- Department: Education
- Project ID: EDU0380
- Access Fee: ₦5,000
- Pages: 46 Pages
- Chapters: 5 Chapters
- Methodology: simple percentage
- Reference: YES
- Format: Microsoft Word
- Views: 10,809
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This study is carried out in order to examine the factors affects in the choice of Home Economics as career in Oredo Local Government Area of Edo State. And it has been observed that most students don’t like Home Economics as a career for this reason, it is the intention of the researcher to look at those factors that makes students not to choose Home Economics as career.
The investigation is based on some hypothetical questions. The analysis of the data collected emphasis in the following findings:
1. That there is no significant difference between subjects studied in schools and there career aspiration of students.
2. That there is no significant difference between student’s job aspiration and employment opportunities in the labour market.
3. That there is no significant between teacher’s qualification and the teaching of Home Economics in secondary school.
4. That finance has no significance with the choice of Home Economics as a career.
Based on these findings the researcher makes some suggestions and recommendations on how to overcome the problem in order to make students see the need for choosing home economics as a career.
Chapter One
Background of the study
Statement of problem
Purpose of the study
Significance of study
Basic assumption
Limitations and delimitations
Definition of terms
Chapter Two
Review of Related Literature
Chapter Three
The study Sample
Data analysis
Chapter Four
Analysis of data result
Chapter Five
Gesidle S. A. (1987) defined home Economics as career sequence of occupation, Jobs and positions occupied, during a persons working life. In choosing home economics as a career, one in effect tries to secure knowledge of occupational opportunities existing in their social environment. this involves a decision not only of the bibliographical make up of the individual. But if the acquisition of the basic skills that will enable the individual to cope with the social economic change in their everyday life so as to attain there desired goal.
Home economics as a career are relatively a young profession and it is still encountering difficulties in becoming established. Its major problem is employment opportunities and their rapid changing role of the family for education in Nigeria, an investigations was done on the efficiency of the system of vocational training and after which, it was recommended that boys and girls should be given equal chance to study home economics and the need was emphasized to increase and extended home economics as a career to all school and at different levels.
Taking home economics as a career is in many mind, a matter of infusion that is using subject area as a means of linking academic discipline with the real world situation. Jaiye Via (1979) is of the opinion that our youth need constant guidance in their choice of career and subjects. It is common knowledge to find students choosing subject or career for which they have a passing interest but on aptitude.
Such students should stand the risk of ending up with failure and of course frustration. Makinde (1978) observed that in a simple society with little diversification, the choice of career did not require much specialized assistance parents and friends could provide adequate advice of someone who has to make a choice of career between several familiar options.
In the traditional society the child learnt by limitations the parents, but today the situation has changed with formal education the understanding with formal education the understanding of most parents about the prevailing condition in schools in limited with the diversification in the number of possible care3er choice has become more difficult also with academics and vocational training, choice must be made with greater care to avoid the frustration, which may varies from among choice.
Home economics is area of all wonder course it cover so many areas of life, sewing, home management an all.
Despite the interest student have in home Economics as a cariee.
This study seeks to achieve the following objectives. Whether the student are knowledgeable in jobs available in the labour market before making choice of jobs and also whether students just take any job that come their way so long as they pass their examination.
To find out the factors affecting home economics as a career in Oredo Local Government Area.
Whether students take into consideration factors affecting their choice of career.
Suggesting the source of information about possible career for the students.
This significance of the study is:
1. Highlight student’s occupational aspiration and the factors that affect their choice of career.
2. Highlight on factors affecting the choice of home economics as a career among secondary school teachers in universities and colleges of education and thus provide a sight to enhance the significance of subject that will make them choose the right career.
3. Bring to awareness general understanding of the process of adolescent occupational choice and shed more or some light on the amount of knowledge Nigerian adolescent have about job available in Nigeria.
4. Bring to awareness the department of curriculum and planning in providing meaningful educational programme so that students entering advanced training will as well have a clearer perception of what they want to do.
On the basis of this research questions, the following null hypothesis were tested in the study
1. There is no significant difference between subjects studied in school and there career aspiration of students.
2. Finance has no significance with the choice of home economics as a career.
3. There is no significance difference between students’ job aspiration and employment opportunities in the labour market.
4. There is no significant between teacher’s qualification and the teaching of home economics in secondary schools.
The basic assumptions on which this research is based are as follows:
a. Students’ knowledge will help in developing social, personal, vocational and occupational awareness.
b. To provide the need of young people and aiding them towards a realization of their potentials.
c. To ensure a better school adjustment of students of there peer and meaningful learning experience.
For this purpose of clarity, the following term are used in this study are defined below.
CHOICE: This means that the students has decided on occupation (work) or subject after rejecting certain others which hold certain attractive.
OCCUPATION ASPIRATION: It refers to the occupation oan individual would like to choose assuming there is no factor limiting him or her. In this occupation career are used interchangeably here.
HOME ECONOMICS: So Olaitan’s on Agusioboines home economics as education for the living that is the study of everything that involves or relates to the home and family.
- Department: Education
- Project ID: EDU0380
- Access Fee: ₦5,000
- Pages: 46 Pages
- Chapters: 5 Chapters
- Methodology: simple percentage
- Reference: YES
- Format: Microsoft Word
- Views: 10,809
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