• Department: Education
  • Project ID: EDU0506
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 49 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: simple percentage
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 3,356
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The study was aimed at examining the role of women’s education in nation building Egor local government area was taken as a case study, using a sample-sized population of women in Edo State to achieve the objectives of the researcher. Questionnaires were sensed on the sample size population of the women, which was fifty (50) in Edo State to obtain data. Results obtained indicated that women both young and old were encouraged to acquire education and has this reduced the rate of illiteracy and that the women has been able to help in the development of the economic especially in the areas of health social efficiency as well as the industrial sector as their contribution to nation building. It was also found that the women were not however properly mobilized for proper action by the government and that the level of public awareness to get the women acquainted needed to be increased, it was also noted that some of the hindrance to women’s education was due to teenage pregnancy religious belief acute poverty, early marriage etc. in addition to that, it was also evident that women’s education have been playing a vital role in nation building and women have developed a new love for education and they can no longer be separated. Conclusively, the roles played by the women in nation building cannot be ignored and should not be denied them as their efforts and contributions also determine to a great extent the level of growth of the nation. To become a developed economic, both men and women folks have a great role to play simultaneously.
Statement of problem
Purpose of the study
Research questions
Significance of study
Scope of study
Limitation of study
Literature review
Data collection
Population of study
Sampling procedure
Method of data analysis
Presentations and analysis of data
Summary Concision and Recommendation
Suggestion for further research
          It is no longer in doubt that women play very significant role in the development process on human society (IES). Recently, the need and importance of women education has come on the increase most countries, especially developing countries have stated create an avenue through women would be educated. The world as a whole have also begin to recognize women’s education and how important it has become this evolves March 8th of the first world conference was to examine the changes for women in their bid to take their place side by side with the men and nation building.
          In Nigeria particularly, education is valued so much that it is looked upon as a prerequisite for all the short comings of society as well as the surest means for nation building. According to Omegbe (1998) “education itself is the development of an individual through training, transmission of what is worth while to the point that he is able to fit into his environment and contribute to the best of his ability, to the well being of the society. The national policy on education stated categorically that; the Federal Government of Nigeria has adopted education as an instrument per excellent for effective nation building, because of this belief, education has been pursed single-mindedly in most part of Nigeria. It should be noted, that women account for roughly half of the world’s population, perform the third of the hours worked, receive one tenth of the worlds income and have less than one hundredth of the worlds properly registered in his name.
          According to the World Bank Report (1996) it gave us the population of women, that women makes up a higher percentage of the rural populace out of about 70% of Nigeria’s rural populace, women account 50% hence, they bear the brunt of the difficulties of rural life. In a similar vein Okukpon (1994) “women constitute more than half of the adult population. They produce 80% of the food requirement and play a major role in the handling of food and maintenance of the home. The high rate of non participation amongst women is alarming and there is need to create awareness on the danger for not participating or playing active role in nation building. Most states in Nigeria including Edo State have shown considerable interest in women education project for enhancing women’s productivity towards nation building.     
          Fortunately, women have not rested in protesting against discrimination. They have asked for a second to some extent concessions and strategies aimed at the emancipation towards contributing their quota in the nation. Education is seen everywhere as the quickest and most effective means of transforming women. The most important role women have to play towards contributing to the building of nation is a theme that is currently in vogue and a lot of emerge and activities are channeled towards women in the country through the Federal States and Local Government Programmes. According to Edukugbo (2002) cited in Imogie (2002) gave an opinion that the property of a country depends not on the abundance of its revenue, nor the strength of its fortification, but on the numbers of its cultivated citizens, men and women of education, enlightenment and character. There are problems and set back in spite of the effect of the state agenda, Federal Government and Non Government Organizations are walking towards women education programmes. To what extent where the goals and objectives achieved so as to enable the women participate contribute to the nation building.
          Since the launching of the international women’s year by the united National General Assembly Resolution of 18th December, 1973, the awareness on the importance of women’s education has increased tremendously. However, the involvement and contribution of women to nation building have still not reached its peak and the level to which it ought, there is still some level of illiteracy amongst women and this factor makes the awareness of their need to participate in nation building unpopular.  This study is therefore centred on the role of women’s education in the nation building: A case study of Egor Local Government Area. In order to provide a detailed analysis, the study will investigate into;
1.            Women education programmes in Edo State.
2.            Political, economic, social, cultural, religious and physiological problems, which confronts women education in Edo State, inspite of government and non government effort.
3.            Programme embarked upon by the government and non government agencies to bring about social change among women.
4.            The impact to such programme on the participants and notion building.
          The purpose of the study is to access women’s education and identify the role in nation building, most especially in Edo State. Many governments in the world including Nigeria have now come to realize the role of women in nation building, if empowered and given the chance to contrite their quota. Based on the problems already stated above, the specific objectives of the study are summarized thus:
1.            In what way does a woman in Edo State encourage the acquisition of education?
2.            To what extent do Nigeria women contribute to nation building?  
3.            To what extent has the seminar/workshop contribute but to worth potential in the society,
4.            Does the woman function effectively in the modern economic system?
          The following research questions were formulated for the study.
1.            In what way does a woman in Edo State encourage the acquisition of education?
2.            To what extent do Nigeria women contribute to nation buildings?
3.            To what extent has the seminar/workshop contribute to women’s potential in the society?
4.            Does the woman function effectively in the modern economic system?
          It is an indispensable truth that education is the instrument for attaining and affecting nation building. Since education helps development and develops an individual, it enables one function effectively in any environment. The fact that women’s education will improve the life of women enhances their income, make them reliance and put them in good position to contribute their quota to nation building of their communities and the nation at large. This study will act as resource materials to any person or adult educator that might have the need to know the role of women education programmes in Edo State. This study will also act as veritable materials to the people who are involved in women’s education programmes and its participants so that they would be in a position to appreciate the positive effect too. This will not only make for progress of the programme but will ensure its institutionalization.
          The effect of the coverage of this project work will be on Edo State and the changes that have been procured through women’s education so far in the state. Some of the variable to be considered as regards the development. That have taken place will be; looking at the women political status, their management positions, their level of literacy and if it is affecting the customs, religions beliefs, if it is doing the local government more harm than good, and most especially the socio-economic efficiency of the state, so far through women education.
          For the purpose of clarity, the following terms are defined as they apply to this study.
Role: According to the Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary the function or position that somebody has or expected to have in an organization, therefore, we can deduce from the point above that role is the function or position that women is expected to have in the economic.
Education: The preparation of person in order for them to affect their societies positively by becoming skilled and knowledgeable.
Women: According to Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary are defined as adult female human beings.
Nation: A group or people who live in a particular area under the government with same language, culture and history.
Building: The Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary sees building as to become gradually stronger.
Nation Building: The change in the attributes belonging to a particular nation or a total increase in the quality status of life of the people in a nation.
  • Department: Education
  • Project ID: EDU0506
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 49 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: simple percentage
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 3,356
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