- Department: Education
- Project ID: EDU1938
- Access Fee: ₦5,000
- Pages: 65 Pages
- Chapters: 5 Chapters
- Methodology: Chi Square
- Reference: YES
- Format: Microsoft Word
- Views: 3,212
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This research study was designed to examine the effect of gender inequality on women employment opportunities. A case study of Ovia North East Local Government Area. The research instrument used for gathering data was questionnaire for women of target area of the local goverment. Three research questions were raised in the study. Yes or no options were used to gather the data which was analyzed by mean and simple percentage.
The findings of the study reviewed that most women are highly qualified for employment in Nigeria, qualified women are not readily given jobs in Ovia North East Local Government Area, stereotype against women in Ovia North East Local Government Area is high, Ovia North East Local Goverment Area discriminates against women during employment opportunities, and Women are not readily given production jobs in Ovia North East Local Government Area. The goverment, community and also philanthropist should be encouraged to financially contribute to availability of jobs for women in Ovia North East Local Government Area, and also Jobs in Ovia North East Local Government should be based on qualifications and not gender based and stereotype against women should be reduced.
Background of the Study - - -
Statement of Problem - -
Purpose of the Study - - -
Research Questions - -
Significance of the Study -
Scope and Delimitation -
Limitations - -
Definition of Terms -
Introduction - - -
Theoretical Framework - -
History of Gender Inequality at Work Place - -
Laws that Protect Against Gender Inequality at Work Place in Nigeria -
Review of Related Literatures on Gender Inequality in an Organization -
Inequality of Women at Top Management Levels in the Organization of Nigeria
Measures to Address Gender Inequality in an Organization
Empirical Review -
Design of the study - - - -
Population of Study - - - -
Sample and Sampling Techniques - -
Research Instrument - - -
Validity of the Instrument -
Reliability of the Instrument - -
Method of Data Collection - -
Method of Data Analysis -
Data Presentation - - -
Data Analysis - - -
Discussion of Findings -
Summary - - -
Conclusion - - -
Recommendation -
References - - - -
Appendix -
Background to the Study
In recent decades, there have been large gains, no doubt in comparable levels, in basic rights and opportunities, in life expectancy and enrolment ratio for women. But despite these gains, the stark reality has not changed. There still are larger gender disparities in basic human rights, resources, and economic opportunity, and in political rights –the world over. Gender roles and relations to a large extent shape the process of urbanization.
The growth of cities and towns cause social, economic and environmental change that often go beyond city boundaries (Dankelman, 2003). The term ‘gender’ refers to economic, social and cultural attribute and opportunities associated with being male or female (Bryan 2003).
Gender inequality is the practice of letting a person’s sex unfairly become a factor when deciding who receives a job, promotion or other employment benefit. It most often affects women who feel they have been unfairly discriminated against, in favour of men. Women face job discrimination and segregation. They consistently find themselves in low-status, low-paying jobs with few opportunities for advancement. They are overrepresented among part-time workers and informal sector operators. Moreover, the kind of paid work that women are more likely to be involved in pays less than the jobs that are predominantly male oriented.
Inequality in workplaces is now one of the most debated issues around the world. There had been innumerous findings on and strong charges against discrimination (Kelan, 2009). In particular, gender bias has become a common occurrence everywhere in most of the developing countries (Kelan, 2009). Some reports also show that such discrimination happens even in developed countries, though the number of facts may be less compared to those in the developing and least developed countries. There are different forms in which discrimination may be evident at workplaces. In spite of the number of findings and reported cases in governmental and non-governmental institutions, the issue still remains beyond control. Environment around the office, the socio-economic status of women, the religious values and restrictions and above all the social psychology of the people can be figured out as the principal causes behind biasness (Sue, 2005). Unwillingness and lack of attention and supervision by the government adds to this to a great extent (Kelan, 2009). All these have led the issue being complicated more and more. It would be easier to realize the problems in implementing non-discrimination at workplaces in the light of the forms and specific aspects of biasness that women encounter generally (Kelan, 2009).
According to a report written by Dankelman (2003), gender bias also leads to a loss in productivity. Things that may lead to this loss of morale and motivation could include jokes about an employee’s gender that imply inferiority, offensive jokes of a suggestive or sexual nature and jokes implying that an employee’s work is sub-par due to his or her gender. Though, Federal law prohibits this type of workplace harassment, whether by superiors or coworkers.
Women who have young children at home may experience push-back when interviewing due to family responsibilities. Although law prohibits a prospective employer from asking about family responsibility outright, it often comes out during the interview process anyway. This may provoke the hiring manager to pass over a qualified female candidate if he feels she will be torn between her home and job responsibilities. If the woman makes it into the position, her supervisor can view her employee file to see that she has young children signed up on insurance or other benefits. He then may choose to give her less responsibility or assign menial tasks to her that do not fit her job description (Sue, 2005). Although illegal, this practice still exists in offices today. Those discriminated against may feel such strong resentment and loss of self-worth that they resort to destruction as a way to get back at the discriminatory employer or coworkers. Destructiveness may manifest itself as physical violence against others, destruction of property or propagation of malicious rumors about people in the company and the company itself (Sue, 2005).
Statement of the Problem
According to Emmanuel king (1993), "Women in developing countries receive less education than men". More so, women in general enjoy far less employment opportunities than men globally. Women and girls who are at the bottom of the social, economic and political ladder in these societies get even lesser opportunities to have a command over productive resources such as land or credit. So while demand of basic rights (be it education, employment or healthcare for women) determined to women, this denial, ultimately also harms the society, the nations at large too, by hampering development. It is against this background the researcher would determine the effects of gender inequality on employment opportunities in women.
Purpose of the Study
The purpose of the study is to examine the effect of gender inequality on employment opportunity of women.
This study ought to accomplish the following:
1. Examine the employment opportunities available to women in Ovia North East local Government Area.
2. Find out the response of women in Ovia North East Local Government Area.
3. Ascertain the level of stereotype on women in Ovia North East Local Government Area. due to gender inequality.
Research Questions
1. Are employment opportunities available to women in Ovia North East Local Government Area?
2. Do women in Ovia North East Local Government Area experience gender inequality?
3. Are there stereotyped jobs for women in Ovia North East Local Government Area?
Significance of the Study
This study amongst others will reveal the effect of gender inequality on employment, thereby educating scholars, females in the society and the society at large.
Scope and Delimitations
This study is delimitated to women in the Ovia North East Local Government Area.
The major limitation is the time constraint for the gathering of relevant material for the research work.
Definition of Terms
Gender: The state of being male or female which is typically used with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones
Inequality: The unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the ground of race, age or sex.
Gender inequality: Inequality based on gender or sex
Women: An adult human female.
Employment: Work activity in which one engages.
Employment Opportunities: Possibility of getting engaged in a work
Women Employment Opportunities: Chances of giving women a particular job
Work behavior: The behavior one uses in employment and is normally more formal than other types of human.
Women Work: Work that is believed to be exclusively reserved for women alone.
- Department: Education
- Project ID: EDU1938
- Access Fee: ₦5,000
- Pages: 65 Pages
- Chapters: 5 Chapters
- Methodology: Chi Square
- Reference: YES
- Format: Microsoft Word
- Views: 3,212
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