• Department: Education
  • Project ID: EDU1365
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 50 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1,474
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This research work is to find out t he effect of strike action on the academic performance of students in some selected secondary school in Ikpoba Okha Local Government Area of Edo State. To accomplish the objectives of this research, a questionnaire was drawn for one hundred and fifty students selected in the area of study. The findings of this research revealed that:.

1.                  Strike is caused by irregularities of teachers salary.

2.                  Indiscipline of students in various schools

3.                  Lack of dialogue between Government and Nigerian Union of Teachers.

All these result to strike actions, the effect of this strike actions is usually decreased in performance of students academic in secondary school, in the years that are strike free. This study identified the fact that persistent strike leads to low moral in both students and teachers. The following recommendations and suggestions according to the research, if taken will reduce or totally eliminate strike.

1.                  Attractive remuneration

2.                  Adequate financing

3.                  Adherence to collective bargaining

4.                  Provision of adequate education facilities and infrastructure that will enhance learning.

5.                  The use of dialogue in resolving conflicts            


Chapter one         =      


Background of the study

Research question

Purpose of study

Significance of the study

Scope of study

Limitation of the study

Definition of terms

Chapter two         =      

Literature review


Chapter three =


Population of the study

Sampling techniques

Research instrument

Validity of instrument

Procedure for data collection

Method of data analysis

Chapter four =

Analysis of data

Chapter five =

Summary, conclusion and recommendation

Suggestion for further research

Reference    =




As a student one deserve to know what to do in the bid to enhance or explore effective performance in his/her educational aspect. It is probably pertinent to even reassure oneself about who a student is in  to be doing such as individual under discussion find himself or herself in a college, polytechnics or university setting charges with the task of acquiring knowledge, skills and trying to modify his academic performance the role of living in the midst of other colleague and getting about the acquisition of the desired knowledge which are modified and influenced by both the materials and human features of the environments. The profile for this presentation consists of consideration of the responsibilities of a student. A high light of some factors which can hinder the effective performance of the roles of the students are;

1.     Hindrance of ones self social grove like gang, clique etc

2.     Failure to set target to be accomplished.

3.     Lack of full knowledge or sometimes disregard for school rules and regulation and the most hindrance is the NUT strike action which could be the talk on this project.     


This project attempts to examine the effect of strike on the academic performance of schools in Nigeria at large and Ikpoba Okha L.G.A. of Edo State in particular. The secondary school community is composed of many staff unions; strike by any of these unions has a tendency of lowering the standard of education.

In this work, attention will be paid to the impact of Nigeria Union of Teacher (NUT) strike action on student’s academic performance. This is primary because NUT performs the initial functions of inculcating knowledge on Nigeria secondary schools students. The researcher will also examine the effects NUT strike has on the quality and standard   of school leavers produced from secondary schools.

A study of this nature is necessary because education has the universal function of contributing to the perpetration of societies by transmitting ideals, values and norms from generation to generation thereby preparing the youth for active role in the society. Education also displays the value conflicts that exist between ideals and real norms that are typical of all cultures.

Fafunwa (1994) in recantation of the above facts stated that an ideal educational medium should be able to help the beneficiaries, develop the abilities, attitude and others forms of behaviour which are positive value to the society in which they live.

Ejoh (1999) also recognized that an ideal education is very important to an individual, his family, his immediate community and the country as a whole. It helps to develop his mental capability, widen his horizon and increases his job options. It is therefore important that every individual acquires basic education. Aristotle (1988) also recognized the indispensable function of education, which he stated in his book that the aims of education should include;

a.                 The realizations of the capabilities and potential of individuals

b.                 The development of the body  

c.                  The training of the appetites which is character or moral development

d.                 The development of the intellect or reason. He further hold that non of the above should be emphasized at the expense of the others

In line with the above aims and functions of education, the Nigeria government in its 1981 policy on education are the building;

1.                 A free and democratic society

2.                 A just and egalitarian society

3.                 A United, strong and self-reliant nation

4.                 A great and dynamic economy

5.                 A land full of bright and full opportunity for all citizens

Presently, education in Nigeria has not been able to achieve the noble objective because it is in deep problems. Paramount among these problems is the incessant NUT strike, which has often disrupted academic activities. Many reasons can be seen responsible for these incessant strikes by the NUT. Prominent among those problems according to NUT are those of funding, lacks of autonomy and dehumanizing working conditions in trying to find a lasting solution to these problems, the long commission set up by the federal government recommended in their report a 90% funding level for next fifteen years 1992-2007.

