• Department: Education
  • Project ID: EDU0565
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 69 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: simple percentage
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 2,397
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Education is a process through which an individual acquires knowledge, skills and abilities, which enable him/her to positively contribute towards the meaningful development of the society for the betterment of the country at large. Education is the mind and it encourages learners to concentrate on true and lasting values.
Education is a tool for both social and culture. Education enables individuals to develop abilities, attitudes and acquire the norms and values of the society. Education is the gateway to knowledge and development for the individual and the nation. It is best legacy that parents can leave for their children and it is the most valuable possession that a person or individual can ever acquire, there has been a growing concern about women education in both private and public circle. The women occupy a central position or place in the home, community, nation they have the highest percentage of the total population of the world.
When the first child is a female, the parents are not happy; it even comes to the worst when they are all female children (girls). The father (husband) goes about looking for a male child, this will then lead the man (father) to practice or involve in polygamous home which he never intended to practice.
This over-emphasis that the value of the male (boy) child in the African context. The women here protested their commercialization or their being made consumer objects. They claimed that the male have the resources and accelerated that their social economics political and educational status and further affirmed that their male counterpart misallocated these resources. Women were largely exhausted from many place in policy making and other important position in public or private sectors. In post independence period in many developing countries Nigeria inclusive, education was given to both men and women as a might to facilitate the developing process, women an contribute to a national development if they are educationally empowered.
According to Allian (1959) women have always been regarded as weak vessels but they have in recent time refused the leg in a terms of education, she said that women have confessed that they have overcome self-defect and mediocrity due to their exposure to educational world instead of being a burden or a liability to their husband, they will support and help the family to achieve greater height and their children have more opportunity to be a literate than those of non-educated people which will help to increase the growth and development of the society and the country at large.
With education, women can participate in any field politically, socially, economically, religiously and so on. In politics for instance which was almost dominated by man (male child) is now being appreciated by women that marned, women, because they are educated and can fully participate to the growth and development of the Nigeria economy by being a patrician.
Malan Kauta (1982) said that what a man can do, a woman can do it better as well. Apart from bringing up children in the right manner so that they can match or fit with the present day society, educated women have the chance and ability to contribute their talents, skills and knowledge in task of national economic revival for the country growth and development.
The educated women is better and more useful as house wife and a mother, neighbor and citizen community mobilizes and social workers and even a good philanthropist, we must therefore encourage the young girls (female children) and women with necessary attitude to benefit from the fruit of education not merely for their own self improvement but for the rapid growth and development of the Nigerian economy.     
Today, it is due to the will and quest of parents to provide basic education for their children; it has always been hundred by some prevailing circumstances.
The researcher focused on some factors against women education in Nigeria towards contributing to their quarters in enhancing and developing the country economy viz: cultural factors, purvey, in adequate education resources, high cost of women education and social cultural factors.
This study is designed to find out the attitude of women which hinders their education as well as the socio-economic benefit of educated women in the growth and development of the nation’s economy.
The study is hanged on the following research questions:
Does the attitude of teachers in school neglect the education of women?
Does the education of the girl child (women) bring about the breakdown  to culture?
Does parental education background play a role in women education?
Does your religious belief support women’s education?
Does family size affect education of women?
Do women really have low IQ as reported by men being described as fish brain?
The hypotheses draw from this study includes:
Family size affects education of women
Parents education background plays a greater role in women education
Religion belief also affects women education
The attitude of teachers in school do on neglect the education of women.
This study which examines the impact of women education in Nigeria in attaining the growth and development of the country economy is limited to five secondary schools in Egor Local Government Area and also to draw sample from the secondary school teachers and from educated and non-educated parents.
For clarification and prevention of possible confusion and ambiguity meaning have been attached to some terms in the research.
Attaining: To achieve something to actualize set goals.
Development: To increase something or for something to change and have an increased size or take a new shape.
Education: Systematic training and instruction in school for the acquisition of knowledge, skill information etc by a more experience person i.e. the teacher.
Income: The money that a person receives or earns as a salary, sales or from any productive ventures.
Factors: It is the increase of something for other new changes (dynamics)
Culture: Way of life of people in terms of religion, marriage, believe, art, music etc.
Prevail: It means to overcome a problem or barriers which stands as a hindrance to achieve something.
Attitude: It refers to a character or behaviour possessed by somebody.
Shallow Brain: The brain that cannot assimilate deeply and rapidly or brains that cannot reason/think deeply.
Community: Is a geographical location where people will come together and habit or is a place meant for habitation by people.
Participate: To be including in an activities.
Weaker Vessel: It refers to somebody that does not have much strength/,might to do something or not having much say in something.
Polygamous: It refers to family whereby the man marries two or more wives.
Philanthropist: A person that help others who are in need financially or otherwise
Women Education: This is the type of education given to women in order of the guidance of a school.
Unkeep: This is keeping something in a continuous good condition.

  • Department: Education
  • Project ID: EDU0565
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 69 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: simple percentage
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 2,397
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