Factors Affecting the Education of the Deaf Girl-Child in Kajiado Central Division, Kajiado District- Kenya

  • Department: Education
  • Project ID: EDU3477
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 42 Pages
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 380
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This study was carried out to find out factors affecting the education of the deaf-girl child in Kajiado :central division, Kajiado district. [he researcher was interested in finding out the views of different people towards the education of the leaf-girl child in the area, therefore qualitative approach was employed to collect data. [he researcher chose Headteachers, teachers, parents and deaf girl-children as sample population , ecause through them relevant and appropriate information would be obtained. [he researcher also used interview and questionnaire as research instruments. Interview guides were 1sed to collect data from parents and deaf-girl children because it enabled the researcher to make :larifications on some views given and make possible adjustments depending on their moods and 1eeds. Headteachers and teachers were given questionnaires because they were assumed literate enough o handle these instruments "he findings pointed out that although the deaf girl-children and their parents have positive attitudes awards their education, there a number of challenges affecting the education of the deaf girl-child in lie division and hopefully beyond. "hese include: Poor social economic status of their families Poor academic performance Adolescence stage Poor/bad peer groupings Ancient cultural beliefs Lack of self motivation and zeal in learning Poor teacher-pupil relationship [he researcher therefore recommended that: Government recruits more female teachers in primary schools to serve as role models. The community to be sensitized on the value of deaf girl-child Possible ways of eradicating poverty in families especially those with deaf children.

  • Department: Education
  • Project ID: EDU3477
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 42 Pages
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 380
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