• Department: Cooperative Economic
  • Project ID: CEM0054
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 36 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: simple percentage
  • Reference: NO
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 3,341
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CHAPTER ONE                                                                                                       
1.1              Introduction                                                               
1.2              Background Of The Study                                                    
1.3              Statement Of The Study                                                                    
1.4              Purpose Of The Study                                                                                   
1.5              Significance Of The Study                                                                
1.6              Research Question                                                                             
1.7              Limitations of the study.                                                                               
Literature Review                                                                                          
2.1              Meaning Of Co-Operative                                                     
2.2              What Is Poverty                                                                                             
2.3              The Effects Of Poverty                                                                     
2.4              How Co-Operative Can Be Used To Alleviate Poverty        
2.5              Types Of Co-Operative                                                                     
2.6              Importance Of Co-Operative                                                 
Research Design And Methodology                                                             
3.1              Research Design                                                                                            
3.2              Method Of Data Collection                                                               
3.3              Population Of The Study                                                                               
3.4              Sample Size                                                                                                    
3.5              Method Of Data Analysis                                                                 
Data Analysis / Presentation                                                              
4.1              Research Questions                                                                
Findings And Discussions                                                                             
5.1              Summary Of Findings                                                                                   
5.2              Recommendations                                                                                         
5.3              Conclusion                                                                                         
1.1              BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY
In this chapter, the following issues will be discussed: Background of the study, Statement of the problems, Purpose of the study, Research questions, Scope of the study, Limitations of the study etc.
Co-operatives is sometimes regarded as an autonomous association of persons united voluntarily to meet their common economic, social and cultural needs and aspirations through a jointly owned and democratically controlled enterprise. They are based on values of self help, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity. Co-operative members believe in ethical values of honesty, openness, social responsibility and caring for others.
However, people pool themselves and their resources together as a result of their inability to solve their problems by themselves. This inability of individuals militates against the economic development of the society and this leads to the common man. Adequate measure and policy should be put in place as a solution. The government of Nigeria has tried to alleviate poverty through the introduction of several programmes and measures. To better the lives of the masses the Nigeria government a lot of programme such as Family Support Programme (FSP). Better Life Programme for the Rural Women (BLW). Family Economic Advancement Programme (FEAP)etc. The government had also intensified co-operative society as channel through which these programmes could be implemented properly. Co-operative is also seen as the means through government incentives and aids can get to the grass roots level and proper result achieved.
It is however at this point that this project tends to review the role of co-operative in poverty alleviation.
Many advance societies have embraced the co-operative form of enterprise while other are embracing it at a fast rate. This is based on the belief that the organization has a lot to offer. No doubt, co-operative can enhance the standard of living of people. Historically, co-operatives have developed in response to some difficult situation. The under-privileged people can gather together to protect themselves by providing things through joint action.
 The general low income of most people in the rural areas is a pre-requisite for group action. Co-operative organization is seen by the government as a tool that is capable of supplementing government efforts in raising developmental capital and thereby assisting the growth of the economics.
Poverty no doubt militates against economic development and it is also one of the causes of the suffering of the masses hunger mass exploitation and other social problems such as prostitution, bribery, rituals, armed robbery, adulteration of goods and services, corrupt practices, drug addiction, frustration illiteracy, child abuse, high morality rate and other corrupt practices which people engage themselves in other to get rich quick.
Poverty in its simplest term means people with low income. Infact, the concept of the poverty has been a topic of debate in the past and in the present. The place of co-operative in the developed nations.
Co-operative in developing nations is trying to bring job opportunities can be created by co-operative. Directly and indirectly co-operative can improve standard of living and among others. Co-operative is no doubt can contribute to poverty alleviation.
1.3              PURPOSE OF THE STUDY
The major aim of this project is to bring to x-ray the role of co-operative in alleviation of poverty in Enugu state.
Specifically, this project also aim at:
1.                  To show the relationship between government and co-operative societies toward poverty alleviation.
2.                  To show the importance / role of co-operative in poverty alleviation.
3.                  To approve yet co-operative is the medium through which the weak and oppressed members of the society can reach the government
4.                  To examine the involvement of co-operative in implementing government programme on poverty alleviation.
5.                  To enlighten to the people on the importance of group effort.
6.                  To identify co-operative activities that can create job opportunities, reduce poverty, increase the standard of living and ultimately reduce mass illiteracy etc.
7.                  To identify the type of co-operative.
The following are the significance of this research.
It is significant to policy makers who may be interested in formulating policy in poverty alleviation.
It is significant to the general public who may discover what their co-operative can do to change the lives. Other researchers will definitely benefit. This, it will provide source for other researchers on the same and related topics.
It is important to the co-operative movement thus useful information revealed will project the movement.
1.5              RESEARCH QUESTION.
The researcher is not left. It forms part of the requirements for the award of National Diploma. The research questions include the following:
1.                  What does one achieve from co-operative society?
2.                  What percentage of those in Enugu state belongs to low income, middle and high level?
3.                  What categories of people constitute majority of the co-operative society?
4.                  How does the co-operative society reduce the level of illiteracy?
5.                  Do you think co-operative can really alleviate poverty?
6.                  What motivated you to join co-operative society?
7.                  What are the activities of co-operative in Enugu state.
1.6              SCOPE OF THE STUDY
The scope of this research is to redress how co-operative society can be an instrument for poverty alleviation in Enugu state. The contribution of co-operative in alleviating poverty in Enugu state will be discussed. Ministry of Manpower Development and poverty Reduction co-operative decision will be restored as well as members and executives members of selected co-operative societies.

  • Department: Cooperative Economic
  • Project ID: CEM0054
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 36 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: simple percentage
  • Reference: NO
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 3,341
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