• Department: Medical Radiography And Radiological Sciences
  • Project ID: MRR0022
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 50 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: Scientific
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1,430
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This study was done to determine the problems and prospects of establishing and managing a private radio-diagnostic centre in Onitsha, Anambra state. It was carried out in the 42 diagnostic centers with private hospitals inclusive that have a radio-diagnostic unit. A survey type of design was used for the study, the source of data collection was a primary one. A total of 55 questionnaires were distributed to the proprietors of the centers and 52 questionnaires duly filled and returned given a return rate of 94.5%. The data collected was analyzed using tabulated frequencies, percentages, mean and standard deviation. They were categorized in line with the objectives of the study; tables, pie charts and a bar chart were the statistical tools used. Through the findings, it was shown that high cost of radiographic equipment and access to finance were the major set – up barriers while shortage of qualified radiographers and high cost of equipment maintenance were the major managerial problems. The work further revealed that running a private radio-diagnostic centre is highly profitable as it gives room for financial independence and as well create room for innovation and expansion. As deduced from the result, the initial capital for establishing a private radio-diagnostic centre is inadequate, therefore intending owners should source for sufficient initial fund before commencing the establishment process.


Title page ----------------------------------------------------------------------------i 
Dedication ---------------------------------------------------------------------------ii
Approval page       --------------------------------------------------------------------------iii
Certification --------------------------------------------------------------------------iv
Acknowledgement --------------------------------------------------------- -----------------v
Table of Contents ---------------------------------------------------------------------------vi
Abstract --------------------------------------------------------------------------vii 
List of Tables -------------------------------------------------------------------------viii
List of figures        ---------------------------------------------------------------------------ix  

1.1 Background of Study -----------------------------------------------------------------1
1.2 Statement of Problem -----------------------------------------------------------------4
1.3 Purpose of the Study  -----------------------------------------------------------------4
1.4 Significance of the Study-------------------------------------------------------------5
1.5 Scope of the study  --------------------------------------------------------------------5
2.1 Review of related literature ------------------------------------------------------------6
2.2 Theoretical background     ------------------------------------------------------------14
2.2.1 Private radio-diagnostic centre---------------------------------------------------14
2.2.2 Preliminaries to business formation and ownership---------------------------16
2.2.3 Causes of small business failure-------------------------------------------------18
2.2.4 The importance of small business enterprises----------------------------------21
2.2.5 ‘Planning for” and “siting of” a private radio-diagnostic centre-------------23
2.2.6 Management of a radio-diagnostic centre---------------------------------------25
3.1 Research design ------------------------------------------------------------------------27
3.2 Source of data --------------------------------------------------------------------------27
3.3 Population of study --------------------------------------------------------------------28
3.4 Method of data collection-------------------------------------------------------------28
3.5 Method of data analysis----------------------------------------------------------------29
DATA ANALYSIS AND PRESENTATION-----------------------------------------30
5.1 Discussion of findings -----------------------------------------------------------------41
5.2 Summary of findings ------------------------------------------------------------------44
5.3 Conclusion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------44
5.4 Recommendations ---------------------------------------------------------------------45
5.5 Limitations of study -------------------------------------------------------------------45
LIST OF TABLES                                                                                    

Table 1: Sex distribution of respondents ------------------------------------------------30
Table 2: Age distribution of respondents-------------------------------------------------31       
Table 3: Response to adequacy of initial capital ---------------------------------------33
Table 4: Degree of barrier constituted by identified set-up problems ---------------35
Table 5: Response to availability of radiography/sonographers ---------------------36
Table 6: Degree of effects of identified managerial problems -----------------------37
Table 7: Response to availability of referral sources ----------------------------------38
Table 8: Degree of agreement with identified prospects ------------------------------39
Table 9: Response on general assessment of radiography/ultrasonography as a business venture------------40


Figure I: A bar chart showing the post qualification experience of respondents---32
Figure II: A pie chart showing the sources of initial capital of respondents -------34

  Radio-diagnostic centre refers to a place where medical diagnostic service is given by using sophisticated equipment (such as x-ray equipment) to produce images of the internal structure of the body anatomy and physiological assessment in some cases.  Fundamentally any given radio-diagnostic centre is setup for diagnosis, screening and medical examination and may be established by government or private organizations .Diagnostic X-ray (radiography) is the use of electromagnetic energy beams to produce images onto film or computer. X-rays are performed for various reasons such as diagnosing bone injuries or tumors. The purpose for the establishment of private x-ray diagnostic center is to improve the health status of the masses and vulnerable population in the state and also to ensure greater access of the people to quality diagnostic services at all time. Considering the existing situation, there is a dire need for adequately equipped diagnostic facilities in a private x-ray diagnostic center. For the establishment of a standard and approved private x-ray diagnostic center, some certain requirements must be attained and these include1;
1. Standard building for x-ray examinations with dark room facility. The walls of the building must be lead lined for radiation protection.             
2.  Room should be located as far away as feasible from areas of high occupancy and general traffic.
3.  The radiography units should be operated from separate control room or behind a lead mobile protection screen of 1.5 mm lead equivalent wherever necessary.
4.   The establishment needs to fulfill the clauses as laid down in the safety manual prepared by Atomic Energy Regulatory Board. These policies and strategies are needed to ensure that patients receive the lowest possible radiation risk and maximum health benefits from X-ray examinations. Private radio-diagnostic center is self reliant and is capable of reviving the national economy. It is one of the fastest growing and important sectors as far as labour absorption and poverty reduction is concerned2. The aim of this work is to identify the problems associated with establishing and managing privately-owned radio-diagnostic center in Onitsha and also to assess the prospects of success.                                                                                           Radio-diagnostic center is a big aspect in medicine that requires millions of money and the problems and prospects in establishing and managing them in a private sector in Onitsha is unknown to the best of the researcher knowledge. Establishing an outpatient imaging centre with computed tomography and conventional radiography units involves million of money which may be borrowed. Despite huge investments in money and efforts, business success in medical imaging is not automatic as private medical imaging practice is fraught with a lot of problems such as poor infrastructure, unstable economic climate, lack of government incentives and poor managerial skills3. With adequate attention to technology, capital planning, business planning and finance, growth promotion, entrepreneurship development and operational efficiency, the risks of failure in establishment and management of private radio-diagnostic center can be minimized and returns optimized4.       
Although, having a medical school degree is not a necessity in order to establish an x-ray diagnostic center (non-professional entrepreneur), but a medical background will be useful, and the staff will need to be a certified radiographer with current credentials. If the center will also offer reports, there will be a need for certified radiologists either as staff or available on an out-sourced basis. Private x-ray diagnostic center could be involved in the provision of selective services which will reduce pressure on the government facilities thereby improving the service delivery to the general population5.                               In general, the value proposition for private practitioners is patient convenience, better management and increased revenue6. Investment in radiographic services by private practitioners has been on the increase7. This could be attributed to more accruable economic benefits, it can also be said to offer great employment opportunities.  All these seems to point towards the need for more radiographic centres in Onitsha hence the need to assess the problems of establishing a good radiographic centre and to determine the prospects of running it on a private basis.   
  • Department: Medical Radiography And Radiological Sciences
  • Project ID: MRR0022
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 50 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: Scientific
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1,430
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