• Department: Political Science
  • Project ID: POL0260
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 75 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Format: Microsoft Word
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Nigeria is regarded as the most populous country in Africa, with the population of approximately 140 million. This is perhaps the reason the country is pride itself as the giant of Africa1. Nigeria shares land boundaries with the Republic of Benin in the West, Cameroon to the East, Republic of Niger to the South and Chad Republic in the south-East

Nigeria became a political independence in 1960. Since then she adopted foreign policy posture which emphasizes the country’s national interest over which a national consensus has clearly emerged. With the attainment of independence, the country began to take its rightful position in the international politics. Nigeria has exhibited profound interest in the economic development of Africa states and contributed quotally for the consolidation of universal peace, mutual respect among all nations and elimination of discrimination in all its manifestations. Especially its closest neighbours of the west African sub region.2.

       The primary objective of Nigeria foreign policy like other countries is to promote and protect the country’s national interest in its interaction with outside world. Nigeria’s involvement and membership of international organization with of course most relevant to my discussion have be limited upon the examination of Nigeria’s role in international organization with particular emphases on OPEC.

Economic cooperation as it is provides fair opportunities for multi-lateral negotiation and collaboration among states and could be used to monitor types of value in the image of specific national preference3. Nigeria has sought membership in the UN, OAU, ECOWAS, before narrowing down with particular reference to OPEC. Nigeria had benefited immensely from United Nation programmes such as Millennium Development Goals, UNICEF, IMF and so on. Nigeria in spite of its relative level of development continuous to chair United Nation special organ for example toward the end of 2009 Nigeria was elected one of the member of the UN security council.

Nigeria’s role in the formation and survival of the Africa union cannot be over emphasizes in the transition from OAU to the Africa Union required 36thinstrument of ratification of the constitutive ACT of the Africa Union. On 26 April 2001 Nigeria became the 36th member state to deposit its instrument of ratification this concluded the requirement of two-thirds and the Act entered into force on 26th of May 2001.4

Technical Aid Corp (TAC) was form by Nigeria aim at ease movement of Nigerian professionals such as Teacher, lawyer, doctors, engineer etc to other countries who are in need. In December 1985 Nigeria proof effort to settle border conflict between Burkina Faso and the Republic of Mali. The treaty of ECOWAS was signed in Lagos on 28th may 1975.5 Nigeria commitment as regards to fratricidal war in Liberia was a stand of Article 52 of the UN charter providing for regional security .Nigeria also give a similar spirited defence to Sierra Leone .This was possible through ECOWAS monitoring Group ECOMOG established by General lbrahim  Babaginda.

Organization of petroleum Exporting countries (OPEC) came of out of necessity as the international oil market was controlled by an oligopoly of several major international companies shell. Mobil Texaco .British petroleum Exxon and Gult. These companies were in position to dictated oil prices as they represented the supply side of oil OPEC was founded in 1960 by coming together of iran, Kuwait, Sauid –Arabia and Venezuela Nigeria became a member of OPEC in 1970

The treaty formally establishing OPEC was signed in Baghdad. Iraq with the primary objective of securing fair and stable prices of petroleum product.

OPEC had specialized agencies which includes the conference, board of governor, the secretariat and special economic commission.

THE CONFERENCE: The conference is the authoritative head of the OPEC, it meets at least twice a year to formulate policy and approve new appointment.

THE BOARD OF GOVERNORS: There is one governor to represent each member country the board implements the resolution made by the conference. They also meet twice yearly.

THE SECRETARIAT: Is sub–divided into various department under the Secretary –General

  1. Office of the secretary –General
  2. Administration department
  3. Information department
  4. Economic department
  5. Legal department
  6. Technical department
  7. Statistics unit

SPECIAL ECONOMIC COMMISSION: Special fund was established to benefit non-OPEC members to provide loan. The fund is administered by a governing committee with a chairman and director general


The study aims at ascertaining Nigeria policy and role in OPEC as this would contributed to the existing literature on Nigeria role in OPEC. Efforts will be made to evaluate Nigeria policy role in terms of decision and moral contribution. Some scholars both within and without have been very critical about Nigeria performance and its benefits being a member of OPEC finally to x-ray the problems and prospects of the organization since its inception and recommendations


ORGANIZATION: Organization refers to any group of persons coming together for specific purpose. This could be political cultural religions as well as economic oriented. Organization aim at providing interest protection for its member.

