• Department: Education
  • Project ID: EDU1358
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 48 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 2,082
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This study investigated the perception of study towards teaching as a profession. A case study of some secondary schools in Benin City. The purpose of carrying out this study is to highlight student’s perception on teaching as a profession. To find out the perception of the students towards the teaching profession, some research questions were posed to guide the researcher.

i.             What is the perception of students to the teaching profession?

ii.            What are the different factors that influence students perception towards the teaching profession?

iii.           Are teachers performing the primary obligation of the teaching profession?

Further more, the population of the study consists of some secondary schools in Benin City. Random sampling was used to select one hundred students employed in the study out of the population. The instrument employed in collecting data was the questionnaire. The use of percentage was made in analyzing the data.



Background of the study

1.1         Statement of the problems

1.2         Purpose of the study

1.3         Significance of the study

1.4         Research questions

1.5         Scope of the study

1.6         Limitation of the study

1.7         Definition of terms

CHAPTER TWO             

Literature review

2.1         Influence of choice of occupation

2.2         Social stratification of profession

2.3         The teacher in the eyes of the society

2.4         Perception of the students to teaching profession

CHAPTER THREE                   

Research methodology

3.1         Population of the study

3.2         Procedure and sample

3.3         Research instrument

3.4         Validation of instrument

3.5         Data collection procedure

3.6         Statistical analysis of data

CHAPTER FOUR           

Result and discussion

4.1         Analysis and discussion of results

4.2         Discussion of the findings

CHAPTER FIVE             

Conclusion and Recommendation

5.1         Summary of findings

5.2         Recommendation

5.3         Suggestion for further research






The introduction of the study has to do with career development. It is inevitable pertinent to understand what career is. The advanced learners dictionary defines career as way of making ones living, a profession course through life. The meaning of a profession has been a matter of interest among different scholars. A profession can be defined as an occupation that requires specialized training and techniques. According to wikipedia, the free encyclopedia, a profession is a form oe employment especially one that is respected in society as honourable as is possible only for an educated person and after training in some branch of knowledge. From this definition, it is obvious that career is an important factor that determines the life of any human beings for years, the primary concern of people has been on how they can find the right job to engage themselves in this enhance the need for career guidance for young people to enable them choose properly whatever work that may be considered appropriate in life is deemed necessary.

          It follows therefore, that choosing a career or profession is one of the most important decisions a person will make in his lifetime. There are different kinds of career, which one can choose in life some of these are medicine, engineering, law, accountancy, perfuming arts, banking, teaching to mention but a few, however, the area of this study is the teaching profession.    


This study is intended to find out students perception of teaching as a profession, as well as to ascertain the factors that have contributed to their reactions and the feelings that the teachers have towards teaching as a profession. 


In order to provide an effective remedy, for any ailment, its cause must be known insufficient details. The purpose of this study is to have a critical analysis of student’s perception of teaching as a profession. Assessment of students perception of teaching as a profession will be carried out by the researcher, suggestions would be given out on how students should be made to change this negative attitude. If the attitude of students perception of teaching as a profession is positive while the performances was deteriorating, attempts would be made by the researcher to suggest critically examined factors that would bring about the desirable change in students perception towards teaching as a profession.  


Since the inception of man, the teaching profession will continue to retain its dominance in the production of manpower in all fields of human endeavours. It is hoped therefore that the findings of this study will help the school management board and the teaching profession by providing better conditions of services for teachers. This in turn will serve as a tonic for enhancing the proficiency of the school system especially in the secondary schools. This study will in consequence help to stimulate students perception and interest and improve their performance in choosing teaching as a career. 


1.            What are the perceptions of students towards the teaching as a profession?

2.            What are the different factors that influence students perception towards the teaching profession?

3.            Are teachers proud of their profession?

4.            Are teachers performing the primary obligation of the teaching profession?


The perception of students towards the teaching profession (positive or negative) is felt all over the world/nation. But this study is restricted to selected schools in primary schools in Oredo Local Government Area and some secondary schools in Egor Local Government Area. 

1.7Definition of terms

Perception according to the oxford advanced learners dictionary of current English by AS Hornby (2000) is a process by which we become aware of change through the sense of sight, hearing etc) that is power of perceiving. Also the concise oxford dictionary of current English by J. B. Synkes (2001) defines perception as an act of perceiving intuitive recognition of (truth aesthetic quality etc), action by which the mind refers its sensation to external objects as cause. By this, it means that the condition in which the state of mind is towards anything or any event either favourable or unfavourable. With regards to teaching profession the perception shown towards it must necessarily be a product of how present teachers carry themselves which must reflect their social and economic well being. According to the Webster’s instruction to train, to give knowledge or skills for a living. Again the chambers 20th century dictionary defines teaching as the art, practice or profession of giving instruction. In the new modern English dictionary, teaching is defined as a process of giving lesson to some one or something.

          Teaching can be defined as the systematic means of promoting learnin. (Bell-Gam 1998), it is also referred to as complex professional vocation (Scates 1991) Regan refers to it as a strategic profession and Haskew 91993) sees it as a social service profession. The definition dearly explains the nature of teaching in relation to the professional teachers. Teachers thus, means an action of making some one to learn and acquire skills and knowledge since teaching is always with learning often measured by the amount of learning which has taken place in the learner.

  • Department: Education
  • Project ID: EDU1358
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 48 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 2,082
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