• Department: Library Science
  • Project ID: LIS0119
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 91 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: Simple Percentage
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1,795
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This study examined “the preservation and conservation practices in Fce, Zaria library for effective academic activities” It identifies the Concept of Preservation and Conservation, types of information resources, preservation and conservation practices in federal college of education library, Zaria. Need for libraries adoption of preservation and conservation practices, challenges associated with preservation and conservation in the federal college of education library, Zaria. Strategies for the enhancement of preservation and conservation in the federal college of education libraries. The research method used in this project study is survey research method. In a survey method, questionnaires are the main instrument for data collection. Frequency tables and percentages are the main tools used for data analysis. Results of the analysis showed that Books i.e Textbooks, Reference books eg Dictionaries are Available Materials Resources in FCE Zaria library, Appenridicals i.e Journals¸ Projects, Theses and dissertations, Special Collections i.e Archival materials, Manuscripts are available. Clearing and dusting of library resources, Binding of library resources, Proper shelving of books to allow free flow of air¸ Provision of enough security personnel are the preservation and conservation practices used in FCE, library Zaria. To train and develop staff appropriately in preservation and conservation techniques and conservation techniques¸ to promote and encourage best practices in records management, to promote an end to wasteful use of non renewable information resources¸ to make library resources accessible, to enhance long term survival library resources. To provide security and safety library resources, to provide equipment to promote the original materials while in use, To provide an extremely attractive environment for the use of books. To provide means for adequate electricity supply, fan and air conditioner in the library, to enhance education of library users as well as members of library staff on the best way of handling library resources are the factors constituting the practice. Inadequate funding, Lack of equipment¸ Inadequate infrastructure, Lack of preservation and conservation policy are the problems associated with preservation and conservation in FCE Zaria library. Recommendations were proffered and some of the recommendations are: The management should be provided with enough funds to enhance preservation and conservation for better academic activities. Adequate ICT facilities to enhance preservation and conservation for better academic activities. Adequate infrastructure to enhance preservation and conservation for better academic activities. Equipments to enhance preservation and conservation for better academic activities.

CHAPTER ONE             INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background to the Study Preservation   and   conservation   are   essential   library   activities   which   when   wellimplemented has the capability of sustaining and promoting library activities for a very longtime. However, preservation is often used interchangeably with conservation, besides; there is asubtle   difference   between   the   two.   Preservation   suggests   that   natural   resources   will   be   leftundisturbed, while conservation usually indicates some resource management. The process ofpreservation and conservation are applied to safeguard the library materials from further decayand deterioration. Preservation is the process in which all actions are taken to check and retarddeterioration where as conservation includes proper diagnosis of the decayed materials, timelycurative treatment and appropriate prevention  from further  decay. In  effect, these  two termscould be used inter-changeably. In other words, ‘Preservation’ and ‘Conservation’ depicts theactivities   which   libraries   use   for   the   maintenance   and   sustenance   of   library   resources   andfacilities which could be human or material (Abudulkadir, 1996).On the other hand, “conservation is also seen as an occurrence of improvement by virtueof preventing loss or injury or other change. Similarly, Popoola (2003) defined conservation aspolicies   and   operations   embarked   upon   by   the   managers   of   libraries   and   with   the   aim   ofincreasing   the  life span  of  their information resources by   preventing   damage   or   remedyingdeterioration.   He   further   explained   that   it   may   also   be   seen   as   direct   physical   interventionarresting or showing down deterioration of library resources. However, Anjaiah (2008) stressedthat conservation is about good house-keeping, learning how to handle and store resources to do1

the least damage, not subjecting it to unnecessarily heavy use and ensuring that back-up or safetycopies exist. Therefore, conservation is a preventive but active measure, for doing something tothe material, not putting it in the wrong environment, not handling or touching the surface orrunning material through faulty equipment which will scratch and damage it.The history of college of education library, Zaria is attached to the college history sincethe college of education was established with the library, the Federal College of Education Zaria,formerly   known   as   the   advanced   teachers’   college,   Zaria   through   the   Federal   Ministry   ofEducation,   realized   the   cardinal   importance   of   educational   development   to   a   nation   newlyattaining political independence, appointed a commission under the chairmanship of Sir EricAshby, master of Clare College, Cambridge, to investigate the needs of Nigeria significantlyentitled “Investment in Education”, by   the government of Nigeria in 1961, presented a whitepaper for a possible increase in the enrolment of existing secondary schools and the building of600 new ones, with an annual intake of pupils rising from 12,000 to 45,000. Therefore, acting onthe recommendation of the Ashby commission, the Government of the former Northern regionestablished   a   Northern   Secondary   Teachers   “College”   in   Zaria.   The   Northern   RegionalGovernment through the federal Government, requested the United Nations Special Fund forassistance. The request was granted and a plan of operation was drawn up, which was formallysigned in March 1963 by the Federal Government of Nigeria, the United Nations Special fundand   UNESCO.   Authorization   to   start   operations   was   given   in   May   1963,   but   the   Collegeaccompanied with the library was formally opened on 1st November (Ridwan, 2015). For purposes of federal colleges of education, academic activities include, but are notlimited   to:   physically   attending   a   class   where   there   is   an   opportunity   for   direct   interactionbetween   the  lecturer and   students;   submitting  an academic   assignment;   taking   an   exam, an2

interactive tutorial or computer-assisted instruction; attending a study group that is assigned bythe school; participating in an online discussion about academic matters and initiating contactwith a faculty member to ask a question about the academic subject studied in the course.Academically activities do not include activities where a student may be present, but notacademically engaged, such as: living in institutional housing; participating in the school’s mealplan;   logging   into   an   online   class   without   active   participation   or   participating   in   academiccounseling or advisement.In view of the above, there is the need to understand the inherent physical compositionand structure of an  item along with the permanence and durability of its component materials inthe federal college of education, Zaria of Nigeria. Moreso, the need to determine the physical andchemical composition, the environment in which they are stored and their history of use andabuse are necessary in these federal college of education, Zaria library in Nigeria. The libraryprovide and maintain means of information that are of interest to their parent institution, providethe   study   of   the   objectives   of   their   parent   institutions,   get   involved   in   preparation   andpublications of books, records reports or otherwise as may be desired by their parent bodies.However, the library in a bid to meet the set objectives of the college provide a wide range ofresources and services, which include monographs, textbooks, reference documents, audio-visualresources and other equipment like computer and internet facilities, current awareness services,abstracting and indexing services and a comfortable reading environment (Abudulkadir, 1996).

  • Department: Library Science
  • Project ID: LIS0119
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 91 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: Simple Percentage
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1,795
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