• Department: Education
  • Project ID: EDU0613
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 59 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: simple percentage
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 5,247
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This impact of nursery education on the performance of pupils in some selected primary school in Egor Local Government Area was studied. About five head masters and headmistresses, teachers of both nursery and primary schools participated I the study and the result was analysed using the T-test statistics. The test and variance result indicated that age is a prerequisite in nursery school, education and that; there is a great different between nursery education and performance of pupils in primary schools. Acquisition of special skills by their teachers is a strong factor. And socio-economic status is not a strong factor. Based on these, it was recommended that (a) nursery education is given much attention in the 6-3-3-4 system of education. (b) nursery school teachers should be given special training to enable them handle the pupils more effectively and (c) government should make possible and effective supervision of nursery schools to ensure stipulated standard that will benefit all.        
Chapter One    
Background of the study
Statement of the problem
Purpose of the study
Significance of the study
Research question
Scope of the study
Limitations of study
Definition of study
Chapter Two
Literature Review
Chapter Three  
Research methodology  
Population and sample
Source of data collection
Sample and sampling method
Sampling design/procedure
Validity of instrument
Reliability of the instrument
Analysis of data
Chapter Four    
Analysis of data
Chapter Five    
Summary, Conclusion and Recommendations
Suggestions for further studies
The history of education in Nigeria which back to the 19th century has its root of emergence with the coming and introduction of the ancestral world with its effect of civilization. This is witnessed in the last two decades in Nigeria and to formalize a great upsurge of interest in the pre-primary institution both at the government and the private sector. Hence the ancient development of pre-primary education has important intoxication in the transformation of this stage of educational levels this witnessed in the hours of 1970s with subsequent education reforms as at that time which gave result of basic and strong recommendation like the fare report commission of 1971 by UNESCO, based on the realization that the child need basic skills on the realization that the child need basic skills to achieve success in learning and thus the best time to acquire these skill as early childhood. This hardly and this demand that childhood formal education is best time to acquire these skill as early childhood. This hardly and this demand that childhood. This hardly and this demand that childhood formal education is best attained in the nursery academic level.
In the same vein the national policy on education (2004) section 2 which defines “nursery education some as the education activities where varieties of material are used to prepare the child for a better educational orientation. Children here have often fall between the age of 2-6 or 3-6 years of which are always on the guide of a teacher qualified in the field of early childhood education. Here the children are provided with items always from home. where they can begin to learn and cope with their feeling alone. This nursery education is a period looked upon as a period of careful preparation for a happy and fruitful social integration into a primary school. Here the school seeks to explore learning experience along. Its usually modern times that will form a strong and sound base for a more formal education.
In like manner the cognitive theory of Piaget stated that thinking begins with the formation of cognitive schematics. The acquisition of language which frees children from the need to manipulate raw reality in order to form cognitive schematics Paige’s postulation on cognitive development has its substantially enriched educational practices and principles more often than any other theory. Hence this theory tend to examine on the importance of interaction in early childhood education with the enabling environment providing the child every basic opportunity to experience assimilation and accommodation      
To achieve these free styled experiments in childhood learning fast in assimilation and accommodation, the government or the private individuals should thus enrich the nursery education with wide varieties of objects materials and the equipments for these children to always play tough, feel, manipulate and solve problems to enhance adequate learning proceedings. Subsequently, some educationist, psychologist even sociologist believe that early childhood education is very essential, since the child’s basic personality and mental capacity in which he will function depends on levels. This nursery education which is the level. This nursery education which is the pre-primary education is careful p[planned to encourage children to learn through exploration, experimentation and discovery hence this programme is specially designed to help pr-school children open up to facilities and coordinate the workings of their inner self. This is helping children to develop their potentials.                  
In the attempts made to lay a much better phenomena towards the childhood education, Pestalozzi (1971) constructor division of knowledge from numbers and words. While preserving the importance of sensory experience and activity in early education. He believed that nature must be organized for the child, so that he can benefit from his sensory impressions. Montessori (1907) continue this trend of education the young child by regulating his sensory motor interaction with selected objects in the environment. The central piece about this approach is that the child inactive inquisitive organism who can discover knowledge through guided exercise of his senses and his body the nursery education help the children to enter this period with the ability to use language and symbols to represents objects events and ideas with fully development concept of object performances. This is virtually ego ostracism which characterizes, the child cognitive level. In children especially, there are three major kinds of development. These are the physical, intellectual and social development. These are development tend to unfolds as the child group children development do not unfold rather they need experience to enable them make satisfactory visual and moral discrimination and to acquire suitable motto skills. Hence this stage in learning is referred to as beginning of through which is the transition period from sensory motor to the pre-operational period of cognitive development, where the child begins to use symbols to represent objects. Here the child starts to thing in advance for actions. This significant of motor development during infancy or nursery education vital and basic prerequisite to child development  
The nursery education did not virtually come immediately as at introduction of western education in to be west coast of Africa especially Nigeria is relatively a new phenomenon in the Nigeria education which tends to show or bring out the impressionable character of the child in its early or infancy stage is recognized with virtually the kind of brilliants of the performances which it has gained its infant stage. Thus the federal government of Nigeria recognizes its important, but the responsibility  so assumed is fearless than expected in another level of education which expected in another level of education which has also been converted to the national policy on education, wishing the private agencies to invest in this level and stage of education background. Today, it is seen that from the number of parents whether educated or not but which incessantly struggle to secure a lace for their children in the nursery schools. In the best attempts to observe this problem in infancy education on inclined to acceptance even as level has gained under acceptance even as these parents as so doing. There are too many issues which teachers, parents, and the society at large need clarification to an extent.
