• Department: Education
  • Project ID: EDU1937
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 60 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: Simple Percentage
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1,460
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The purpose of this study is to find out some of the deviant behaviours common in some secondary school in Ovia South West Local Government Area of Edo State and how they can be eradicated or minimized.
The information contained in this project work is the result of my personal observations, oral interview and questionnaires to persons mostly teachers and students of the selected schools.
The result showed that the commonest deviant behaviours are assaults and insults of both teachers and parents, uses of charms, fighting, dishonesty, disobedience, drug offences, mass demonstration, sex offences, stealing, wickedness and indiscipline.
This is as a result of bad staffing, harsh rules, bad home influences, poor school, physical condition, poor environment, bad peer groups, lack and poor school materials, such as text books and seats. Trace was also made to children from broken homes, poor family background and children keeping bad companies with peer groups.
To each of these problems, a solution has been suggested. If these suggestions are applied by parents/guardians and teachers, the problem of deviant behavior will be reduced drastically in the country and in the selected schools in Ovia South West Local Government Area of Edo State in particular.
Background to the study    -    -    -    
Statement of the problem    -    
Purpose of the study    -    -    
Research questions    -    
Scope and limitation of the study    
Significance of the study    -
Definitions of terms    -    
The concept of deviant behaviour-    
The causes of deviant behaviour    -    
Types of deviant behaviour    -    
Measures for controlling deviant behavior    -
Research design    -    -    
Population of the study    -    -    
Sample and sampling technique    -    -    
Research instrument    -
Validity of the instrument    -
Method of data collection    -    -
Method of data analysis    
Analysis and discussion of result    
Summary of findings, conclusion and recommendation-    
Summary of findings and discussion    -    
Conclusion    -    -        -    -    -
Recommendations    -    -    -    -    -
References    -    -    -    
Appendix    -    -
Background to the study
In the past, due to the size of the selected school regard compulsory education child labour laws, deviant behaviours has been a problem to the school, society, community, which they have always found difficult to handle.
Deviant behavior can be defined as not keeping to the rules or norms of the society. The terms deviant behavior is a kind of behavior portraying a departure from social norms.
According to longman dictionary of contemporary English (2009) deviant behavior is different in a bad way, from what is considered normal of a particular people, society or community. That is turning aside or away from set down rules of political system or principal of a given society.
It has been observed that quite a number of students in secondary school of learning are deviant, they become deviant when they engage in activities which are neither under the supervisor or control of the home nor of the society or that of the school. Such behavior include crimes, drunkenness, indiscipline in schools, abortion, prostitution, drug addiction, gambling and absenteeism in school, corruption and many others.  Deviant behaviours have a negative impact on students psychological adjustment and development, but may also disturb the school environment and disorganize the flow of education process.
Academic performance can be seen as indicator that show how well the student is doing in the school or progress, understood as the level of learning, comprehension and consolidation of the school curriculum. It has been found that psychological factors that mainly influence academic performance include instrinct  motivation, perceived competence, perceive control and self esteem. The family factors consist of family attitude and beliefs towards schooling, parental expectation of academic success, parental supervision and education, family structure, discipline practices and family stressors such as poverty, homelessness, illness, e.t.c. The most prominent factors are general school climate, comprehensive curriculum plans, school wide assessments, specific school-based programmes, social skills instructions, school based social services, teacher’s pedagogical skills and teacher belief or attitudes. Also the social factors refer to socio economic status, culture and utilization of leisure time. All are the factors that influence academic performance.
Nigerian society today is developing; therefore it requires an educational system that will ensure her development. Hence Nigerian educational system must stimulate the spirit of patriotism and laid the solid foundation for national and international understanding and cooperation in our children. Due to this fact, the education of the youth is very important in order to ensure the continuation of the citizens of social and economic development of the country as well as raising the standard of living generally to the well being of the people.
The family as an agent of socialization could have significant impact on the child. This is evidence from the fact that it is first learns about leadership and what it takes also basic skills and behavioural patterns have been taught by parents in the home.
The school as an agent of socialization and training institutions for our future leaders and manpower needed in our society, is also faced with acute problem, which also affect behavior, which is a form of indiscipline. The school as an agent should be able to deliver humanitarian service, which is geared towards the betterment of the government and the society, such as abilities to teach morals, punctuality, honesty, loyalty, regularity and dedication. This implies that the school should be able to produce disciplined pupils who will later become good citizens who are free from any deviancy.
Statement of the problem
The study is concerned with the investigation of the impact of deviant behavior on academic performance among secondary school students in some selected schools in Ovia South West, Edo State.