PETROLEUM: Petroleum is regarded as the mineral got from the earth beneath containing gas fuel and other chemical substances.

ROLE: This refer to a part played by an actor. It involve Nigeria commitment and active participation toward the success of OPEC


The information will be derives from secondary data, relevant literature on foreign policy and federal government pronouncement on the subject. I will also make use of the few available annual volumes of bulletin journals of foreign affairs published by Nigeria institute of external affairs and official bulletin of OPEC this research work will also gather information from papers and articles written by eminent scholars on the                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      topic in addition I will also make use of relevant articles and periodicals like the local and international magazines, internet sources and international media  home like CNN, press TV, BBC and so on.


A theoretical frame- work renders a research work to be more structure. It serve as a way through which political phenomenon can be analyzed.

In the course of this research, the general system  theories  will be use to explain Nigeria role in OPEC.

System theory is probably the most widely used term in international relations. It is assumed that all existing political units interact with one another according to some regular and observable partner of relationship6. The system theory emphasizes the inter-dependence of all the sub-system or units within a system in their inter-locking relation. In the game of international politics, each state in the system is the guardian of its own security and independence.

According to David Easton, the state is a system consisting of interdependent part which interact with one another in order to perform a function.

Demands from the environment undergone a conversion process with the political system and come out as output, which are usually authoritative decision. It is noted that the reaction of the people form support and protest to the policy makers as a feedback.

David Easton (1953) Gabriel Almond and Bungham Powel (1966) and Robert Dahl (1970) were among the early proponents who have also led the way of applying the general system theory to explain the political system as comprising sub-system7.

In applying the general system theory to the study, OPEC is regarded as the general system while Nigeria role as a sub-system. The indication represent the relationship a sub system and a general system.

OPEC in general has a set of goals to pursue in which Nigeria as a unit is expected to perform her role in relationship with the general system for mutual benefit.

These goals may include coordination and unifying petroleum politics among member states in order to secure stable prices, securing common petroleum policy among member states, to allocate production level and to aid poor non-oil-producing countries.


In order to establish the borders around which this research work is centered, the following operational hypothesis were developed and tested.

Ho: That Nigeria has made meaningful contribution to the organization of petroleum exporting countries

Hi: That Nigeria is in weak position in the OPEC


The basic objective of this research includes:

  1. To examine the conditions that necessitate the formation of organization of petroleum exporting countries OPEC in connection with the security of good and stable price of oil.
  2. To examine the relationship between demand and supply and crude oil products

iii.        To recommend the appropriate policies and strategies to streamline price and production level of the petroleum resources

  1. To examine the problems and challenges facing Nigeria as a member of OPEC.


The scope of this research will cover the organizational structure of the OPEC which includes OPEC conference, board of governors, the secretariat and special economic commission. The following variable will be considered.

Historical development

Management and organizational structure

Administrative function

Problem encountered

The research is centered to cover the inception of OPEC in 1960 to present date.


Aghemelo and Osumah: “Nigeria government and politics” An introductory perspective monograph series 4. Page 2

Akpotor and Nwolise: “Revolving issues in Nigeria foreign policy page 53.

Olusanya G.: “The fundamentals of Nigerian foreign policy and external economic relations”

Olusanya G. Ibid page 73

Nwokoloba A: “Nigeria’s foreign policy since independence”

Akinyemi A.B et al (ed) Reading and documents on ECOWAS

OPEC Bulletin, volume xxi No 8 Sept. 1990.

Aribisala F.: “Nigeria in OPEC the weakest link in cartel chain

NNPC Diary 1990

Gabriel Almond and B. Powell: Comparative politics a development approach

Ray Ofoegbu “Foundation course in international relations for African universities (London George Allen and union LTD) 1980, page 10.

  • Department: Political Science
  • Project ID: POL0260
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 75 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1,344
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