• Department: Education
  • Project ID: EDU0130
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 65 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: Descriptive method
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 3,146
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This study sought to find out the attitude of girls towards the study of science in some selected secondary schools on Egor Local Government Area of Edo State. Chapter one deals with introduction where the attitude of girls towards the study of science has been exhaustively discussed and examined. The sample for the study consisted of five (5) strategies and questionnaires were used as instrument to the collection of data for the study.
Chapter One                        
Background of the study
Statement of the problem
Purpose of the study
Significance of the study
Research question
Scope of the study
Limitation of the study
Chapter Two                        
Review of related literature
Barriers at early school years
Barriers at secondary school years
Overall status of women in Africa
African women and education
Where are women lost
Encouraging women in Africa
Interest and motivation
Socialization issues in female mathematics achievement  
Gender difference in total learning styles
Sex difference in science achievement
Traditional teaching methods and curricula
The role of teacher in learning
Chapter Three         
Research methodology
Sample and sampling techniques
Administration of questionnaires
Treatment of data
The likert scale
Steps in computing likert scale
Limitation of likert scale
Chapter Four           
Data analysis and discussion
Chapter Five            
Summary, conclusion, and recommendation
Sample of questionnaire    
            The art of knowing as human activity is more or less synonyms with research and constitute an integrated part of a modern way of life in which research is the daily task by specialized individuals alone or group usually in laboratories. Bearing this in mind, the study will take a critical look at the attitude of girls towards the study of science in Egor Local Government Area in Edo State.
            It is generally recognized that the level of socio-economic development of the nation is directly related to the extent of scientific and technological advancement in the country. Similarly, the level of general well being and security endowed by the population is the result of the collective scientific and technological inventions or activities going on among the people. Fafunwa a great educationist who contributed a lot to the field of science education made an important statement (1968) that in world today, science and technology have become a predominant cultural factor and any nation that is not alike to it is diseased or drifting. In other words to advance technologically and economically could be achieved through the teaching of science in our schools.
            Scientific knowledge is continually being defined through research-based scientific methods, which entails rational theory. Science is that aspect of knowledge that comes to play a vital role in our daily activities or indirectly finds it explanation in the field of science. Almost every area of study needs that knowledge of science, doctors, engineer, farmers, tailors, carpenters, housewives, and technologist and as on find science inevitable. Fafunwa (2000) speaking on the premature specialization in science education as a disservice to developing nations has this to say on the inevitable nature of science in optional development.   
            But it is almost impossible today to live a fully and satisfactory life with little or no knowledge of science. We of the under developed resource to solve our economic problems we need to improve our diets, transport system and develop our minerals and control soil erosion we must introduce modern scientific farming, control cattle disease, improve our health programmes and solve other problems that call for scientific that technological dexterity. He further said that to achieve the above goals we must aim at developing the attitude and behaviour considered desirable of society. He also opined that as far as science is considered, it is the attitude that matters. It is not alarming therefore the serious involvement and concern shown by different scientific groups and association of different subjects teachers and even students on the problems of encouraging performances in mathematics and other science subjects such as physics, chemistry, biology, agricultural science just to mention a few such problems or course will have a great influence on the attitude of people within the environment. A girl could take to any trade or profession depending on these factors.
            The studying of science subjects requires certain abilities for the technical language and analytical process involved in science. If this is the case, then the researcher could consider it very necessary to conclude a thorough investigation into the various attitudes of girls in particular and students in general into scientific operations. Again, people had another opinion towards the study of science in secondary school. There is the claim that boys are more scientifically inclined than girls and some of these people have attributed this view of female’s scientist these background and school facilities. More interesting is the fact that some even says that whichever attitude they held is influenced by sex and sex has a lot to do with their scientific experience behaviour etc. it is however, pertinent to say that the interest of the researcher was stimulated by teaching practice exercise in Golden Touch High School in Egor Local Government Area in Edo State. It was found that one of the recommended complaints by a senior science teacher was the relative lack of interest shown by girls in science which they thought rightly belong to the area of masculine studies.    
            It is on this basis that researcher has undertaken to work in selected secondary schools in Egor Local Government Area in Edo State. The researcher hopes that her contribution will be helpful to education board, principals, teachers and students in planning and execution of programmes in education towards the improvement and teaching of science subjects.
            The study is aimed at finding out those factors responsible for the attitude of girls towards the learning and study of science in secondary schools in Egor Local Government Area of Edo State and also to find out the reason why girls show negative attitude to science subjects. The variable includes secondary female student’s attitudes to science major. Problems of this study would attempts to answer questions about girls negative attitude to science and if their perceptions lead to achievement in science.
            The relevance of this research is to survey the attitude of secondary school girls towards the study of science in Egor Local Government Area of Edo State and also to look into factors affecting girl’s attitude towards science subjects. And possibly offer suggestion on how to find solution to some of these problems in the study of science in Edo State and Nigeria in general.
            The following assumptions have been made with regards to this research exercises.
1.      Girls have the general impression that science subjects are complex abstract and highly mathematical and because of this, many tend to shy away from science related subjects.
2.      In some homes, girls are so over worked with household activities that they tend to have less time for their studies especially for science subjects, which are a bit abstract and require more hours of study.
3.      Female students have more positive attitude to art than in the science and boys are more inclined to the field of science.
As members of the society, students cannot be exempted for being influenced by factors that influence the entire society. It is also assumed that the selection of 6-8 out of the lots of secondary schools in Egor Local Government Area is completely unbiased and that the chosen sample is a representatives of all the entire female students in Egor Local Government Area.     
            In trying to achieve desired behaviour or offer solution to any problem, it is of considerable importance to find out the causative factors and then taking honest steps towards wiping out the undesired behaviour habits or problems. Hence the significance of this study is to know the attitude of girls in secondary schools towards science education. This will go a long way in providing a remedy ensuring that girls face the field of science with every amount of courage, confidence and determination. This study will be useful to teachers and planners of science in seeking adequate methods of teaching science subjects and formulation of relevant science.  
            The following research questions will guide the study:
1.      Is there any relationship between the female home background and their attitude to the study of science?
2.      Is there any relationship between the mathematical background of girls and their attitude towards the study of science?
3.      Are there any relationship between girl’s future professional aspiration and their attitude of science?
4.      Is there relationship between female student’s perception of their teacher and their attitude towards teaching of science?  
            This study has been limited to six secondary schools out of the entire ninety-six secondary schools in Egor Local Government Area in Edo State of which there are eighty private co-educational schools. The information recorded will therefore be only responses of the female students.

  • Department: Education
  • Project ID: EDU0130
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 65 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: Descriptive method
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 3,146
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