• Department: History
  • Project ID: HIS0063
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 81 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: Descriptive
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
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    Isokoland falls within the evergreen forest belt of southern Nigeria,1 The land here is flat and low lying, intersected by numerous Greeks, water course and swamps with relatively higher and drier ground. The Isoko people inhabit the area enclosed, roughly by longitude 60o5 and 6o25 east ad latitude 5o15 and 5o40 north in Delta state.2 The Isoko’s had various complex cultures and traditions which had been passed on from generation to generation, seen as the cultural attribute of the people. Nevertheless, the advent of Christianity brought an imminent change which reformed the belief system, cultural, structural and traditional aspect of the people to a large extent.
    The Isoko’s had a complex traditional institution built up by various belief system in each clan.3 Over the years, the weakness of African culture has thus enabled Christianity to wax strong in the social African setting. One of the aims of this study is therefore to examine the impacts of Christianity. In Isokoland using Oyede clan as a case study, showing how Christianity reformed some of her obnoxious culture which glorified some certain customs and traditions that are not worth mentioning.
    Over the years, this long aged culture and beliefs system had become the cultural identity of the Isoko’s which had been passed on from generations, not until the advent of Christianity in the early decades of the 20th century.5 Christianity brought a lasting impact in the social cultural and religious life of the Isoko people, as Christianity replaced the idolatry form of worship. Although, some still practice Christianity alongside with traditional worship. Today the Isoko people are reckoned with Christianity as the major religion in Isokoland which began to gain foothold from the mid 20th century.6
    However, on the account of the advent of Christianity in Isokoland, it should be noted that the Isoko’s had no direct contact with the Early missionaries. At this same time, their neighbors; Agbor, Ijaw, Kwale and Urhobo had already established contact relations with the Early missionaries  during the early decades of the 20th century. It was through trading contact with the Ijaws in Patani,that the Early missionaries discovered that, the Isoko Traders came from another region. Thus, these missionaries  were determined to penetrate into Isokoland and propagate Christianity in this new found region. This led to the introduction of Christianity into Isokoland in the early part of the 20th century through trading contact.7
Aim and Objectives
    Basically, the aim of this study is to examine the impact of Christianity in Isokoland “a case study of Oyede clan”.
    Some of these objectives are as follows:
To examine Isoko community its socio-cultural organization as well as religious institutions.
To illustrate the dynamics of Oyede clan as well as various institutions that exists in Oyede community before, the advent of Christianity.
To examine the role and impact of missionary activities in the Oyede community.
To shed light on the impact of Christianity in Oyede community and the transformation of the cultural social and religious institutions of the Isoko people.
Significance of the Study
    The significance of this study is basically to reveal the impact of Christianity in Oyede community as well as consider how the socio-cultural and religious structure of Oyede community had undergone some reformation, starting from early decades of the 20th century to the present day. However, observation and finds derived from a work of  this type will offer an expository account of how the various forms of fetish  customs  and primitive superstitious of the Oyede people attained its present modernized  stage.
    Findings made in a work of this type will equally provide some vital information that will help anyone who deems it necessary to conduct further research in this areas subsequently.
Scope of the Study
    The scope of this study covers the Oyede community. In Isoko north local government area of forest belt region in Delta state of southern Nigeria. However, this project covers a period from pre-colonial times to the advent of Christianity which brought about the penetration of Europeans into the Isokoland in the late 20th century. This work focuses on the social, cultural and religious  institutions of the Oyede people before and advent of Christianity. Also, attempts were made to examine how this new religion (Christianity) sharpened, translated and directs the lives of Oyede community till date.
Research Methodology
    This study adopts the historical research methodology which depends on secondary, primary sources as well as oral interviews which would be clearly stated at the end of my project work. These primary sources contains oral interview, government ethical reports, newspapers, myths and Tolklores. While the secondary sources contain books and Articles written on the historical survey of the Isoko people and their traditional social and religious institutions.
Literature Review
    Making a concise analysis and research on the preferred topic, various books related to this topic must be reviewed on other to get broad analysis and information useful for this project.
Obaro Ikime “The Ground Work of Nigerian History”8; The people and kingdom of the Delta provinces; this work provided and analysis on the geographical location of the Isoko people and their environs. O. Ikhime gave analysis on various origin of tradition of the Isoko people, of which some claimed to have migrated from the Benin Kingdom, some from nowhere while others claimed to have migrated from Egypt. His book reviewed on the origin of the Isoko and its existence of the seventeen clan in Isoko land which makeup the Isoko country in the precolonial times.
