• Department: Political Science
  • Project ID: POL0446
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 80 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: Simple Percentage
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1,210
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The problems of political parties in the consolidation of democracy in Nigeria has been of serious concern. In the course of carrying out the research some fundamental objectives were examined, such as: The role effectiveness of political parties in Nigeria, impacts of political parties in consolidating Nigeria democratic system and ways political parties can consolidate the democratic system. From the following, the study used primary and secondary sources of data collection and simple percentage was used for data analysis. Furthermore, the findings revealed that political parties are seriously engaged in political recruitment, political education, interest aggregation for the consolidation of democracy in Nigeria amongst others. Finally, the study recommended amongst others: that electoral violence should be avoided as it is against the norms and values of Nigeria democratic system.

Chapter one

1.1 background of the study

In the annals of Nigeria fourth republic, political parties have played crucial role of institutionalizing a sustainable democratic machinery that have continue to elude the country and its people through the feeding of candidates for periodic elections. It has been discovered that political parties and regular or periodic elections plays all sort of role in the development of the people and their nations democratic system. 

On the other hand, Democracy which is defined as a peoples government swept through the entire Africa continent in the 1990’s and subsequently gave birth to a wave of multi-party system and elections. Huntingtopn (1996) stated that in the coming years, more countries will undoubtedly move towards democracy and some transitions will occur and this prediction came into reality since 1999 to date in Nigeria. Democracy is a form of government in which the people elect representative to carry out their interest in government.

The world has witnessed a phenomenal shift from authoritarian style of governance to democratic rule, the fact still remains that state is no longer interested in interaction with other state where democracy is not practiced. It then folloes that any country desirous of relevance within the worlds system must be seen as democratic compliance. Africa States are not left out in those development.

The global recognition of democracy eventually paced way for the rebirth of democratic government in Nigeria. On May 29th 1999, the struggle for democratic government in Nigeria during military era was almost the same as anti-colonial struggle. This is because both the promoter and supporter of democracy in Nigeria are highly committed and dedicated before the transition came into reality. In the process of achieving it, many of them lost their lives, some were even detained while those who escaped went on exile (saliu,2004)

Now that democracy has become Nigeria public good, credible institutions are required to defend the system. It is on this context that democratic consolidation and sustainability becomes imperative. Thus democracy requires among others the supportive structure such as political parties. These political parties serve as mediating institutions through which differences in ideas, interest and perceptions of political problem at a given time can be managed (Omotola, 2010).

The strength and effectiveness of political parties is directly proportional  to the degree of resilience democracy enjoyed. It is against this background that this study is concerned with the role of political parties in the contribute to the survival and consolidation of democracy in Nigeria with special focus on the Nigeria fourth Republic. 


So much have been said in Nigeria and popular discourse of the polity is often centered on the clam that Nigeria is consolidating its democracy. However the evidence on the ground contradicts this claim {Momoh, 2013). It is perhaps most appropriate to liken the relationship between political parties and the sustenance of democratic rule in a particular society to that which exists between the umbilical cord and the foetus (Yagboyaju, 2012). Political parties are at the heart of examine the health of any form of democracy(Orji, 2013). From the view of Momoh (2013), to talk about democracy is to talk about a system of competitive political parties, having their roles and activities critical in any assessment of democratic practices. Furthermore, it is obvious that parties have the mandate to produce the right caliber of people to govern.

Competitive party and electoral politics is expected to deepen and consolidate the democratic transition, which the country embarked upon in May 29th 1999 (Jinadu,2013).

Unfortunately, the system is till marred with challenges such as political crisis, corruption, political leadership of self-interest, bad governance, socio-economic and political inequality and inability to deliver on the electioneering campaign promises. This has led to massive under development of democracy and every sector in the country Nigeria.

The carious challenges facing Nigeria democracy need to be addressed. In the light of this, the researcher deems it fit to ascertain the role been played by political parties sustainable democratic political system in Nigeria. 


