According to Anuku (2004) entrepreneurship is the ability of a person to take financial risk and combine such resources such as Land, Capital, Time, Technology as well as research and development to satisfy need and earn profit.
The entrepreneurship is a self-disciplined, action oriented for business ideas, and highly energetic to tolerate uncertainty. It’s ability to be innovative, result from personal attribute exposure and experience. The entrepreneurs provide a business plan, the resources, the procedure and method on how to actualize the purpose of the venture.
It is generally observed that over the years entrepreneurs are reluctant towards developing the rural areas due to the fact that there are inadequate social amenities, lack of business ideas, lack of technological- know-how etc. Those who wish to go into business in the rural areas are not financially buoyant which has necessitated the establishment of micro and small business. Entrepreneurs with highly managerial skills are needed in the rural area to educate the people and control other factors of production in order for them to succeed.
Development as defined by Todaro simply means a “multi-dimensional process involving major changes in social structures, popular attitude and national institution as well as accelerating economic growth, reduction of inequality and eradication of absolute poverty.”
Erhurun (2006) “Development could be seen as a quantitative and qualitative improvement in the former way of doing things that positively affect a greater percentage of the populace.
Development in the rural areas is very vital because it redesigned the aspect of the culture that brings obstacle to entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurship development is to educate and create awareness among citizens which gives room for proper planning, good business ideas and communication, utilization of infrastructural facilities and technological advancement of the rural areas. Entrepreneurship has contribute significantly to economic activities, provide opportunity for investors, provision of innovative ideas, master planners and project manager. Also, access to cheap and reliable capital should be promoted to boost entrepreneurship activities in the rural areas. The totality of this assertion is that entrepreneurship developments occupy a sensitive or core position of any rural areas, that wants improvement in the quality of life of the rural dwellers.