The Socio-Cultural Factors Affecting Girl Child Education In Funtua Local Government Area of Kastina State.

  • Department: Sociology
  • Project ID: SOC0331
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 99 Pages
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1,209
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The importance of education to human beings cannot be over emphasized. Education is a human right that should be accorded to all human beings solely by reason of being human. The relationship between education and development is well established such that education is a key index of development. It has been documented that schooling improves productivity, health and reduces negative features of life such as child labour as well as bringing about empowerment This is why there has been a lot of emphasis particularly in recent times for all citizens of the world to have access to basic education. Education of girls and women is considered an important investment, despite the precarious economic contexts within which many developing countries have to provide for education. Not only does education have a significant multiplier effect, given the responsibility of women for socializing the next generation, it also enhances the potential of women for contributing to the social, economic and political aspects of national development. In view of this background, this study has empirically examined the perception of parents on the socio-cultural factors affecting girl child education in Funtua Local Government Area of Kastina State. To address the problem of study, three research questions were raised. The researcher adopted a survey research design and In-depth interview (IDI). A total of one hundred and ninety-one (191) respondents comprised the target of the study. Questionnaire and in-depth interview guide were the instruments used for data collection. The Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), frequency tables and percentages (%) were employed in the data analysis.

                                                               TABLE OF CONTENTS
1.1 Background of the study    ………………………………………………........................……….....….......1
1.2 Statement of research problem    …………………………..................…...........…………….......…..…..3
1.3 Research question    …………………………........…..................…………..............…….………..……..6
1.4 Research objectives…………………………………......................………..................………………..…..7
1.5    Significance of the study ……………………………...………………...............................……..………..7
1.6 Scope of the study        ………………………………….....………………................................……….…..8
1.7 Definition of terms    …………………………………………….........................................……………..…..8

2.1 Introduction    ………………………………………….......................…..........................………...…………10
2.2 The Socio-Cultural Factors Affecting Parents’ Perception on Girl Child Education…….....…...…………10
2.3 The Perceptions of Parents on the Effects of the Girl Child Lack of Access to Education.........…………22
2.4 The Perception of Parents on the Way of Improving the Girl Child Access to Education………........……27
2.5 Theoretical Framework    …………………………...........………………………….............................………43
2.5.1 Structural Functionalism Perspective    …………….................……………...................…………………43
2.5.2    Pearson’s Gender Relations Theory    ….................……………………..................……………………45

Research Methodology
3.1 Introduction    ……………………………………………………..................................................………………46
3.2 Location of the study    ………...............………………………………….....………..............................………46
3.3 Source of data collection    ………………...........……………………....………..........................………………47
3.4 Sample Size and Sample method    ………………….....…………....…………..............................……………47
3.5 Method of data collection    ………………...........………………….............................….………………………48
3.6 Method of data  analysis    ………………...........…………………...........................……....……………………50
3.7 Problems encountered from the field    ………….................………………………………...........................…50

4.1 Introduction    ………………………………………………………..................…....................................…………52
4.2 Socio- demographic characteristics of respondents    ……………………….....................…........................…52
4.3 The Socio-Cultural Factors Affecting Parents’ Perception on Girl Child Education..…..............………………54
4.4 The Perceptions of Parents on the Effects of the Girl Child  Lack of Access to Education…............…………61
4.5 Way of Improving the Girl Child Access to Education    ……….........................………………...................……66

5.0 Introduction    ……………………………........................……………………...............................………..………69
5.1 Summary of findings    ………………..............……………………………...................................………..………69
5.2 Discussion of major findings    ……........…………………………….......................................……………...……71
5.3 Conclusion    ……………………………..…....................……………………………..…................................……85
5.4 Recommendations        …………...............……………………………………...………..................................……86
REFERENCES    ……………………......................…………………………………..….................................…………89
Appendix I:        Questionnaire    ………………...........……………….……………..........................................………97
Appendix II         In-depth Interview Guide    ………..................………………….........................................…………99

  • Department: Sociology
  • Project ID: SOC0331
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 99 Pages
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 1,209
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