• Department: Computer Science
  • Project ID: CPU0690
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 66 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1,247
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Title page  

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Table of content  



1.0     Introduction

1.1     Background of the research

1.2     Statement of research problem

1.3     Objectives of the study

1.4     Significance of the study

1.5     Scope of the study

1.6     Limitation of the study

1.7     Definition of terms


2.0     Introduction

2.1     Review of concept

2.2     Review of related work

2.3     Empirical studies

2.4     Theoretical framework

2.5     Summary of the review


3.1 Introduction

3.2 Method of data collection

3.3 Data preparation

3.4 Program structure

3.5 Main menu specification

3.6 Problem of the existing system

3.7 Justification for the new system

3.8 System modeling

3.8.1 Information flow diagram

3.8.2 System flow chat

3.8.3 Activity diagram

3.9 Program flow chart

3.10 Database specification and design


4.1 Introduction

4.2 Program language justification

4.3 Systems requirement

4.4 Implementation details

4.5 Procedure testing plan



5.1     Summary

5.2     Conclusion

5.3 Recommendation


Source code


          The project highlights the importance of schools and institution in identifying offence and crime by students within the campus and off and then a design of systems that accomplish the tasks specific to the needs of their end-users. Data transfer, data integration, system customization, and confidentiality issues are discussed. One of the most significant shortcomings in the delivery of justice is the delay that is encountered by most institution which increases the cost of litigation in both time and increase to crime and offence committed by students. Hence the new system designed will aid the institution offence and crime records and thereby facilitate timely delivery of judgment by the panel.

          The university discipline system recognizes that not all violations of local, State, and Federal law affect the interests of the university community and the discipline system accepts jurisdiction in those instances where the university community's interest is substantially affected, regardless of whether the conduct in question occurs on or off campus. The rules governing conduct may come under the jurisdiction of the legal system, but are typically and necessarily broader in coverage than statutes and ordinances. The university discipline system is based on the most recent edition of the Student Code. Action taken through university disciplinary committees does not abrogate the right of any dean or director to deny admission or readmission on the basis of scholarship. The software was implemented using Visual basic 6.0 and Access database.




          The conduct governance system of the University of Crescent was established in the University Statutes by the Board of Trustees in 2004 and was reaffirmed in 2006. In January, 2007, the Board of Trustees again affirmed the existing status of the university governance system and adopted recommendations for strengthening the system. The Trustees asserted their belief in the concept that the university discipline system shall be separate from, but coexistent with, general systems established by society to deal with the conduct of citizens of society. They emphasized again that, as provided by the Statutes in Article XI, section 2, the Senate Committee on Student Discipline (SCSD) shall have jurisdiction over the hearing and adjudication of the application of rules of student conduct to particular cases. The committee shall not have responsibility for or right to make or define the rules or regulations or to concern itself with the responsibility of the Chancellor to exercise powers to meet an emergency, safeguard persons and property, and maintain educational activities.

          As a community of scholars, the University of Crescent at Ogun state is committed to providing an environment that values academic excellence, personal integrity, justice, equity, and diversity in an orderly and peaceful environment. Such an environment is essential for fostering the intellectual growth and personal development of all students. All members of the academic community share responsibility for maintaining conditions which support the university's mission.

The community supports each member's right to study and work in a quiet, respectful, non-violent atmosphere that is conducive to the pursuit and acquisition of knowledge. Students who voluntarily join this university community assume the obligation of abiding by the standards commonly held by that community. Every student at the University of Crescent at Ogun State is therefore obligated to assume responsibility for his/her actions, to respect constituted authority, to be truthful, and to respect the rights of others, as well as to protect personal and public property.

The goal of the disciplinary system is to educate and discipline the individual as well as to protect the integrity and security of the university community and its mission by serving as a deterrent.