With these events, the late academic performance of children be the appropriate and comprehensive age of entering into nursery schools. This shows that the ages of a child affect active participation and assimilation in learning and teaching situation which seems to be a waste of funds and resources by so many parents often illiterates. All from these illiterate parents having it that such as child will not have that ability ready enough to capture. The essence of learning at such eliminatory stage. These are still contradictory especially with serves of systematic investigation as appraisable to knows the effect of contributions made on the part of the child with the introduction of the first early childhood education as regard to the nursery participation of every child.
It is often cleared and understood that the basic phenomenon required by the child will best entice to the cognitive issues of elementary education, this most child do not have access to and contrarily are not been able to know on time like other child that was exposed to symbol as preparatory entry into able primary education system. One is this the primary education system. One is this able to verily say that, the pre-primary education is one that every child should and must attend because he has gained a wide range in facilitating must as better understanding hence their sensory motor has already been development. This help to fasten every level of understanding as the primary child his primary toward education achievement with a much brighter hope and feature to live and dwell.
In an attempt for the research to be able to be have further clarification about the impact of nursery education on the performance of pupils in some selected primary schools, in Egor Local Government Area, Edo State. Thus, the researcher carefully formulated and postulated the research question for this purpose as follows: Is there any relationship of the following in the performance of pupils in some selected primary school in Egor Local Government Area of Edo State.  The age and admission into nursery education and the performance at pupils in nursery school. The accession of special skill by teacher and effective teaching in nursery school. The social economy status of parent and their determination to send children to nursery school.   
The researcher as for the purpose of this study postulates or as formulated the following answers. There is no relationship between the attendance, the age and the admission, the acquisition of special skill the social economy status of parents and their determination to send their children to nursery school.
The purpose of the study as to examine the impact of nursery education on pupil’s performance in some selected schools in Egor Local Government Area of Edo State. Hence the specific objective of the study were to find out the age which the child normally begin nursery education. Still in same vein, the researcher went ahead to inquire if the exposure of the nursery education has or had impact development difference between the children from the primary and those pre-primary or the nursery education as a first hand.
In the light of this work, the research is with full autism that parents will be all informed or being introduced to the benefit of sending their children or wards to the nursery school. Also having in mind that the ministry of education to realize the importance of pre-primary institution into the organization chart of child academic. This research work mostly believe that the work will go a long way by helping to prepare their bodies in knowing the best formal to be involved in the child curriculum activities for the earlier child education.
Hence, the researcher is also of the opinion that teachers will benefit and appreciate through this work and what kind of methods of teaching that would be effective in teaching and what level of institutional materials that would best be used at different stage, level and age.
The scope of this research work is centred in some selected schools that is, the nursery and primary schools in Egor Local Government Area of Edo State. Here the researcher based and focused in the elementary education background of the early childhood institutional upbringing showing the tendencies of the early deviational frontline of children in respect to acquisition of the cognitive attitude and effects on the early child which has provided a positive education reform policy in the administration of the child’s behavioural attitude and performance in learning contingencies.
Nursery Education: This is virtually the first and basic step of knowledge acquired by the early child at a tender age before the primary education.
Phenomenon: This illustrates the processes or continue that is administered in the procedures taken to prepare the early child’s programme.
Intuitive Standard: This explain the rigours steps taken to bring out the best form in the teaching processes of this group of pupils that are still under the primary education age.
Society: This debate the immediate environment of study where the research work is been carried out.
Primary Education:  This is referred to as the basic stage of educational qualification where the child is virtually of age to acquire the basic educational qualities and knowledge.
Cognitive Schematic: This is a form of tart that is believed to come portent through gradual development of the child from infancy which is this developed with the ability of the child to respond to series of learning from the introduction of early nursery education.
Accommodation: This is a process of learning and assimilation of the early child from the importance of interaction between peers.

  • Department: Education
  • Project ID: EDU0613
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 59 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: simple percentage
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 5,247
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