• Department: Sociology
  • Project ID: SOC0400
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 64 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: Simple Percentage
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1,686
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This research is undertaken to examine the causes and consequences of delinquency: A Case Study of Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State. The researcher carried out a survey research with questionnaire/interview technique. Method of data analysis is simple percentage. From the research carried out the research was able to discover that some of the problems of juvenile delinquency. And, in addition, improper socialization from homes leads to delinquent act, inability of parents to provide for their children with the required basic needs also leads to delinquent acts.
The researcher therefore recommends the following possible solutions: Firstly, the government should provide enough funds for the remand homes to be able to carryout their rehabilitation exercise successfully. Secondly, the researcher is also suggesting that if any person intends to research on this topic, should be able to carryout the study in more than one remand home to enable the researcher to compare activities done in the different institutions.
1.1    Background of the Study     -    -    -    -    -    -    
1.2    Statement of the Problem     -    -    -    -    -    -    
1.3    Research Questions    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    
1.4    Objectives of the Study    -    -    -    -    -    -    
1.5     Significant of Study    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    
1.6    Definition of  Terms    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    
2.1    Review of Theoretical Literature -    -    -    -    -    -            Review of Empirical Literature      -    -    -    -    -    
2.2        Review of Relevant Theory    -    -    -    -    -    -    
2.4    Theoretical Framework     -    -    -    -    -    -    
2.5    Hypotheses     -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    
3.1    Research Design    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    
3.3     Sample Size    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    
3.4     Sampling Techniques    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    
3.5     Instrument of Data Collection     -    -    -    -    -    
3.6     Method of Data Collection    -    -    -    -    -    -    
3.7     Methods of Data Analysis    -    -    -    -    -    -    
4.1    Socio-Demographic character of respondents    -    -    -    
 4.2     Major Research Issues     -    -    -    -    -    -    
5.1    Summary of Findings      -    -    -    -    -    -    
5.2    Conclusion     -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    
5.3    Implications of Findings for Social Work Practice in Nigeria     -    
5.4    Recommendations    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    
REFERENCES    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    
APPENDIX     -    -    -    -    -    -    -    -    
1.1    Background of the Study
The study of juvenile delinquency concentrates on the participation of children in criminal behaviour (Obarisiagbon, 2009). Juvenile crime in law term, denotes various offenses committed by children under the age of 18. Children’s offense typically includes delinquent acts, which would be considered crime if committed by adults, and status offenses which are less serious misbehavior such as truancy and parental disobedience. Both are within the jurisdiction of juvenile court, more serious offenses committed by minors may be tried in criminal court and be subjected to prison sentences.
Paul Tappan (2007), refers juvenile delinquency to a young person who commits anti-social acts. He went further by saying, juvenile delinquency is defined as an act committed by a child, which if committed by an adult, would be a crime. Therefore juvenile delinquency is any adult crime committed by minor.
Theologians, philosophers, revolutionaries, as well as social scientists have for long pondered over the question of why some individuals deviate from social rules. Theories of some psychological and biological factors that make or differentiate criminals from non-criminal have difficulty in explaining the confrontational behaviour in those who possess the suspected trait or characteristics. Theories constructed in explain habitual criminal activity with delinquent background have been found inadequate to explain episodic acts of crime.
Attempts in early times to explain delinquency have centered on biological and psychological factors which sought to explain crime and delinquency in terms of some deficiencies or imbalances in the individual, Elbert et al. (1935). This approach was infact typical of delinquency. Centered investigation, that led to the emergence of such theories as Lombroso’s “born-criminal “, where physical anomalies such as usually long aims were believed to be associated with crime and delinquency. Moreover, noting that criminals and delinquent behaviour patterns were found under certain conditions than others and in certain areas more frequently than others. Sociologists have moved away from the classical pre-occupations to center their interest on the various kinds of crime conditions and child rearing habits, as possible causes of delinquency.
It is sad to note that, here in Nigeria, the incidence of juvenile delinquency have become a big problem in schools for example, students have been known to organize illegal parties, sometimes at night, fraternities and sorority i.e. ( a female students society in a university or college, (Uwaifo, (2012). They consolidated the perceived plans and positions against constituted authority. They smoke cigarettes, Indian hemp, engaged in excessive drinking as well as illicit sexual relations. The result from indulgence in these excesses is classic indiscipline in schools among our contemporary time s. thus, attracting many comments in most of our national newspapers and magazine. People have not only expressed their concern over these maladies, but have also blamed it on some segments of our society institutions.
