Society Involvement in Early Childhood Plans and Childcare in Masalani Zone Masalani Division, Ijara District Kenya

  • Department: Education
  • Project ID: EDU3292
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 46 Pages
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 383
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DEC' LARA TI ON ................ , ..... , , . , . , ..................... , , .................... , , , , .................... , , , , ............. ,ii

APPROVAL .......... , . , ... , ...................... , ........................ , ..................... , , , , , , , , ................ , ....... iii

DEDIC A Tl ON .. , ....................... , . , ..... , . , ............. , , . , ... , ................. , ....................................... iv

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT .. , ......... , ..... ,,,,,,,., ..... ,,.,,.,,.,,,,,,,,., ....... ,.,,,,,,.,,,,,., ........... ,.,,.,,,.,, ... v

ACRONYMS ........... , ....................... , ... , . , . , .......... , ...... , , . , , ................ , , .. , , . , , . , .......... , . , . , .. , ...... vi

TAB LE OF CONTENTS ...................................... , , , , ......... , ...... , , ... , ............... , , , , .... , ....... , .. vii

L 1ST OF TAB LES ............ , . , .. , , ..... , ......... , ........ , ............. , ... , .... , , ........... , ... , , . , . , .............. , ..... ix

!.!ST OF FIGURES .................. ,,., ..... , ......................................... , ................. ,., ................... x

ABSTRACT ....................................... , ......................... , ................. , ... , , , , ................ , .. , ........ xi

CHAPTER ONE ........... , ............................................ ,., ............ , .. , ....................... , .. , ............ I

INTRODUCTION ............. , ... ,.,.,, ............ , ... , .............. , ..... , ... , .................. ,,, .............. , .... , ..... I

I .O Background of the Study ........................................................................................... I

I, I The purpose of the study ........................................................................................... 3

I .2 Statement of the problem .......................................................................................... 3

1.3 Objectives of the study ............................................................................................. , 3

1.3, 1 Broad objectives ........... ,,.,,,., ........... , .. , .. , .. , ............ ,, .. ,, ......... , ... ,, .............. , ... ,, .. ,.4

1 .4 Study .Jus1ification .............................. ,, .................. ,, ...................... , ............... ,.,,, ...... 4

I.:\ Scope ol'the study .................................................................................................... ,4

1,6 Significance of the study ........................................................................................... 5

CHAPTER TWO ....... , .................... ,.,., ................................... ,,,,,, ............... ,,,, .................... 6

2.0 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE .................................................................... 6

2.1 l ntroduction ............ , . , ...................... , ................ , . , , , ........ , ............. , ........ , ....... , , , .......... 6

2.2 Community involvement in socialization and child practices in Kenya ................... 7

2.3 Development studies relating to Kenyan Children .................................................... 8

2.4 Intervention programmes and their impact ............................................................. 10


CHAPTER 3 ...................................................................................................................... 12

3.0 METHODOLOGY ...................................................................................................... 12

3 .1 Research design ....................................................................................................... 12

3.2 Population and sampling ......................................................................................... 12

3.3 Research instruments ............................................................................................... 13

3...1 Validit, and Reliability ........................................................................................... 13

3.5 Data Collection Procedure ....................................................................................... 14

3.6 Data Analysis .......................................................................................................... 14

CHAPTER FOUR ............................................................................................................. 15

DATA ANALYSIS AND RESULTS ................................................................................. 15

4.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 15

4.1 Analysis of Data ...................................................................................................... 15

C'HAPTER FIVE ............................................................................................................... 21

DISCUSSION. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ....................................... 21

5.0 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 21

5. I Discussion and Finclings .......................................................................................... 21

5.2 Major Findings of the Study .................................................................................... 22

5.3 Conclusion ............................................................................................................... 23

5.4 Recommendations ................................................................................................... 23

REFERENCES .................................................................................................................. 24

APPENDIX A ................................................................................................................ 25

APPENDIX B ................................................................................................................ 25

QUESTIONNAIRE FOR THE EDUCATION OFFICER ............................................ 25

APPENDIX D ............................................................................................................... 28

APPENDIX D ............................................................................................................... 29

INTERVIEW GUIDE FOR ECO CHILDREN ............................................................. 29

APPENDIX E ................................................................................................................ 30

QUESTIONNAIRE FOR ECD TEACHERS ............................................................... 30

APPENDIX F ................................................................................................................ 34

INTERVIEW SCHEDULE/ CHECKLIST PARENTS ................................................. 34

ABSTRACT The research is aimed at establishing the factors affecting/ influencing community participation 111 ECD programmes in Masalani zone, Masalani division, Ijara district Kenya. Secondary sources were adequately used and these helped to give a clear picture of how the whole study was to be conducted. The study utilized a descriptive survey design to investigate community participation in ECD programme and childcare. Questionnaires and interview guides were employed and used as the instruments for data collection. The findings from the study revealed the following: Community involvement in ECD programmes is very low. Most of ECD pupils learn under trees and sit on ground .. Community/parents need to be mobilized on the importance ofECD programme. ECD teachers have no policy guideline on the terms and conditions of services. Most of the ECD centres in the zone have less learning materials provided by the community. Rccommcndaiions were made: Community/ parents should agree on uniform fees to be paid per child. Community/ parents/ committees to work on the average salary for the teachers in the zone. Community should be encouraged to use their resources in the child education. Community should organize for fundraising for the construction of classrooms, making desks and buying materials for the ECD programmes. There should be a centrally feeding programme at the ECD centre in the zone

  • Department: Education
  • Project ID: EDU3292
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 46 Pages
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 383
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