Tile Role of Non-Government Organizations Towards Youth Empowerment A Case Study Of Manafwa District -Uganda

  • Department: Development Studies
  • Project ID: DVS0062
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 50 Pages
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 302
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1.0 Introduction The study was about the role of NGOs towards the youth employment in Uganda a case study of Manafwa district 1.1 Background of NGOs The term non-governmental organization or NGOs was not in general currency before it was formed to cooperate with each other. When 132 international NGOs formed in 1910, they did so under the label, the union of International Association, UN like much UN jargon, the tern NGO, passed into popular usage particularly from the early I 970s onwards. The phenomena of non- Governmental organization is now in developing countries where NOGs as they are known today abound. They have existed in different forms since time immemorial. There has always been the voluntary spirit and corporate adventures in almost all societies. Local grass root organization like “Twezimbe” meaning ‘Let us develop ourselves”. “Munomukabi” meaning A friend in need” are examples of organizations from posterity. Schneider (1988; 79) has however perceived Non-government organizations as a recent phenomenon. This view is based on new level of sophistication passé, mobilization capabilities, and the proliferation/growth/expansion that characterize N on-governmental organizations. (This factor makes NGO’s very pronounced actors among all society organizations it should be noted however that in an Islamic country such growth has been slow for example in Egypt. In a broad sense NGOs have been in existence since time immemorial except that now they are more organized in terms of administration and operation and formal recognized by law.

  • Department: Development Studies
  • Project ID: DVS0062
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 50 Pages
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 302
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