• Department: Accounting
  • Project ID: ACC2158
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 30 Pages
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 826
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National Insurance corporations of Nigeria (NICON) has its own method of making decision, ways of co-ordinating activities of the undertakings, ways of communication, information and ideas and ways of evaluating the success of enterprise in meeting its objective, just as very other organsiation.
Every institution requires management. Some managers tends to be more effecting while other tends to be lonys, but management, good or bad is universal and of great importance in any organisation.
To understand better what insurance management is, the definition of management would be applies to insurance management because, management is management every where, it is dynamic and universal, and no clear-cut definition has been a warded to insurance management. This research thus, tends to work cerifically on the management problems facing the National insurance corporation of Nigeria (NICON). The company is a federal Government owned company which is also been financed by them, that is, the federal Government of Nigeria unfortunately, the smooth running of the company was the wanted due to multiples of managerial problems. However the researcher has strongly carried out an investigation to identify the managerial problems facing the National Insurance Corporation of Nigeria (NICON), and also to define remedy to overcome the ugly management problems facing the company.
1.0Literature Review
Literature review will center on management a process in business generally and the business of insurance.
2.1Management  As A process in Business as the world business centers increases there tends to be way  of handling people and the affairs of this business in such a way as to secure satisfaction result, and the act of doing this is called “MANAGEMENT” its importance should be obvisous whether insurance or any other businss that may be concern. Management is the act of arts. Because, it is the organizer of people. According to willam f. gluck , management is said to be the effective utilization of human and material resources to achieve enterprise objectives, in the words of Herbert Taylour, “Management is the driving force that inspires an undertaking knit it into an entilty and conditions and the relationship which bring about the full use of all its powers and resources.
According to Akpak: management is the process of combining and utilizing or allocating organisation input (men, material and money) by planning, organisg directing and controlling for the purpose of producing output (goods and services or what ever the objects are) desired by customers so that the organisation objectives are accomplished. 
Management in the Nigeria contert is the job of every body including beggars and civil servant is buttiess this argument, “Ask most Nigerias how they are doing and the automatic response is “well, we are managing”. As the case may be, to define management as a process in business in Nigeria business circle is to talk about the art of trying to cop with every day problem.
The process of management in business can be carried out through the different functions of management as.
Planning:- it established the framework or boundaries in which people make decisions and carry out actions in the future. It determine what is to be done in the future and to what end. Planning therefore, anticipates furture events,
Problems and relationship and in this ways planning involues the following steps.
1.Develops a service of alternative approaches by which a superior mentiors or check current operation and compares results to goals and other standards of performance established during the planning period. It from check it is seen that current activities and standards, corrective actions is required to get things back on path.

  • Department: Accounting
  • Project ID: ACC2158
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 30 Pages
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 826
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