• Department: Cooperative Economic
  • Project ID: CEM0033
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 78 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: chi saqure
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 5,781
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The study was conducted to examine how unemployment can be reduced through the cooperative movement (A Case Study  of Co-operative Federation of Anambra State), In the course of this investigation, research objective and hypothesis were formulated.  Both primary and secondary data were collected, and data were then presented in a tabular form. Based on the above,   the findings on the topic are as follows: Staff/employee of the sampled cooperative are averagely qualified for their various jobs and they are given opportunities for further training by the cooperative societies. Employee of the sampled cooperative are averagely paid with some necessary allowances. Co-operative societies absorb about 35% of school leavers yearly. There is a continuous education both to the members and the whole public. The researcher’s recommendations include these: Government should make it compulsory for every establishment to have its own cooperative. Government should set up more cooperative banks to give loans to individuals and groups that are prospecting to establish cooperative. In conclusion the researcher deemed it necessary that every hand must be on desk to encourage the establishment of cooperative enterprises, since it is now obvious that the only option left for us is to adopt the socio- economic model of mutual self help.



1.0    Introduction                                                

1.1 Background of the Study                                

1.2      Statement of the Problem                                       

1.3      Objective of the study                                  

1.4      Research  Question                                              

1.5      Significance of the study                                       

1.6      Scope and limitations of the study                  

1.7      Definition  of Terms                                             



2.0    Literature Review                                               

2.1      Definition of  Unemployment                        

2.2      Types Of Unemployment                                     

2.3      Causes Of Unemployment                            

2.4      Benefits Of Co-Operative Society                  

2.5      Role  of cooperative  in  reducing  unemployment

2.6      Consequences of Unemployment                      



3.0    Research Design and Methodology                

3.1 Research   Design                                         

3.2 Area   of Study                                                     

3.3 Population of Study                                               

3.4 Sampling Technique and Sample Size               

3.5 Source of Data                                                     

3.6 Method of Data Collection                                       

3.7 Administration of Instrument                           

3.8 Method of Data Analysis                                         


4.1    Presentation and Analysis of Data                 

4.2    Test of Hypothesis                                     


Summary of Findings, Recommendations And Conclusion    

5.1 Summary of Findings                                     

5.2 Recommendation                                  

5.3    Conclusion                                         




The unemployment rate in Nigeria was last reported at 23.9 percent in 2012. Historically, from 2006 until 2012, Nigeria Unemployment Rate averaged 14.60 Percent reaching an all time high of 23.90 Percent in December of 2012 and a record low of 5.30 Percent in December of 2006. The unemployment rate can be defined as the number of people actively looking for a job as a percentage of the labour force. This year 2012 the Federal government budgeted over N50 billion deal with unemployment yet, unemployment increases on daily basis.  Both the state and federal governments are lunching out a lot of programmes, on small scale business enterprise, yet unemployment is increasing. There is vast unemployment in Nigeria and Anambra State in particular.  After many years of democracy there are graduates of 15 (fifteen) years standing, that room the street in search of white-collar jobs that don’t exist.  Unemployment is still on the increased irrespective of federal government budget to curb the scourge.   However, the fact remains that no country can succeed in providing a reasonable standard of living for her citizens.  It is now obvious that the only option left to us is to adopt the socio – economic model of mutual self help whereby unemployed individuals can voluntarily join together to achieve a common goal through the formation of co-operative enterprise. Co-operative we know plays multiple roles as institutional frame work for allocating scarce resources, stimulating economic growth and enhancing economic welfare.  It raises the income level of the people by providing income earning opportunities.   Many reasons have been given for this critical situation concerning  jobs, and such reasons include rapid growth of population in our country, the movement of capital to the cheap labour and the impact of new technology.  This study will be made up of five chapters, chapter one deals with the introductory part of the study. It will touch on vital subjects such as statement of the problems, purpose of the study, scope of the formulation of hypotheses, theoretical framework, limitation of the study. Chapter two highlights the literature review which is other peoples view on the subject matter, the study will attempt to strike a balance between observation and theoretical concepts and feeling of COFAS in reducing unemployment. Chapter three will deal with the areas covered by the study and the method employed in the analysis of the data that will be collected through research questionnaire, design, selection of sample size, sources of research materials, the research instruments and treatment of data. Chapter four will analyze the collected data and presented them in a simple form as to enhance proper understanding and provide correct statistical testing for the postulated hypotheses in the study using the chi-square. Chapter five will bring about together the summary of findings, incorporating the observed data to make recommendations on how to government will facility the activities of cooperatives societies in other state a part from COFAS. On which recommendation s will be made.




Co-operative is a basis for overall information of citizenry social and economic problems. According to (Berko (1987:), co-operative society is a voluntary and democratic association of persons, with variable membership and variable capital whose members pooled themselves and their resources together on mutual and self help basis to form a business enterprise which seeks to solve the socio-economic problem(s) of these members by directly providing goods and services to them in their capacity as either the owner/customer or owner – employees of the cooperative enterprise.