The recommendations were adopted in the agreement between the federal government of Nigeria and the NUT unfortunately government reneged on the agreement. For instance, funding in 1996 should have been four times more than what was prescribed by the report but fell short of this expectation because of government attitude towards funding education. The economic down turn and the foreign exchange rates did not help matters. Judging from the economic down turn, the review of the agreement which government bluntly turned down. Folioing this there has been several strikes action by the Nigerian Union of Teachers since then this situation was further aggravated by the way government reacted to NUTS strike action. Instead of engaging in meaningful dialogue with the teachers, the governments sacked some and even went as far as forcefully ejecting them from their official quarters.

In addition to the humiliation, government refused to pay them their salaries and other entitlement. As a result of this, most teachers left for the private sectors while some others went to private schools in search of greener pastures. Some student’s looks to crime, while others also secured temporary employments and yet others get involve in street hawking and became juvenile delinquents. The consequence of these strike action has led to a condition fall in education standard.

The conflict between the federal government and teachers has been occurring intermittently in some state secondary schools following from this, it becomes pertinent that a lasting solutions be formed through a comprehensive research on the effect of strike on the academic standard of students. This work intends to do this by drawing government attention to the various steps to be taken in order to eliminate these problems once and for all.


The disagreement of teachers academics striken action is an agent of social change in an organization. Education administrations is concerned with the effect and influences on strike (disagreement) on he educational sector in particular to the social economic and political sector in general.


The main purpose of this study is to attract the attention of both the educationist and non-educationalist to the effect of strike on the academic performance of students, and to also examine the causes of strike by Nigerian Union of Teachers (NUT). The following variables shall be examined;

a.                 Poor funding

b.                 Inadequate staffing

c.                  Lack of autonomy

d.                 State of infrastructure of the secondary schools


  Based on the above stated problems the study shall answer this question;

i.                   Is there a relationship between NUT strike action and level of academic performance?

ii.                 What are some of the effect of strike action on students academic performance?

iii.              What role does the federal government play in ensuring non-insistent strike action?

iv.              How can the society at large contribute to the smooth flow of academic session?

v.                 What effect does strike has on the moral status of students? 


          The importance of this study is to bring to the knowledge of the public; the effects of NUT strike actions on our educational system. The impact of strike on our secondary schools and the academic performance of the students by the academic staffs and the secondary schools in enhancing socio-economic and political development of the nation.


Strike action by NUT is not peculiar to some selected secondary schools in Ikpoba Okha L.G.A. alone but to all secondary school in Nigeria. This study intends to carry out a comparative analysis of 6 years performance chart of the final year students (SSS III) of some selected secondary school in Ikpoba Okha L.G.A. as collected by the examination and this study intends to carry out a comparative analysis of six (6) years performance chart of the final year students SSS III of some selected secondary school in Ikpoba Okha L.G.A. as collected by the examination and this study intends to carry out a comparative analysis of three years performance chart of the SS I and SS II students in Edo College and Niger college Secondary Schools in Ikpoba Okha Local Government Area as collected by the examination and class teacher records.

DEFINITION OF TERMS                                  

          In the research, some terms, which are used connotatively, are defined and classified to enable use understand the context they are used.

L.G.A.: Local Government Area

Instructional Aids (materials): These are teaching materials which teachers use in order to assist in his teaching.

Teaching: A process which bring about a relative change in behaviour over time in academic situation

Method: this is the procedure in which a goal can be achieved in teaching

Student: A person who is studying at a school or college

 Teachers: A person who teaches (profession)

Strike: A time or period when work is not done because of disagreement over pay or working conditions

Academics: Teaching and studying in a college or schools subjects taught to provide skills for the mind rather than for the hand. 

  • Department: Education
  • Project ID: EDU1365
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 50 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1,474
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