At home, disobedience to parents directives, stealing, fighting, damage to properties is but a few of the delinquent acts of the youth. Ugiagbe (2011) Juvenile delinquency is not a problem that is peculiar to Nigeria alone, it is an Global phenomenon,. A significant proportion of juvenile acts are found in many other countries of the world there are statistical data to show the rate of juvenile factor associated with it. As a result of its international nature, much study aimed at discovery the causes and hence treatments of delinquency have been carried out in different parts of the world. Home conditions alone are not the only factors responsible for juvenile delinquency. Association with peer groups, family background, poverty, personality traits and broken home. These associations are justified on the ground that the family has exclusive contact with the child in his period of greatest dependency and flexibility.
1.2         Statement of the Problem
There is an abundant store of folk wisdom, regarding what aspects of the family environment are conducive for delinquent development. Bad parental example, lack of discipline, lack of affection, parents irresponsibility, physical abuse, broken home, deprivation, lack of contact with parents. These ideals still have common occurrences, partly as a legacy of the thinking of the early criminologist studying the influence of the family environment on delinquent development. This was also explained by Omc & Clean (2004/2005) that all children require an environment which meets their basic needs for physical, emotional, intellectual, social and spiritual development. When a child is denied any of these, it may result in negative short term of long term effects, that is, the child turns out to be a deviant, seeking every other means to meet his basic needs, thereby disturbing the peace of the society.
Peer group is another factor that determines youth delinquency. According to       Thiessen, S., (1997) adolescents sometimes prefer the approval of their peer group to school or parental approval as a result, they tend to exhibit some anti-social behaviour tendencies just to please members of the group.
Olajide and Gbadesere (2008), are of the opinion that the child appreciates the peer group, they believe in them than the school authorities (teachers) and the parents. As a result of this, the child will choose to accept the code of conduct shown by his peer group such as telling lies, stealing, cheating, disobedience and unrest in schools.
The federal bureau of investigation reported an arrest rate of violent crime (aggravated assault, robbery and rape) among thirteen to seventeen years old in the united state of nearly 800. Per 100,000 in 1994, in this same year, in England and wales approximately 600 per 100,000 fourteen to sixteen years old were convicted or   cautioned by the police for violent crimes. In Germany 650, per 100,000 fourteen to seventeen years old were suspects in violent crimes in 1994 (Efeltter 1998.) Different approaches aroused in scientific and  practical literature on juvenile crime and violence to defined and explain delinquent behavior by young people. To criminologist, juvenile delinquency encompasses all public wrongs committed by young people between the ages 12. (Barnes et al. 1989).
1.3          Research Questions
i.    Does the socio-economic background of a child contribute to being delinquent?
ii.    Does the peer group influence a child delinquent behaviour?
iii.    To what extent does the society contribute to juvenile delinquency?
iv.    Do children from unstable families tend to become delinquent than those from stable families?
1.4         Objectives of the Study
i.    To examine whether socio-economic background could be responsible for being delinquent..
ii.    To examine whether peer group influence a child delinquent behaviour
iii.    To examine the influence of society on child delinquent act.
iv.    To help in providing possible ways/measures in curbing delinquent act among our secondary school students.\
1.5     Significant of Study
 This study specifically examine the effect of juvenile delinquency on secondary school students. It also seeks to examines why secondary school students engage in criminal activities. This study further elucidates the effect of juvenile delinquency on the academic performance of young people. This juvenile delinquency has generated a lot of public outcry and resentment from both government and well meaning Nigerians. It is against this back drop that a research work of this nature will be of benefits to the family, police, social worker, sociologist psychologist and policy makings in understanding the condition that could lead to juvenile delinquency in order to make concerted efforts geared towards and minimizing or curbing delinquent acts among youths.
1.6    Definition of  Terms
Juvenile: Juvenile is a young person psychologically immature or underdeveloped young individual resembling an adult of its kind except in size and reproductive activities.
Juvenile Delinquency: According to Paul Tapan (2007), juvenile delinquency is a young person who commits anti-social act like stealing, cheating, telling lies and disobedience to authorities.
Peer Group: A group of people of approximately the same age, status and interests.
Socio-Economic Background: This is used in this work to mean parental background, as to whether the youth’s parents and poor or rich, educated or uneducated and discriminated against on the basis of ethnic nationality or not.


  • Department: Sociology
  • Project ID: SOC0400
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 64 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: Simple Percentage
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1,686
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