• Department: International and Diplomatic Studies
  • Project ID: IDS0062
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 45 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1,693
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(A Case study of DAAR Communication Limited)




Nolte (1974), one of the legendary public relation consultant and other said, “That are two requirements for success in the field of public relations. First, the person must have an agreeable, likeable personality.” Secondly the person must be able to communicate. The most charming personable, friendly person in the world will be a complete failure if he cannot communicate,. The ablest communication will be a flop if he has a negative personality.

The beginning of human communication through artificial channels i.e not vocalization or gesture, goes back to ancient care painting, drawn maps and writing. In the last century, a revolution in telecommunication has greatly altered communication by providing new media for a long distance communication.  The great transmitter the way radio broadcast occurred in July 25th, 1`920 and led to common communication via analogue and digital media.

-         Analog telecommunication include traditional telephone radio and television broadcast

-         Digital telecommunication and computer network.


        The aims and objectives of the study is mainly to:


a)           Show the use of communication in an organization

b)          Prove to various readers how communication skills can help individuals to advance in their careers.

c)           Also help show the importance of communication on every aspect of life.


This research is limited to the study of communication being the key thing in public relation using DAAR Communications Limited as a case Study.


This research will benefit the researcher as it will broaden her knowledge. It also serves as a means for the research to compose theoretical knowledge with practical application of communication application in public relations.

The research will help organization understand that the lifeline of a company is her public relation officer. It will also enrich other researchers understanding concern communication public relation


Every good step in line faces great challenges and this is no different. The following were some of the limitations to this study.

(a)        No Sufficient time for the Project

(b)        Limited materials for efficient complication of article on this research topic.

(c)         Limited funds were also a major barrier to the researcher.

(d)        Lecture timing also affects project timing.


DAAR Communication is a private independent Africa Communication Outfit based in Lagos, Nigeria’s Former capital and the economic nerve center of the West Africa Sub – Region.

DAAR Communication was incorporated in Nigeria in August 1988. It boasts of a successful background in the closely related fields of printing and publishing. DAAR launched its broadcast Service in 1994 with the promotion of Nigeria’s first private independent radio station Ray power 100.5 fm.

The second channel Ray power 2 106.5 fm commenced formal operation in April 1999. Before then, DAAR Communication had launched a 24 hour global television service with the call sign Africa Independent Television (AIT) with thematic philosophy that is geared towards the promotion of Africa values and traditional of black people across the world.

In the last quarter of 1999 DAAR Communication lunched into the information super highway with the commencement of the DAAR Broadband internet services with capacity for Voice, Internet across, video conference, data, telephony and other multi media capabilities. DAAR Internet service complete the circle of DAAR Communication Limited communication. Coverage  strategy, DAAR Communication limited with a staff of about 600 people in Africa, Europe, and the united states is worth about 3.5 Billion Naira.

In line with the global trend of the new information age which has achieved a convergence of broadcasting and telecommunication DAAR communication has fully installed and integrated equipment using its international satellite gateway system capable of handling voice, data and video telecommunication to virtually every country in the world.

Technological innovation in digit and fiber optic networks and other areas of communication and broadcasting transmission will redefine the total nature and system of communication in the new millennium. The synergy of voice data and video in an area of intense technological revision.

In appreciation of the fact that the synergetic contribution of computer, telephone, fibre – optic and video will open a chapter in revenue generation across multi – industry frontier in the twenty first century, DAAR communication Limited has property positional itself by installing equipment and facilities capable of handling voice, a data and video telecommunication globally.

DAAR Communication did not start broadcast operation until 1944, six years after incorporation. This was due to legislative restriction in Nigeria broadcast sector. It was until August 24, 1992 about 50 years after the advert of broadcasting in Nigeria that the government promulgated decree No.38, which deregulated the ownership of the electronic media in the country.

Following this piece of legislation, which ushered in a new era of private ownership of radio and television stations, DAAR Communication applied for Radio, television and direct broadcasting by satellite license. The license was subsequently granted. It began full commercial broadcast operation on September 1, 1994 on its high profile radio channel with the cell sign, Ray Power 100.5 The first private independent radio station in federal republic of Nigeria.


  • Department: International and Diplomatic Studies
  • Project ID: IDS0062
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 45 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1,693
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