          This research study came to be because the researcher discovered within the school that students are often cut in one or other offence which is disciplinary by the code of conduct within the institution, and at the end of the case and investigation the student previous crime records may or will be missing, of which if present will help the panel to make proper decision on his offence based on the grace accord to him or by the constitution. Also another issue discovered is that due to the missing records and report either by damage as a result of file being too old or termite or moisture the school cannot report on the summary of cases of offence within the school which is needed to help the institution to find a solution to the ugly menace of the incidence. This all necessitate to the present research work, which will help to solve the issue.


          The fundamental objective of this study is to develop a system that will be able to discipline student for the crime and offence they commit, a system that will accord to every offence its adequate measure of punishment due to it.  A system that will help implement more security measures to the school disciplinary procedure. The research attempts to achieve the following objectives.

i.                   To create an automated system for disciplinary action to every disciplinary offence commit.

ii.                 The researcher also wants to replace the manual procedure used in the institution at crescent university together with the error in associated with manual operation in the existing system.

iii.              To make more efficiently the standard of discipline in crescent university and to recommendations as to how disciplinary measures should be made effective to achieve desired result.


          This research work is significantly importance to any organization as it help in the system, document, track records, and fast decision making on records held, also this research work will be of benefit in the following ways.

i.                Academicians and students of accounting and other allied courses in tertiary institutions in Nigeria will benefit from this study. This is because this study will enable them (at least to some extent) to know the gap between fault tolerant in communication network and gossiping in broadcasting.

ii.              The research will also be beneficial to the researcher. This is because the study will expose the researcher to so many related areas in the course of carrying out his research. This will enhance the researcher’s experience, knowledge and understanding of fault tolerant broadcasting and gossiping in communication network.

iii.           Finally, the research will contribute to knowledge and serve as a secondary document for any other researcher in a related area.


          The project work sited here encompasses the disciplinary action directory of student within the crescent university here in Ogun state. The research work will come up with a new system that will be able to facilitate the documentation and filling of case and to accord discipline to offenders. The system will be extended with a search query to enable search on specific issues or student case.


          During the course of performing/researching this project work, the researcher encountered a lot of challenges as well as opposition which ranges from financial constraints, time factor, sourcing of material etc. this factors in their own ways, slowed down the speedy progress of this work that resulted to the researcher not being able to finish the research work on time as is required


Discipline – Discipline is used to denote control gained by enforcing obedience or compliance especially by use of punishment. In sum, discipline implies controlled and orderly behaviour.

Indiscipline – This means absence or lack of order. Simplistically defined, it implies unruly, wild, undomesticated and uncontrolled behaviour. It is deviation from prescribed norms in the society.

Disciplinary measures: This refers to punishment against misconduct in the public service. It is meant to inhibit undesired behaviour and serves as deterrent to impending officers.

Disciplinary: Disciplinary or corrective action is a process of communicating with the employee to improve unacceptable behavior or performance.

Advisor: A person intended to protect the rights of the student. Since the Senate Committee on Student Discipline wants to retain the student-committee dialogue, the advisor may not participate in that dialogue.

Alleged Victim: A person who claims to have been or is perceived to have been a victim of a crime of violence or non-forcible sex offense.

Complainant: The university who alleges a complaint against a student that violates the Student Code.

Disciplinary Officer (DO): The staff or faculty member responsible for making an initial determination of whether or not a Code violation has occurred. May also be referred to as a “Hearing Officer”.

Educational Sanction: An assignment, requirement, or task educationally related to the violation.

Executive Director: The Executive Director of the Senate Committee on Student Discipline or his/her designee.

Executive Session: Executive session includes the voting members of the committee and other non-voting parties at the discretion of the committee.

Formal Sanction: A formal disciplinary status.

Notice: Notice is deemed given on the first business day after mailing, or immediately when hand delivered or sent to the respondent’s e-mail address.

Respondent: A person who is alleged to have violated the Student Code.

Senate Committee: The Senate Committee on Student Discipline (SCSD).

Witness: A person who has relevant information to share.

  • Department: Computer Science
  • Project ID: CPU0690
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 66 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1,247
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