The influence of students background on deviant behavior as well as examine the possible influence of the school environment, teacher, parent, society and as well as peer group behavior in promoting deviant behavior among students. To eradicate or minimize this ugly situation, answer the following questions would be sought.
(a)    Could the impact of deviant behavior influence the academic performance of the student negatively?
(b)    To what extent has deviant behaviour contribute to the performance of the child?
(c)    Could deviant behavior be attributed to parents inabilities to meet the student’s school needs?
(d)    Could deviant behavior causes students drop out in schools?
Purpose of the study
This study is concerned to set out or stands to achieve the following aims:
1.    To investigate whether parents in a way, either knowingly or unknowingly contributes to the deviant behaviours of students in secondary school.
2.    To determine whether the nature of the school administration has influence the deviant behavior exhibited by the students.
3.    To investigate whether the socio-economic factors in Ovia South West have any influence on deviant behavior of students.
Research questions
(a)    Why is deviant behaviour common among secondary school students?
(b)    What are the impacts of deviants on the academic performance of students in secondary schools?
(c)    What role can parents, schools, society and its environment which they live play to control deviant behavior in secondary schools?
(d)    What are the possible solutions that could be adopted to eradicate deviant behaviours in secondary schools?
Scope of the study
This study is expected to cover only five (5) selected schools in Ovia South West Local Government Area in Edo State. The investigation is limited to the phenomena of deviant behaviours among the students in selected schools.
(a)    Iguobazuwa Grammer School, Iguobazuwa
(b)    Ugbogui Grammer School, Ugbogui
(c)    Urezen Grammer School, Urezen
(d)    Elahor Grammer School, Iguelahor
(e)    Ofumwegbe Secondary School, Ofumwegbe
Limitation of the study
In carrying out this project, there are some certain limitations, the following are some of the limitations viz;
1.    Lack of funds to buy stationaries, transport and pay research assistance.
2.    Lack of enough time in most cases the academic work was coming side by side with the study.
3.    Many respondents were riot interested because they thought we were government people.
This was because they said government had neglected them for too long.
Significance of the study
This study will reveal that the incidence of deviant behaviours among students in Ovia South West Local Government Area of Edo State is high; the suggestion to be made in this study will go a long way to minimize the problem.
Basically, this study is essential and relevant to the development of children, mostly on this our present complex society and also to provide an insight on child’s needs and how these needs could be met.
The importance of the study is seen from many dimension such as:
It will provide an opportunity of learning what constitute deviances in schools.
The study will divert attention to the problem of deviance which is one of the major vices in ten Nigerian schools:
The finding if well applied will assist individual and the general society to bring up children in a better way that is devoid of annual tendency, it will identify ways of proper nurturing.
The data and findings as the study will form a basis for further investigation and research in crime area and delinquency it will also form an important reference materials for future researchers.
The study will also be vital to the security workers and their agencies in their struggle to prevent crime and also the study in a particular deviance is a problem of national magnitude which has been on an alarming increase.
Definition of terms
Deviance: Used to describe varying degree of behaviours disorder or different in a bad way from what is considered normal found among members of a given society.
Deviant: It is one who deviate from the norms (rules) of a society, it does not matter whether the deviant has a positive or negative consequences . In this project, the term is used to describe deviant with negative consequences.
Crime: This refers to those activities which break the conified laws of the land and are subject to official punishment.
Delinquency: This refers to the criminal activities of young people, by definition, juvenile are children between 10 – 17 years, 10 years is at the criminal responsibility.
Behaviour: In other to understand the concept of deviance. It is necessary to know what is behavior. Behaviour is the way in which an organism act or work. This also applies to inanimate matters, such as machines, behavior is judged.
Socialization: it is the process by which individuals learn the culture of the society primarily. Socialization which is probably the most important of the socialization process take place during infancy with the family system by responding to the approval and disapproval of the parent and by copying this example the child learns the language, norms and value and many of the behavior performs of the school. Other important agent of socialization with other is by playing childhood game within his peer groups.
Conformism: The term is used by psychologist to a pattern of behavior given rise to social disapproval and which it is not part of any psychiatric condition such as psychoses or personality disorders. This is known as antisocial behaviour.
A child: A child is anyone who is between 7 years and below or act live one.
Peer group: These are people who are similar in developmental level such as age group, education and other qualification.
School Administration: This is formalized system, which plans, coordinate reports, staff, organized and evaluates all matters of the entire school affairs.
Truancy: An act or habit of staying away from school without permission.

  • Department: Education
  • Project ID: EDU1937
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 60 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: Simple Percentage
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1,460
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