Profile of Antibiotics Use at Regional Hospital Buea, South West Region Cameroon

  • Department: Pharmaceutical Science
  • Project ID: PHS0074
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 43 Pages
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 438
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The indiscriminate use of antibiotics has become a global problem with implications for effective therapy of infections and dose resistance. The objective of this study is to determine the profile of antibiotic use at the Regional Hospital Buea. The data used for this study was obtained using a Checklist and the data obtained were analysed with the aid of Statistical Package for the Social Sciences and presented in a percentage table. In this study females were higher 83(55.3%), which implies that the female were highly prescribed antibiotic in which the highest was recorded in children and youth age of 25-30 years with a frequency of 48(32.0%) . A total of 150 prescriptions were obtained from inpatient and outpatient pharmacy. 30% of the proportion were treated with antibiotics and other antibiotics that was not listed. Which Amoxyl/Metro 15(10.0%) was the highest and the Lowest was Ampiclox/Metro 2(1.3%). The most widely prescribed antibiotics for common cold, cough, upper respiratory tract infections, urinary tract infection and gastroenteritis were amoxicillin followed by Ampiclox. In overall Amoxicillin appeared more frequent with 53% (80/150) of all the prescription followed by Ampiclox with 22.6% (34/150). The highest factors that influence the profile of antibiotic prescribed were Drug availability (28.7%). Most patient came for antibiotic because they are available. In conclusion, the study observed appropriate use of antibiotic base on the standard for evaluation; however, rotational drug prescribing was a major challenge due to poor adherence/compliance of prescribers toward standard treatment guideline. 


Title page.........................................................................................................................................i

Reservation page…...…………………..………..........................................................................................ii

Certification page..........................................................................................................................................iii

Abstract iv

Table of contents v

List of tables ix

List of figures x

Acknowledgements xi

Dedication xii



Background of the Study 1

Problem Statement 3

General Objective 4

Specific objectives 4

Research Questions 4

Justification of Study 5

Significance of the Study 5

Scope of the study 5

Definition of Terms 5



Antibiotics 7

Prescription Pattern of Antibiotics 7

Effect of Antibiotics 13



Research Design 14

Study Area 14

Study Population 14

Sample and Sampling Techniques 14

Instrument for Data Collection 15

Data Analysis 15

Inclusion criteria 15

Ethical Considerations 15



Age Distribution of Respondent 16

Gender Distribution of Respondent 16

Level of Education of Respondent 17

The proportion of patients treated with antibiotics and other drugs 17

Component of a Standard prescription format 18

Evaluating the Type of Antibiotics commonly prescribed and their use. 18

Combined antibiotics prescribed 18

Single Antibiotics Prescribed 19

Classes of antibiotic prescribed 20

Prevalent Conditions Treated with Antibiotics 21

Determine the factors related to the antibiotics prescription pattern. 22

Factors that influence the profile of antibiotics use 22

Control measure aimed at regulating antibiotic use 23



Discussion 24

Recommendations 26

Conclusions 26

References 27

Appendices 30

Appendix A: Patient medication check list for antibiotics 30

Appendix B: School Authorization Letter 32

Appendix C: Administrative Authorization to Collect Research Data 33

Appendix D: Approval Letter from Buea Regional Hospital 34

  • Department: Pharmaceutical Science
  • Project ID: PHS0074
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 43 Pages
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 438
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