• Department: Public Health
  • Project ID: PUH0078
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 40 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: Simple Percentage
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1,589
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Malaria is a mosquito-borne infectious disease of human beings and other animals caused by protists (a type of micro-organism) of the genus Plasmodium. It begins with a bite from an infected female Anopheles mosquito which introduces the protists (sporozoites) through saliva into the circulatory system in the blood; the protists travel to the liver to mature and reproduce (Anyanwu, 2009).

          The malaria parasite, Plasmodium is transmitted from one host to another by the mosquito Anopheles. The parasites are drawn up in to the mosquito’s gut when it sucks the bloodof an infected person and arte transmitted to another host when the mosquito injects saliva into the blood prior to sucking. The Anopheles which is an intermediate host is also functioning as a carrier or vector. The employment of an intermediate or secondary host ensures dispersal of parasites over a wide area (Anyanwu, 2009). Following the bite by aninfected mosquito, the parasite in the form of a slender Sporozoites attacks and reproduces within the liver cells, forming numerous so-called Merozoites.


       There is no gain saying that investigation of magnitude on the effect of malaria on the health of residents living in Dallah Community, Zaria might face stiff difficulties, the reasons of are obvious and these arte:

       Firstly, considering the extent of ignorance among the residents, it is very likely that many people living in Dallah Community Dogoma of Yobe State where not willing to elaborate or give detail account of their previous experience on the malaria fever disease.

       As a result of my working experiences in the community it was discovered that more children were brought to the clinic with malaria symptoms despite the health education during immunization days. And likely the parents will not give the exert details on where they had sought the treatment of the time of infection.

              These reasons stated above motivated the researcher to find out the impact of health education on the prevention of malaria in children.


In view of severity of this disease, this study will be embarked upon with it main objectives as to:-

1.     To assess the knowledge of the impact of health education on the prevention of malaria in children. .

2.     To find out the extent to which the community reveives health education on the prevention of malaria in children

3.     Find out the current efficient and less expensive means of controlling this disease.

4.     Find out the current efficient and less expensive means  of preventing this disease.


       The study intends to find out the prevalence of malaria fever only, among the residents od dallah community Dogoma of Yobe State.


       Past investigation have shown that malaria fever disease is wide spread in tropical and sub-tropical regions in a broad around the equator, including much sub-Saharan Africa, Asia and America. Some researchers have equally spelt out certain factors which they think it promote the spread of malaria in such rural and urban settlements in Nigeria and other neighboring countries. Some of these factors are rainfall, consistent high humidity, along with stagnant waters and bushes in which mosquitoes larvae’s readily matured.

       The selection of Dallah Community Dogoma of Yobe State  to this end is meant to investigate the extent to which the incidence of malaria fever among children is prevalent and what other factors, other than those earlier identified could be responsible. It is also intended, the outcome of the research will enlighten it’s readers of precautions worth taking and those that could be detrimental to health are as follows:

1.     Educating parents and other residents to understand the importance of knowing the sing and symptoms, prevention, control and treatment of malaria disease.

2.     To activate or suggest parts that humanitarian societies or media organizations could play in enlightening parents on the effects and dangers of malaria fever on children and their academic performance.

3.     To contribute in reducing time incidence of malaria fever among children

4.     The role of government parastatals i.e. ministry of health in alleviating or minimizing the spread of malaria fever through the provision of insecticides, nets and sanitation.

  • Department: Public Health
  • Project ID: PUH0078
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 40 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: Simple Percentage
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1,589
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