To Establish Factors Hindering Development of Educational Programmes for Learners Who are Mentally Handicapped in Kayole Zone, Embakasi Division Nairobi.

  • Department: Education
  • Project ID: EDU3413
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 57 Pages
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 347
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This study took cognizance of the fact that the development of educational programmes for the mentally handicapped have been hindered by several factors. Awareness creation among the various stakeholders on these problems would lead to the solutions with the aim of finally improving on these programmes. The survey research method was used with three different questionnaires as the tools for quantitative data collection. The number of participants (respondents) were thirty out of which fifteen were special education teachers, fourteen parents of the mentally handicapped children in Mwangaza and Unity primary schools with special units and one Education Assessment Resource Center (EARC) co-ordinator. The major research findings were that there were only two units for the mentally handicapped in Kayole Zone. The level of awareness about mentally handicapped by the community was found to be still very low and facilities were not adequate. The research also revealed that the need for training more special education teachers was necessary. The core recommendations included the need to establish more special education programmes and more awareness campaigns.

Table Of Contents 

Title (i) 

Declaration (ii) 

Dedication (iii) 

Acknowledgement (iv) 

Abstract (v) 


1.0 Introduction ................................................................................. 1 

1. 1 Background information .................................................................. 1 

1.2 Statement of the problem ............................................................... 2 

1.3 Purpose of the study ...................................................................... 3 

1.4 Objectives of the study ................................................................... 3 

1.5 Research questions ...................................................................... 3 

1.6 Significance of the study ................................................................ 4 

1.7 Limitation and Delimitation of the study ............................................. 5 

1.8 Operational definition of terms ....................................................... 6 


2.0 Literature review ....................................................................... 7 

2.1 Introduction ................................................................................. 7 

2.2 Definition of Mental handicapped ..................................................... 7 

2.3 Causes of Mental Handicapped ....................................................... 9 

2.4 Classmcation of Mentally handicapped ............................................ 15 

2.5 Characteristic of Mentally handicapped ............................................ 16 

2.6 Prevention ................................................................................. 19 

2.7 Historical background of special Education in Kenya ......................... 20 

2.8 Education programmes existing in Kenya ......................................... 22 

2.9 Factors hindering the development of Special Education programmes for 

the mentally handicapped ............................................................. 25 


3.0 Methodology .............................................................................. 27 

3.1 Introduction ................................................................................ 27 

3.2 Research approach ..................................................................... 27 

3.3 Research design/ Strategy ............................................................ 27 

3.4 Target Population ....................................................................... 28 

3.5 Sample ..................................................................................... 28 

3.6 Sampling procedure ..................................................................... 28 

3.7 Instruments and tools used ........................................................... 28 


4.0 Presentation and Analysis of Data .................................................. 30 

4.1 Introduction ............................................................................... 30 

4.2 Analysis of responses from Special Education Unit Teachers ............... 30 

4.3 Analysis of responses from the parents ............................................ 33 

4.4 Analysis of responses from the EARC Co-ordinator. ........................... 35 


5.0 Summary, Discussion, Conclusion and Recommendations ............. 38 

5.1 Summary ................................................................................... 38 

5.2 Discussion ................................................................................. 39 

5.3 Conclusion ................................................................................ 41 

5.4 Recommendations ...................................................................... 41 

References ............................................................................... 43 

Appendices ................................................................................ 44 

Appendix 1 - Questionnaire for teachers ........................................ 44 

Appendix 2 - Questionnaire for parents .......................................... 45 

Appendix 3 - Questionnaire for EARC Co-ordinator .......................... 46 

Appendix 4 - Research time schedule ............................................ 47 

Appendix 5 - Research budget.. ................................................... 48 

Appendix 6 - Letter of authority ..................................................... .

  • Department: Education
  • Project ID: EDU3413
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 57 Pages
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 347
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