Institute Enugu.
Hypothesis Four
H1:    Provision of fund is a solution to the challenges militating against entrepreneurship development by Project Development Institute Enugu.
1.6    Significance of the Study
This research work is very important because, it examines enhancing entrepreneurship Development through their activities of research institutions. Research institutions can benefit from this study, because they will be more enlightened on how to develop entrepreneurship through their activities.
Entrepreneurs will also benefit from this study, because they will know more on the importance of research institutions in their business. The researcher will benefit from this study as it is a partial requirement for the award of a Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Business Administration. The universities will benefit as the research work increases their Data Bank. Finally, the research work serves as a reference material for further research work.
1.7    Scope of the Study
The study covers the extent to which the activities of research institutions have developed entrepreneurship in Nigeria, the challenges militating against developing entrepreneurship through the activities of research institutions and the prospects of entrepreneurship development through the activities of research institutions. The research institution covered is Project Development Institute (PRODA) and the time scope of the study is between 2016-2017.
1.8    Limitations of the Study
The researcher faced some challenges while carrying out this research work. Among them were finance and uncooperative attitude of the respondents.
Finance: The researcher spent some money on transport as Project Development Institute (PRODA) is located at the outskirt of Enugu.
Time: The researcher conducted part of this research work using the time for lectures. This made the researcher to miss some lectures.
Uncooperative Attitude of the Respondents: The respondents of PRODA, were economical with information. They thought the researcher was sent by their managers to get information which could be used to victimize them, but when they confirmed that the research work was for academic purpose, they gave out useful information.
1.9    Operational Definition of Terms
Research Institutions: These are establishments saddled with the responsibility of carrying out research. They are created to facilitate collaborative multi disciplinary research between different faculties and for multi university initiative and to provide research related services to the community.
Entrepreneurship: This can be defined as the manifest ability and willingness of individuals, on their own, in teams, within and outside existing organizations to perceive and create new economic opportunities and to introduce new idea sin the market, in the face of uncertainty and other obstacles.

  • Department: Business Administration and Management
  • Project ID: BAM2933
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 79 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: Chi Square
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1,286
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