- Department: Education
- Project ID: EDU0253
- Access Fee: ₦5,000
- Pages: 42 Pages
- Chapters: 5 Chapters
- Methodology: simple percentage
- Reference: YES
- Format: Microsoft Word
- Views: 2,225
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tThe study focuses on the role of education in curbing human trafficking in Edo State. The study is to confirm that with the present educational system and the various governmental and non governmental system agencies efforts, female trafficking can be brought barest minimum. The study reveals from instrument used that many people are aware of the danger consequences of female trafficking but they are adamant to the various efforts put in place by these agencies to curb it. Finally, with recommendation which can further help to stop this special menance
What a world we live in a male framed world where global economics sets in a concrete a system of winners and losers with poverty disadvantages, and minimal choice for many as the consequences.
The climate is ripe for men’s sexual exploitation of women without bounds abuse of the worst kind, women are setup to lose in this system and the like buzzards circling around a curbing member of the hard, business men prey upon the globes most disadvantage women, entrapping them within their web despicable sex slavery enterprises trading women far and wide as sex chatters.
The business of trafficking in human is today organized by groups that are also involved in weapon and harcotics colliding with government officials in dozen countries there is very little doubt that it is lucrative business and maybe one of the most difficult to combat. They are less visible than those caused by gun running and trafficking of women In developing world, middlemen are able to bring together the supply and demand for cheap labour and sex in ways that would have simply been unthinkable not long ago. Though, the fact of human trafficking is not difficult to understand on its own, its dimensions and categorization continue to multiply by the day.
Suffice to say that bad government led to severe economic hardship on the masses. Then come the structural adjustment programme (SAP) introduce in 1989 with its anti poor condition amities leading the generation of the economic migrants and the phenomenon of brain drain amongst these economic migrants are today’s trafficked women and abuse children who for want something to eat, ignorance or greed or a combination of these feel victims of the international process of co modification of human beings, veracious sexual perverts and organized criminal syndicate.
The educational sector has many lapses which have indirectly affected the economy. The over dependent and emphasis on paper certification neither has nor helped in the development of the schools curriculum. The mass brain drain has created loopholes in the educational system. This has made some so called educated people to be susceptible to trafficking. How can one explain that has reap up to the one level will agrees to be trafficked by a complete illiterate business women who cannot even express herself fluently in English language or a graduate from a Nigeria university to be traffic these sets of people are supposedly educated and should be asset to a nation but have turned into a public enemy. The educational curriculum might have over sighted this problem, therefore the room was created for this social ill.
The subjects that deals on morals that is christain religious knowledge and the Islamic religions knowledge are gradually phasing out as teachers but staunched these courses are not being employed by some employers. Social studies which expose our children to the vices and virtues in the society is only studies in the junior secondary classes. So students cannot but cope with the make believe life of affluence, greed which has made female trafficking a huge success in our society.
The problem under focus is enormous, female trafficking as presently practiced is a recent addition to the dictionary of global loves. Trafficking tends to be systematic in its occurrence especially that its span increases as the globalization process intensives. Through previously in existence of prostitution today, contemporary female trafficking is an organized business just as Atlantic slave around the globe. Today, not only young girls are trafficked but teenagers and mothers of children. This phenomenon spells doom to female education and consequently national development.
Hence, this attempts to investigate how education can be used as a tool to curb female trafficking.
The purpose of the study is to look more closely at the role of education in curbing female trafficking which appears not to have been given attention to until recently.
Although, one cannot substitute the stolen life of one person for that of another education is effective in the battle against female trafficking.
It is a jobs sounds too good to be true, it is probably is, education also works to create a skilled population and helps to reduce poverty which is one of the driving forces for women who seek unskilled job opportunities abroad, trafficking of female, opportunity offered by schools, opportunity offered by schools, trade learning centres in order to be trafficked, it is done sometimes by their wish or against their wish.
These are traffickers otherwise known as (trolleys or machines) unread them with their material possessions and promise of better life abroad.
1. Are students educated regarding the evil of female trafficking in schools?
2. Are students aware of the strategies to adopt when they threatened with trafficking?
3. Are secondary school students equipped with useful skills to have a successful living?
4. Are parents aware of the danger of female trafficking?
The study is to show case the role of education in curbing female trafficking in Edo state.
Education comes from the latin world “Educare” which means to “draw out” education is a process which is viewed as a instrument for transmitting cultural heritage from elders to young ones. In this process one learns a trade or skill.
Education can also be considered as a tool to be used for the interrogation of individuals into the society to achieve self realization, develop consciousness, promote unity and strive for social economic, scientific, cultural and technological process.
With these meaning of education, it is a sure tool in curbing female trafficking and also to create awareness in every female trafficking and there is dignity in realizing your dream and being educated with help you to attain any status in life. Thus, the result of this study will help to solve the problems arising from female trafficking
The scope of this study in Edo state but narrowed to the schools in Ovia north east local government area in the state.
This is because Bini speaking, news, research, observation show that girls have been with drawn from schools, trade learning centres in order to be trafficked. It is done sometimes with their consent or against their wish, these traffickers (trolleys madams) have lure them with their possessions and promise of better life abroad.
The selected schools are:
1. Nifor secondary school, Nifor
2. Ebomisi secondary school, Ugbogiobo
3. Ezomo College, Ora
Female trafficking: the act of sending young girls and women abroad for prostitution.
Sex chattels: personal, object for sexual exploitation.
Trolleysme: persons involved in trafficking
Madams: persons involve in trafficking and also force them into prostitutions abroad
- Department: Education
- Project ID: EDU0253
- Access Fee: ₦5,000
- Pages: 42 Pages
- Chapters: 5 Chapters
- Methodology: simple percentage
- Reference: YES
- Format: Microsoft Word
- Views: 2,225
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