According to (Amahalu  (2005 :2), cooperative is defined as an association usually incorporated with economic aims, formed by or for persons or co operations, having common needs, approximately equal voice in management, making approximately  equal or proportional contributions to capital, deriving proportionate services and benefits from it.

Co-operative in order to promote the welfare of their members involve themselves in most tangible projects like building of houses, building of schools, building of hospitals, building of recreation centers, markets and building of industries.  Co-operative serves as a hold to company and local development agency; it also seek to provide a community owned structure.


Today, there is vast unemployment in Nigeria and    Anambra state in particular.  After many years of democracy there are graduates of 15 (fifteen) years standing, that room the street in search of white-collar jobs that don’t exist.  Unemployment is still on the increased irrespective of federal government budget to curb the scourge.  In the year 2000 the Federal government budgeted N10 billion and N20 billion  in 2001 to deal with unemployment yet, unemployment increases on daily basis.  Both the state and federal governments are lunching out a lot of programmes, on small scale business enterprise, yet unemployment is increasing.

However, the fact remains that no country can succeed in providing a reasonable standard of living for her citizens.  It is now obvious that the only option left of us is to adopt the socio – economic model of mutual self help whereby unemployed individuals can voluntarily join together to achieve a common goal through the formation of co-operative enterprise.

Co-operative we know plays multiple roles as institutional frame work for allocating scarce resources, stimulating economic growth and enhancing economic welfare.  It raises the income level of the people by providing income earning opportunities.   Many reasons have been given for this critical situation concerning  jobs, and such reasons include rapid growth of population in our country, the movement of capital to the cheap labour and the impact of new technology.


This research has the major objectives of  reducing   unemployment  through the   co – operative  movement (A case  study  of  co-operative federation of Anambra state)

Specific Objectives Include:

1.   To identify the socio – economic characteristic associated with cooperative societies.

2.   To identify the support for modern farming investment for industrial development and expansion of market through cooperative movement.

3.   To examine the volume of unemployment created by cooperative society.

4.   To identify the problems of cooperative movement in creating job opportunities in Nigeria and Anambra state in particular.

5.   To make recommendations on how to improve cooperative societies in order to meet the demand of reducing unemployment.


Do   co-operative   societies exist in  Anambra state ?

To  what  extent  have  co – operatives  contributed  in  socio  - economic  development

 The   contributions  of  co – operative  societies 

The   problem of …………………………..

The  solutions  have to  improve  


There is the need for reducing unemployment in our society and in Anambra state  particular and the only way out is through cooperative movement.  This analytical study shows the extent of some particular proposals for solutions to these problem of unemployment in Anambra state and also serve as a basis for offering, informed suggestions for improvement on its social-economic development and growth.

It is envisaged that the findings, suggestions and recommendations of this study will be beneficial  to all members and non members of co-operative society and government as well.  Specifically, this research will go a long way to encourage people to join co-operative society.

To further the scope of this study, discussion and the possible means of efficient implementation will be based on the followings:

 Enhance economic, social and cultural situation of strata within limited resources and opportunities as well as to promote their initiatives.

Improve social condition and provide social services in the areas of housing, education, electricity, health and communication.

Increase personal and national wealth through campaigning against waste.  It also impact the element for democratic control of economic activity.

Therefore, since cooperative thinks about the enhancement of their members well being as their prime ideology, it has to work towards the achievement of this target.  Also this research study is primarily concerned in addition to the formal pronouncement of cooperative distribution on how to make them functional that is providing as social-economic development and growth thereby creating job opportunities as the prime ingredient to achieving its aim.


A.        cooperative :-  according  to  Amahalu (2005:2)

cooperative   is  defined as   an  association usually  incorporated  with  economic aims,  formed   by  or  for    persons  or  cooperatives,  having  common  needs,  approximately   equal  or  proportional  contributions  to  capital, deriving  proportionate  service  and  benefit  form  it.   

B.        Unemployment:-   According  to  Ewa   Udu  et  al  (1989:  75)  unemployment   is  defined   as  a situation  in  which  persons   capable  and  willing  to  work are  unable  to  find  suitable   paid  employment .  one   cannot   say  precisely   the  number of employment   people  in  our  country  (Nigeria) 

C.        Management:-   is   the  activity  of  running  and  controlling   a business  or  similar  organization

D.        Business:-   is the  activity  of  making,  buying, selling   or  supplying  goods  or  services  for  money.

E.        Enterprise:-   is  the  development  of  business  by  the  people  of  a country  rather  than   by  the government

D.    Movement:-   is  an  act  of  moving  from  place    to   another  or  of  moving  some  thing  from  one  place   to  another .

F.         Initiative:-  means  a new  plan   for  dealing  with  a  particular  problem  or  for  achieving a  particular  purpose


  • Department: Cooperative Economic
  • Project ID: CEM0033
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 78 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: chi saqure
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 5,781
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