• Department: Theatre Arts
  • Project ID: THA0069
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 45 Pages
  • Chapters: 4 Chapters
  • Methodology: Simple Percentage
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1,609
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The new media otherwise known as the social media is the focus of this study. It is an impact assessment research using the students of Federal University Oye-Ekiti as its study sample. The social media platforms included in this project includes; Facebook, Instagram, Whatsapp and Biogs. Youths, especially undergraduates are the target of the study. The research explores how much quality time youths spend on social media interactions. The method used in carrying out the research is the opinion poll method. It is observed that students spend most of their time chatting and browsing online rather than pay attention to their studies. The research submits that if the recommendations made receive adequate attention, youths will waste less time on irrelevant media platforms to the benefit of their education and future career.



1.0 Introduction .......................................................

1.1 Background to study ................................................

l.2 Purpose of study .....................................................

1.3 Significance of study ................................................

1.4 Scope of study ......................................................

1.5 Limitations of study ................................................

1.6 Objectives of study .................................................

1.7 Methodology .........................................................

1.8 Research questions ...................................................



2.1 Evolution of the computer .......................................

2.2 Historical Evolution of lnternet. ................................

2.3 The New Media ......................................................

2.4 Communication Theory ...........................................

2.5 Importance of Effective Communication ...........................

2.6 Empirical Literature ....................................................

2.7 The Perception Theory ..................................................

2.8 The Concept of Social Media ...........................................

2.9 The Concept of eeds and Gratification ...............................

2.10 Theoretical Framework ..................................................



3.1 A brief history of Federal University Oye-Ekiti ..............................

3.2 Federal University Oye-Ekiti students and social media ........................

3.3 Analyzing the opinion poll. ......................................................

3.4 An Assessment of the Impact of Social Media ...............................


4.1 Summary.............................................................. 39

4.2 Recommendations................................................... 39-40

4.3 Conclusions ............................................................ .40




The computer/internet age introduced the world to a new wave of communication that was never experienced prior to the invention of computer. The focus of this project is

the impact  on youths,  of the new platforms of information dissemination and the effects

of the interactions thus created  by the new fad called the social media.

Social media  are computer-mediated tools  that  allow  people to create,  share  or

exchange information, ideas,  and  pictures/videos in  virtual communities and  networks.

Social media is  defined as "a  group of Internet-based applications that build on  the

ideological and  technological foundations of  the  World Wide Web (simply called  the

web), such that allows the creation and  exchange of  user-generated content" Kaplan

Andreas,  Haenlein  Micheal(6 l).

Furthermore, social media depends on  mobile and  web-based technologies to

create highly  interactive platforms through  which individuals and communities share, co-

. create, discuss,  and modify  user-generated content.  They introduce substantial changes to

communication between businesses, organizations, conununities, and individuals. Social

media  differ from traditional or industrial media  in many ways,  including quality,  reach,

frequency, usability,  immediacy  and permanence. Social media operates in a dialogic transmission system, many sources to many

receivers. This is in contrast to  traditional media that operates w1der  a  mono-logic

transmission model one source to many receivers. Murthy, Dhiraj (7-8)

Social media has been broadly defined to refer to 'the many relatively inexpensive and widely accessible electronic tools that enable anyone to publish and access information, collaborate on a common effort, or build relationships

There are  many effects that stem from internet usage. According to  Nielsen,

internet users continue  to spend more time with social media sites than any other type of

site.  At the  same  time,  the  total  time  spent  on social  media  in the U.S.  across  PC  and

mobile  devices  increased by 99 percenrto 121 billion minutes  in July 2012 compared  to

66 billion  minutes  in July 2011. For content  contributors, the benefits  of participating in

social media have gone beyond simply social sharing  to building  reputation  and bringing

in career  opportunities and  monetary income,  as discussed by Tang,  Gu, and  Whinston


Basically,  social media is expressed  as making use of the internet and some of the

examples of social networks are the likes of Facebook, Whatsapp, blackbeny messenger, Instagra01 e.t.c. It is also important to note that 'Social Media' is a new media agent

unlike the Television and Radio set that had been in existence  earlier.

Social media is  also the theoretical construct which is  useful even in  the  social

sciences- and not just the arts; to study relationships between individuals, groups,

organjzations or  even  the  entire society.  The  term  is used  mainly to  describe a social

structure determined by interactions. The tie through which any given social unit

connects  represents the convergence of the various  social  contacts  of that unit instead of the  properties of these units  themselves. Thus, one  common criticism of social network

theory is that individual agency is often ignored although this may not  be  the case in

practice. Precisely because many  different types of relations singular or  in combination

fom1 these  network configuration.

This study takes a look at the impact of social media on the students of  Federal

University Oye-Ekiti with a view to  ascertain the  nature of social media with  the  most

. impact,  its objectives as well as the positive  and negative effects  it has on them


Since the inception of computer internet, the mode of communication has

changed from  the  regular forms  of communication via phone calls  or exchange of letters

using  the  post offices. Social media has made it easier  and  less strenuous for individuals

to communicate as one can be in his sitting  room  in Nigeria and reach  a fellow  who  is out

of the country  just sitting and  chatting via cell phone, laptop or other  gadgets. This  form

of communication has also  helped  to manage financial resources as one does  not have to

travel  through a far distance using  huge amount  of money  for transport in other to interact

as desired.


The  purpose of this research is to take a critical look at the word  'Social media', what  it

entails as a whole, the various types  of social networks available, how  they  operate and

essentially , how they have affected the lives of youths most especially university

students. Students of  Federal University Oye-Ekiti form a  paradigm of  other students

anywhere in the world.


This study is embarked upon the hope that it will help enlighten the youths on what social media entails, how it evolved as well as the positive and negative impacts of social media on their day to day lives. Furthermore, to enable youths make use of social media not just for pleasure purposes but as an instrument for improving their behavioral patterns.


The scope of this research work is within the limit of social media agents such as Facebook, twitter, Whatsapp, badoo, instagram, blackberry messenger, biogs e.t.c. Any other media forms other than the ones mentioned are not being included in the research work.


Due  to the fact  that  social media  is a newly  invented form  of media  and  has not been

deeply worked on  by  researchers; there  are  limited materials for  this  work.  Therefore

some  aspects might  not  be deeply  touched. All  opinion  polls  gathered for  this  work  is

submitted as audio disc attached to the project and not fully transcribed as a result of allotted research report space.


This research work aims at making youth understand what social media is To understand how it came into existence,

The negative  and positive  impacts, To unveil the level of harm that social media have done.

Assessment of the effects on writing skills, Psychological, emotional, social and

educational impact.


Basically,  relevant  information for this study was gathered  using library resources  as well as opinion poll method.


Do you make use of social media?

How much time do you spend on social media?

Do you browse  in class?

When you stroll on the streets do you chat?

Do you think social media affects your writing skills?

If yes, how does it affect your writing skills?

Do you  find  yourself irrestibly drawn  co social media?

  • Department: Theatre Arts
  • Project ID: THA0069
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 45 Pages
  • Chapters: 4 Chapters
  • Methodology: Simple Percentage
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1,609
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