    My Nabota, “Essential Topics in African Traditional Religion”.9 This book emphasizes on the relationship between the supreme being and other deities in the Isokoland. “The Isoko’s fear, respect and worship God despite the homage they pay to other smaller deities, yet they also have other object of worship”. My Nabota maintains in his book  that “these deities are brought into being by God and they are generally regarded as sons and daughters of God, they  have no absolute existence apart from God. Their power and authorities are meaningless apart form the supreme deity”….
J.E. Okwoho, “Effect of Missionary Activities in Isoko Local Government Area”.10 This work emphasizes on the social organization of the Isoko people, their administration of Justice, social and cultural entities before the advent of Christianity. It also shed light on the various judicial and traditional law maintained in the society and various penalties placed on defaulters of these laws. The Author mainly focused more on the cultural institution.
    Edward Foshole Luke Etal “Christianity in Independent Africa”.12 This book focuses on the advent of Christianity in Africa, the coming of various missionary societies such as C.M.S, Baptist, Jesuit, Catholic and other protestant missions in Africa. This book also shed light on the challenges faced by these missionaries at the early arrival as well as the impact of Christianity on African communities.
    F.O. Adugbo: History of  Christianity in WestAfrican13 This book focuses on the advent of Christianity in West Africa challenges faced by the missionaries at the early arrival as well as the impact of Christianity on African community.
    S.U Erivwo “A History of Christianity In Nigeria – The Urhobo, Isoko and Itsekiri”.14 This book shed light on the advent of Christianity, the activities of the missionaries in the early decades of the 20th century in the Isoko, Urhobo and Itsekiri country. The latter part of these book focuses on the conversion processes of the Urhobo, Isoko and Itsekiri people, the people’s response toward the new religion as well as the impact of Christianity in these areas.
Ogbu Kalu: Christianity In West-Africa, The Nigerian Story`15 This book emphasis on the advent of Christianity in Nigeria and the various response towards this new religion. The Author focused more on the impact of Christianity in various societies and how it transformed their social, political, cultural and religious life of the people of Isoko.
    This study is divided into:
Chapter one: Chapter one is an introduction of the topic, starting with its aims and objective of the subject matter, giving different views of scholars who had written subject matters related to this topic, explaining the development that took place with the period of study (before and after the advent of Christianity) and lastly stating the various sources used in making this project work easy to comprehend.
Chapter Two: This chapter explains the geographically and tradition of origin of the Isoko people, their socio cultural organization and religious   entities of the people before the advent of Christianity.
Chapter Three: The advent and development of Christianity in Isokoland. This chapter focuses more on the activities of these missionaries and conversion processes in Isokoland.
Chapter Four: Impact of Christianity in Isokoland: This chapter emphasizes on the impact and legacies of Christianity on the social, political, cultural and religious life of the Isoko people.
Chapter Five: Conclusion
    This chapter will conclude summary of this work, starting from the first chapter will be established in this conclusive I analysis. Any changes that has been made in subsequent years will also be summarized in this chapter.  
O. Ikime, Groundwork of Nigerian History, 3rd edition, Ibadan (Hienma Educational book, Nigeria, 1980), p.89.
O. Ikime, The Isoko People: A Historical Survey, (Ibadan: Ibadan University Press, vol. xvii) 1972.
M.Y Nabota Essential Topics in Africa Traditional Religion, Warri, (Eyabunor Commercial Press 1972), p.63.
Uzere Intelligence Report, Isoko Division, Uzere Clan Hubbard, (1963), pp.218-231.
Ibid.  S.U. Erivwe, A History of Christianity in Nigeria: The Urhobo, Isoko and Itsekiri, Ibadan (The Caxton Press, 1979), p.321.
O. Ikime, The Coming of the C.M.S. Into Itsekiri Urhobo and Isoko Country, (Ibadan: Ibadan University Press, 1965), p.156.
O. Ikime, The Ground Work of Nigerian History Ibadan (Heinman Educational book, Nigeria 1980).
M.Y. Nabota “Essential Topics in African Traditional Religion, Warri (Eyabunor Commercial Press, 1972.
F.O. Adugbo: History of Christianity in West Africa (Nssuka: University of Nigerian, University Press, 1965).
O. Ikime, The Isoko People: A Historical Survey Ibadan, (Ibadan: Ibadan University Press, vol. xvi, 1963).
Edward Foshole Luke Etal “Christianity In Independent Africa” (Ibadan: Daystar Press, 1989).
F.O. Adugbo: History of Christianity in West Africa, (Nssuka: University of Nigeria, University Press, 1965).
O. Kalu: Christianity in West Africa, the Nigerian Story, 1897-1935, (London, Longman Publication, 1979).

  • Department: History
  • Project ID: HIS0063
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 81 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: Descriptive
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 2,999
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