• Department: Accounting
  • Project ID: ACC2136
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 64 Pages
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  • Format: Microsoft Word
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 INTRODUCTION   A  Geographical  Information  System  (GIS)  is  a  system  of hardware,  software  and  procedures  to  facilitate  the  management, manipulation,  analysis,  modeling,  representation  and  display  of geo‐referenced  data  to  solve  complex  problems  regarding  planning and management of resources. Functions of GIS include data entry, data  display,  data  management,  information  retrieval  and  analysis. The  applications  of  GIS  include  mapping  locations,  quantities  and densities,  finding  distances  and  mapping  and  monitoring  change. There are mainly three categories of geographic positioning systems to determine or track a user’s location, which have been designed and proposed over the years. These systems are mainly three categories:   Global  Positioning  System,  Wide-area  Location  System  and Indoor  Positioning  System.  Global  Positioning  System  (GPS) receives  signals  from  multiple  satellites  to  determine  the physical location of a user. 

2  The limitation for this system is that it is inefficient for indoor use; alongside  in  urban  areas  it  often  possesses  difficulties  in  receiving signals where high buildings shield the satellite signals.  Wide-area  location  systems  are  mainly  based  on  cellular networks  that  involve  measuring  the  signal  strength,  the  angle  of signal  arrival  and/or  the  time  difference  of  signal  arrival.  The positioning  information  in  wide-area  location  systems  is  highly limited by the cell size or cell coverage.  Several  approaches  have  been  proposed  for  indoor  location sensing or indoor positioning system such as infrared sensing, radio frequency, ultrasonic and scene capture analysis. There are also a few technologies  to  use  within  indoor  areas,  such  as  GPS  psudo  lite, ultrasonic  and  cellular-based  systems,  which  need  considerable supporting devices and facilities. Each of these methods has their own advantages  and  disadvantages.  Some  are  expensive  to  implement, while  others  are  not  very  accurate.  The  Active  Badge  is  the  first location  system.  Radar,  well-known  approach,  is  an  RF  (Radio Frequency)  system  for  locating  and  tracking  users  within  large 

3  structures.  The  approach  is  an  empirical  method  and  a  signal propagation  model.  This  procedure  determines  user  location  by combining  signal  strength  measurements  with  signal  propagation models.  RF  signal  strength  within  building  is  affected  by  multipath propagation effects and absorption, resulting  in non-linear behavior. The  results  show  that  the  empirical  method  is  superior  in  terms  of accuracy  with  median  resolution  in  the  range  of  about  3m  and  the signal propagation model has 4.3m accuracy (median), but it makes deployment easier.  The applications of indoor positioning are many, for  instance,  location-finding,  indoor  robots,  inventory  tracking, security, etc.  Geographic  Information  (GI)  represents  information  that  can  be associated  to  a  location  on  Earth,  information  about  nature phenomena, natural, cultural and human resources in general. A GIS (Geographic  Information  System)  represents  an  ensemble  of hardware-software  for  capturing  stocking,  validating,  managing, analyzing and visualizing data that have a geographic reference

  • Department: Accounting
  • Project ID: ACC2136
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 64 Pages
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1,164
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