Enrolment of Pupils With Disabilities of Bartabwa Primary School in Baringo District, Kenya

  • Department: Education
  • Project ID: EDU3426
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 29 Pages
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 317
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AKNOWLEDGEMENT ....................................................................................... i

DEDICATION .................................................................................................... ii

DECLARATION ................................................................................................ iii

ABSTRACT ............................................................................... iv

INTRODUCTION ........................................................................ 1

Rationale of the Study .......................................................... 1

Theory ............................................................................... 3

Review of the Related Literature ............................................ 4

Significance of the Study .................................................... 11

Objectives ......................................................................... 11

RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ...................................................... 13

Design .............................................................................. 13

Environment ..................................................................... 13

Subjects .......................................................................... 13

Instrument ...................................................................... 13

Data Collection Procedures .................................................. 13

Statistical Treatment of Data ............................................... 14

DEFINITION OF TERMS ........................................................... 15

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION .................................................................... 16

CONCLUSION ................................................................................................. 19

RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................................................. 20

BIBLIOGRAPHY ....................................................................... 21


Appendix A - Transmittal Letter to the Head Teacher of

Bartabwa Primary School ..................................... 22

Appendix B - Record Sheet .............................................................. 23

Appendix C - Plan for Data Presentation ................................ 24

Appendix D - Map of Research Environment ................................. 26

CURRICULUM VITAE ................................................................................... 27


Objectives: This study determined the enrolment of pupils with disabilities of Bartabwa Primary School in Baringo District, Kenya. Specifically, this study determined the profile of the pupils as to age, gender and class and it determined the level of enrolment for the last five years.

Design: This study employed the descriptive survey method of


Environment: This study was conducted in Bartabwa Primary School is situated in Ngorora Location, Northern part of Bartabwa Division, lower zone and the dry parts of Baringo district and North rift of Kenya. It is bordered to East Pokot district to the North and Central part of Baringo North constituency.

Subjects: This study involved 80 pupils from Pl to PS with disabilities who have been enrolled for the last five years.

Instrument: This study utilized a researcher devised instrument which was a record sheet that contained the following: age, gender, class and level of enrolment for the last five years.

Data Collection Procedures: The frequencies and percentages were used to determine the profile of the pupils and level of enrolment for the last five years. Results: The pupils with disabilities are mostly male. The enrolment of pupils with disabilities has been quite unpredictable. However, the highest level of enrolment was in the year 2004.Conclusion: The enrolment of pupils with disabilities has been low for

the last five years.

  • Department: Education
  • Project ID: EDU3426
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 29 Pages
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 317
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