• Department: Business Administration and Management
  • Project ID: BAM0008
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 124 Pages
  • Chapters: 1-5 Chapters
  • Methodology: Chi-Square
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 3,444
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A Case Study of University of Benin Teaching Hospital

This study on the impact of training and development on higher productivity focus on university of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin City. The study aims at identifying and suggesting way of training and the problems associated with it in University of Benin Teaching Hospital.
To this end, the study identified the problem of training and development recognizing the fact that a problem well identified is halfway solved. This research method and procedures employed for data collection, includes the use of questionnaires and personal observation. Data information provided were analyzed using chi-square statistic for validating the null hypothesis developed for the study. The analysis and findings of the research work proved a positive relationship between training and development on higher productivity.
The study also discovered that unavailability of funds could be an hindrance to training and development programmes in university of Benin Teaching Hospital, Benin City. The study also found out that training and development would be successful in a conclusive environment. Consequently, the study however, recommended that management should not see training and development as a burden and too expensive. They should put in funds in training programmes and consult professional bodies for methods and techniques of training needed by its staff/employees, so that the set goals for the organization could be achieved.
TABLE OF CONTENTS                 
1.1      Background of the Study              
1.2      Statement of the Research Problem
1.3      Objectives of the Study         
1.4      Research Question                
1.5      Research Hypothesis             
1.6      Significance of the Study
1.7      Scope of the Study               
1.8      Limitation of the Study         
1.9      Definition of Terms                      
2.1      Introduction          
2.2      Manpower Training And Development: An Overview                               
2.3      Objectives of Manpower Training and Development                       
2.4      Importance of Training and Development
2.5      Determining Training and Development Needs
2.6      Designing Training Programmes    
2.7      Training and Development Methods             
2.8      Evaluating Training               
3.1      Introduction                 
3.2      Research Design                   
3.3      Area of Study                      
3.4      Instrument Used for Data Collection
3.5      Sample and Sample Procedure      
3.6      Method of Data Analysis               
3.7      Population of the Study                
3.8      Method of Data Collection      
3.9      Instrument Validation    
3.10  Reliability of Instrument               
3.11  Determination of Critical Value      
4.1      Introduction          
4.2      Presentation of Data                    
4.3      Testing of Hypothesis     
5.1      Introduction                 
5.2      Summary of Findings            
5.3      Conclusion                          
5.4      Recommendation          
1.10                BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY
Human resources are the most dynamic of all the organization’s resources. The human resources of an organization represents one of its largest investment. The human element could be considered as the single most important transition force in civilization around the world. Thus, the history of human resource management is embedded in its defining characteristics, which include capacity to transform human resources that are available into organizational high productivity apparatus.
In recent years, manpower training and development has been the bedrock of many teaching hospitals in Nigeria. In industrialized developed countries, manpower training is of reducing obsolence among people and organization in the face of relentless technological innovation.
According to Lloyd Byars and Leslie Rue (2000) training is a leaning process that involves the acquisition of skills, concepts, rules or attitudes to enhance the performance of employees.
Adebayo Y. K. (2006) also define training as activities embarked upon by organization to equip its workers with necessary skills and knowledge that will help them perform their duties effectively.
In teaching hospitals, training is often organized to upgrade their knowledge and skills. Training is also very important in teaching hospital because when employees are trained it will have an high impact on productivity and thus, the level of competition among various teaching hospital. However for effective management of the manpower, training and re-training is required to meet daily challenges of the work ability that is facing it.
The immediate question is whether all these training activities or even the greater part of it can be justified by the result. The strategic question that comes to mind now is how can manpower training and development be use on higher productivity. This is what this study is all about.  
The impact of training and development has not been fully embraced or seen as a means to higher productivity in teaching hospitals. This could be attributed to so many factors ranging from the fact that government agencies and other bodies involved in training have not been well structured to meet up with the standard of manpower training required by teaching hospitals.
Also, it is very difficult to believe that most teaching hospitals rate the development of manpower training as very expensive, there are cost and benefits associated with manpower training and development. It is therefore important to asses the cost of this moves in terms of improved performance of employees, increased productivity, improvement in corporate image so that it can be recommended in other teaching hospital. These are some of the problem that are tackled in the course of this study.
   1.12                OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY
1.          To examine the impact of training and development to higher productivity in University of Benin Teaching Hospital.
2.          To find out the various types of training programmes available for employees in University of Benin Teaching Hospital.
3.          To ascertain if the training programme offered are relevant to the manpower needs of University of Benin Teaching Hospital.
4.          To find out the problems associated with employees training and job performance.
5.          To determine the importance of training and development in University of Benin Teaching Hospital.
 1.13                RESEARCH QUESTION
In order to achieve the objectives of this study highlighted above, the following question will guide the researcher.
1.          Is there any impact on productivity after manpower training and department?
2.          What are the different training options available?
3.          Could lack of funds be the inhibiting factor to the training of employees in University of Benin Teaching Hospital?
4.          What kind of training does an employee require for optimal performance?
5.          Does training and development lead to improved morale of employees?
 1.14                RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS
In order to achieve the objective of the study and answer the research questions above, the researcher postulated the following hypothesis;
Ho:  There is no significant relationship between training and development on higher productivity.
Hi:   There is a significant relationship between training and development on higher productivity.
Ho:  There is no significant relationship between lack of funds and employees training and development in University of Benin Teaching Hospital.
Hi:   There is a significant relationship between lack of funds and employees training and development in University of Benin Teaching Hospital.
Ho:  There is no significant relationship between training and development to an improvement in employees morale.
H1:  There is a significant relationship between training and development to an improvement in employees morale.        
1.15                 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY
1.          It will serve as a means of increased in productivity.
2.          Provide higher levels of services to customers.
3.          It will reveal the type of manpower training programmes available in University of Benin Teaching Hospital.
4.          It will increase workers commitment to work as they identify themselves with corporate goals and missions.
5.          It will enable University of Benin Teaching hospital to identify its training and development problems if any and adopt useful solution.
6.          It will reveal the type of manpower training programmes available in University of Benin Teaching Hospital.
7.          It will also serve as a reference material for future researchers and academicians.
    1.16                SCOPE OF THE STUDY
This study is designed to focus on the impact of manpower training and development on higher productivity as it specifically affects University of Benin Teaching Hospital.
  • Department: Business Administration and Management
  • Project ID: BAM0008
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 124 Pages
  • Chapters: 1-5 Chapters
  • Methodology: Chi-Square
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 3,444
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