• Department: Computer Science
  • Project ID: CPU0573
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 66 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1,161
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(A Case Study Of Nigeria Telecommunication Limited Enugu)


It is obvious that the trend in techniques today has gone beyond the ordinary to extraordinary expect are working unrelenting to postulate new theory, disorder or manufacture new technology to satisfy the human desires or need and to solve global problems that is to say as time changes new development comes into place. 
Today the use of traditional or manual system of problem solving has left an excruciating pain, struggle and downfall of many business organizations. Today almost ever business activities can be carried out using automatic machines. 
The automation of these activities has contributed immensely to the comfortability of human existence therefore via the desire and need to improve. The standard of living, the computer has been introduced to the various field of endeavour which includes the pay as-you – go call billing system thereby enhancing its production and reordering its sales. 
The motivation for security, accuracy, stability, comfortability and satisfaction in the cellular telecommunication system is to secure communication and data signal from interception as well as to prevent telephone or communication fraud. 
With the former analog based cellular telephone system such as total access communication system (TACS) and the advanced mobile phone system (AMPS). It is easier for radio signal to intercept or interrupt telephones conversation with the security agents. 
Another security consideration in cellular telecommunication system involves identification of credentials such as electronic serial numbers (ESN), which is essential for easy assessment deification and analysis. 


Title Page 
Organization Of Work 
Table Of Content

Chapter One 
1.0 Introduction 

1.1 Statement Of The Problem
1.2 Purpose Of The Study 
1.3 Aims And Objectives
1.4 Scope Of The Study 
1.5 Limitations
1.6 Definitions Of Terms

Chapter Two 
2.0 Literature Review

Chapter Three 
3.0 Description And Analysis Of Existing System 

3.1 Facts Finding Method
3.2 Organizational Structure 
3.3 Objective Of The Existing System 
3.4 Input Process And Output Analysis
3.5 Processing Analysis 
3.6 Output Analysis 
3.7 Problems Of The Existing System 
3.8 Justification Of The New System

Chapter Four 
4.0 Design Of The New System

Chapter Five 
5.0 Implementation

5.1 Program Design 
5.2 Flow Chart 
5.3 Program Flow Chart

Chapter Six 
6.0 Documentation 

6.1 Users Guide 
6.2 View Of The Test Result 
6.3 Error Handling 
6.4 Quitting The System

Chapter Seven 
7.0 Conclusion And Recommendation 

7.1 Conclusion 
7.2 Recommendations 


In response to a dear market need for flexible recording services, business introduced “pay-as-you-go” call recording. This specialist service ensures complete control over you recorded calls remains with you, a bespoke call recorder is implemented at your site, configured to your telephone system and network. Any type of telephone can be captured, including VOLP. An agreed billing period is settled with usage only charging price per recorded minute or seconds which means no capital expenditure or rental/service charge. 
Detailed usage reports are provided which for outsourcers can be on a per-customer basis, calls can be found easily from desktop PCS using a myriad of search criteria. Such as data, time, duration agent name, client name, incoming telephone number and more storage can be arranged for welfare period required even years. 
The pay as-you-go services ensures you maintain control of all calls, as calls are recorded and stored at our own site system. Here you buy access time you want and pay before making our call pay-as-you-go allows the subscriber to pay his or her monthly phone call bills in advanced by loading recharge voyage or cards this access time is purchased in various denomination on a card called “Alimony” 
With Nitel pay-as-you-go you re not tied to 9:12 month. Contract and don’t have to worry about bills, just top-up-you talk time as you go, this system is very much suitable for individuals who want access to telecommunications instantaneously. It enables you to manage your own expenditure do so as to effectively meet your communication needs. 
This system has been in existence in many organizations; but most cases is the manual or traditional approach therefore an introduction of an automated machine or computer system will adversely improve the system planning in the following ways: 
i. Flexibility
ii. Reliability 
iii. Accuracy 
iv. Variability 
v. Timeless 
vi. Safe data storage

Today, with regard to the current trend in technology, almost every aspiring organization had their billing system computerized, organization such NITEL and NEPA has changed there billing system which was formally manual to automatic, despite the changes, made so far, they still encountered some irresistible and unavoidable problems such as wrong billing, inaccurate timing and displacement of vital information. 
Therefore in these GSM pay-as-you-go billing system the design will first access the credit balance before giving the customer or client access to the telecommunication networks. 
It ensures accurate reading and billing of time and cost either per minute or seconds; resulting to a desirable satisfaction between both parties at the climate of the transaction.

The purpose of the work is to accurately observe the setback and drawback of the manual techniques; analysis the likely cause of the problems and consequently device a means of solving or eliminating the drawback through the introduction of the computer system executing the basic clerical duties. 
Computerizing the pay-as-you-go call billing system makes it very easy to reach out to prospective customers scattered all over the nation and creates an outstanding and firm relationship between the organizations and her customer.

Pay-as-you-go call billing system; is meant to enable the subscriber to control his or her call cost using a credit or debit card. It is design to save time and gives accurate billing record, to offer more freedom and choose to the customers or subscriber and to eliminate the anxiety caused by enormous bills. 
To offer a simple pricing plan with no long term obligations recognizing that providing superior customer service is a critical success factor in the wireless market place.

This project research work is aimed at eliminating some major problems and draw backs, encountered in the system; problems such as inaccurate billing access.
Loss of vial information or data/ data storage.

Various limiting factors was encountered in the process of my research, the following limitations are:

Time Factor: The fact that the duration of the project research is very negligible; the research could not be able to cover much of the scope of study, combining academic work; examination, domestic outlines and project work results to the major inconveniency. 
Financial Constraints: The fact that the researcher lacks financial backbone or support retarded his effort in getting vital information and clues to back up his project. This hindered him from make certain trips to industrialized and commercial cities like Lagos, Victoria Land, Ikeja, Abia State; Abuja etc. to carry out further enquires in other NITEL Branches also the inability to procure the necessary hardware facilities for the project.
Lack of Information Analyst: Due to the researchers’ inability to analysis complex vital theories and information the researcher encounter serious unavoidable difficulties in carrying out the project work.

With respect to the insufficiency of information; and compelling limitation; the following assumption were made
- Assume that the hardware requirements for the program or software installation are readily procured. 
- Assume that the system of computerized pay-as-you-go has never been incorporated or introduced. 
- Assume that the use desperately in need of the new system of a computerized pay as you go billing system.

Hardware: - These are the physical components of a computer system, that could be seen, touched, and felt e.g. system chassis, keyboard and screen etc. 
Software: - These are program writing to instruct the system on step or process of executing a given task instruction, they resides mainly in the Hardware components. 
Traditional System: - This defines the system of using physical file, file jackets and channels in the storage of vital information or records i.e. manual or ordinary system or pattern of information storage. 
Record: - Facts of a particular materials and things used in production. 
Field: - An item of data within a record, it is made up of a number of characters.
File organization: - The process of arranging and maintaining, updating files that are used for keeping or records.
Flow Chart: - The diagrammatical representation of systematic procedures taken in executing a given task or institution. 

  • Department: Computer Science
  • Project ID: CPU0573
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 66 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1,161
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