1. To examine the role-effectiveness of political parties in Nigeria.

2. To ascertain the impact of political parties in consolidating Nigeria democratic system

3. To proffer ways political parties can consolidate the democratic system in Nigeria.


1. What are the role-effectiveness of political parties in Nigeria

2. What are the impacts of political parties in consolidating Nigeria democratic system.

3. What are the ways political parties can consolidate the democratic system in Nigeria.


1. To what extent have political parties played the role of political education in the Nigeria political system?

2. To what extent have political parties performed the functions of interest articulation and aggregation in the Nigeria democratic system?

3. To what extent have political parties provides the platform for the recruitment of political leaders?

4. To what extent have political parties bring about political stability in the Nigeria democratic system?

5. To what extent have political parties been able to provide the link between the government and the people?

6. Have the functions of political parties been able to strengthen or consolidate the democratic system in Nigeria?

7. Have the political parties been able to fulfill their electoral campaign promises?

8. Have the structures and formation of political parties been able to consolidate Nigeria democracy?

9. Have multi-party political system been able to consolidate Nigeria democracy?

10. Have the political parties manifesto been able to consolidate Nigeria democracy?

11. Have party polities been able to consolidate Nigeria democracy?


The study will go a long way in sharpening the formation of policy by the government, whereby the role of political; parties are clearly defined and they are given free hand to operate. The findings will put the government on a track of good policy that will be of benefits to the political parties and the electorate. Also political parties will equally be able to help in the consolidation of democracy. A critical analysis on the role of political parties in in the consolidation of democracy will for a long way in educating the general public, this is because majority of the people are not conversant with the role of political parties in the state, some just see it as a platform that’s brings out candidates during election, or as a social platform that one needs to belong to. And some of the people have little or no idea about the role of political parties.

However, this study will serve as a document that will educate the general public that apart from bringing out candidates for periodic elections, the political parties also play other active roles or function like educating the masses on their political rights, representing their interest in government, creating awareness about polities in the state, amongst others. An effective study on the role of political parties of this type will enable parties to be able to develop or intimate good manifestos that will enhance the consolidation of democracy.

Furthermore, political parties are not left behind in the discussion of a true democracy, because it is seen that political party is a platform that brings out a credible candidate for the actual practicalization of democracy, it is to say that political parties has a relationship with democracy. Thus, the political parties will be refined or restricted in order to consolidate Nigeria democracy. Therefore, the study will add to the existing body of literature in polities, thus it will also serve as a secondary data essential to the study of politics. 


The scope of the study is restricted to Edo state, Nigeria. Therefore the role of political parties in Edo state will be examined in the light of their consolidation of democracy in Nigeria from 1999 – 2015.

While the limitation of study includes financial constraints the hectic procedure in the collection of data and the time frame available. The financial constrains were overcame by creating a financial budget that covers all expenses that was incurred based by creating a financial covers all expenses that was incurred base on the available financial resources. On the collection of data, the respondents were given a specific time to return feedback/questionnaires. Then the time frame was meant with due to the speedy conclusion of the research work. 


1.8.1 political parties

A political party refers to an organized group of people who share similar political opinions, principles, interest and belief with the main aim of gaining political power trough election and governing the country.

Political parties have ideology they intend to implement when they come to power. Political parties serve as machinery for political recruitment in the country. Furthermore, they intend to influence the general public through public opinion, propaganda, electioneering campaign etc and contest an election in order to gain control over the machinery of government. Political parties are mostly concerned with the expression of choice induced by preference. 

1.8.2 Democracy

Democracy refers to a system of government based on popular consent, where majority wins the cote. As a system of government in which all qualified adult’s citizens share the supreme power directly or through their elected representatives. In view of Abrahams Lincoln democracy as the government of the people, by the people and for the people.

Democracy is derived from the Greek words “demos” meaning “the people” and “kratis” meaning “rule”, the combination means rule by the people. Democratic system of government started in the ancient Greek city state. Democracy affords the citizens the maximum freedom and opportunity to choose their representatives in government at defined regular interval, through the conduct of periodic elections, this method suggest the existence of different political parties, an election process, free and fair competition between competitors seeking to hold political office on behalf of the larger citizen of the state through the existence of franchise of the citizens (Nyerere, 1965).

1.8.3 consolidation

Consolidation refers to the process of causing something to become stronger, united and more certain, strengthen. 

  • Department: Political Science
  • Project ID: POL0446
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 80 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: Simple Percentage
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1,210
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