Library stock system is a fast growing company since the ancient methods of maintaining it are no longer dynamic and efficient, for expeditious retrieval and dissemination of information and better services for the client, application of modern techniques have become absolutely indispensable. This project focuses on developing software for a web based library stock management system which can enable the librarian to record all the books stocked in the library and also assign. The objectives of this is to build a web database for storing books stocked in the library, also to develop a web base system which will help to manage and record books borrowed and returned in the library, to assign every book unique identification number. The method used in developing this software is the waterfall model.The researcher used this methodology in the design of the software and it was implemented using sublime text on a Microsoft windows operating system using basic HTML codes, PHP, CSS and MySQL language for the relational database. The result gotten from this project was a web based library stock management system.