• Department: Education
  • Project ID: EDU0491
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 52 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: simple percentage
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 2,637
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This research work was designed to find out the problems affecting tertiary institutions in Nigeria, a case study of college of education Ekiadolor Benin. This research work consists of five chapter entities; chapter one consist of an introduction, statement of problems, purpose of the study, scope of the study, research questions, significance of the study, limitation of the study and definition of terms. Chapter two covers the review of literature which entails the inadequate lecture halls, electricity problem, inadequate learning facilities, inadequate portable water, and problems facing tertiary institutions.          Chapter three, examines the research methodolog7y covering of the study, research design, area of the study, research population, sampling techniques, instrument of data collection, method of data collection, method of data analysis. Chapter four entails the analysis of data and presentation of data and interpretation of data interpretation. The last four chapters which are fifth chapters cover summary, findings, recommendations and conclusion. Consequently, the research work was completed with references sighted during the research work
Chapter One         
Background of study
Purpose of the study
Scope of the study
Research question
Significance of the study
Limitation of the study
Definition of terms
Chapter Two        
Literature review
Chapter Three      
Research methodology
Research design
Area of the study
Research population
Sampling techniques
Instrument for data collection
Method of data collection
Method of data analysis
Chapter Four        
Analysis of data
Presentation of data and interpretation
Chapter Five         
Summary, finding, recommendation and conclusion
          Problem according to oxford advanced learners dictionary 6th edition a thing that is difficult to deal with or to understand. Tertiary institution according to oxford advanced learners dictionary, a large, third in order to rank or important organization that has a particular purpose of education that deals with service rather than material good.
          At the down years, Nigeria is still uncertain on her destination is still unknown particular that of educational sector to the many year of military misrule. This is the common feeling that the military neglected the tertiary institutions because of their opposition to military rule, the nations education institutions are still incomplete failure (shamble) today with universities professors and lecturers still not being paid on time some people may argue that the tertiary institution have started to move their way ball normally.
          Tertiary institutions in Nigeria are in dilapidating states this shows that Nigeria has a word values system. It is a society where priorities are turned to their heads for instance; the salaries of the less education local government counselors are higher than that of the university professors and lecturers. It is a place where known rouge a 419 person, is applauded for donating large amount of money too local communities and churches, it is place where no body cares about how one makes his money, it is a place where the roads leading is million dollar homes and institutions are filled with potholes, it is obvious that any society that does not take her educational visitations seriously.
          Nevertheless, the increased need for higher education during the oil boom of the 1970s in Nigeria coupled with political pressure, led to the establishment of many universities in the society. In two decades the number of university students increased eightfold from about 55,000 in 1980 to more than 900, 000 to day, excluding that of polytechnics, college of education and others institutions. (Bolky 2002) Nigeria has about 36 public universities, 46 polytechnics and 64 college of education (Dike, 1999 p.54). in addition private universities that have approved and registered by the federal government. Such as Bowan university, Benson Idahosa University e.t.c Chloledeju august 2, 2002).
          If Nigeria cannot give adequate and quality education to students at elementary and secondary level, the tertiary institution would continue to be populated by these who are last prepared to face the rigors of the university education and cultism intimidation of professors into better grades and other vices will continue to blossom on the campuses across the nation higher education could be an important part of the solution to ills of the society, as noted earlier, how much a nation progress has a lot to do with attainment of its citizens. That’s why Nigerians should build and maintain good schools and treat so did state of education as public health crisis in the society.
          Although Nigeria educational institution is general is in a dime need, the most troubled of the three tiers is the primary education sector. The recent statistics on primary education available to this writer showed that there are about 2,015 primary schools in Nigeria with no building of any type, classes are hold under a trees, the quality of lecturers conducted under such an inhuman condition would not be anything to be proud of with this dismal statistics, the government is still in the habit of allocating to the educational sector, the above statistics shows how insufficient Nigeria’s allocation to the educational sector has been one can only get what he or she ordered. Nigeria has to challenge her value system of education and invest on education, which is the intellectual laboratory and the engine that propels the economy. It has been noted that without a formidable intellectual base, it is not likely that any society would move forward.
          For one to say or highlight the problems affecting tertiary institutions in Nigeria, a case study of college of education Ekiadolor, will be an understatement, as this problem which cut across different sphere of our institution have not been realized from the inception of our tertiary institution. But however let us see the aims of tertiary institutions in Nigeria is the post secondary section of the national education system which is given in universities, polytechnics and college of education, the advanced teacher training colleges correspondence colleges and such institutions as may be allied is them.
1.    The acquisition, development and inculcation of the proper value orientation for survival of individual and society.
2.    The acquisition on objective view of the local and external environments.
3.    The development of intellectual capacities of individuals to understand and appreciate their enrolment.
4.    The acquisition of both physical and intellectual skills which all enable individual to develop into useful members of the community.
I.             Teaching.
II.           Research and dissemination of existing and new information.
III.          The pursuit of service to the community
IV.         Being a store house of knowledge
          Some of the problems affecting students in the tertiary institutions are stated below;
1.    Problems of hostel accommodation affects student in the college.
2.    Inadequate portable water.
3.    Inadequate lecture halls.
4.    Problem of teaching/ learning facilities.
5.    Problem of insecurity.
6.    Inadequate finance that affects the academic performance of most students.
7.    Problem of cases of cult activities which render the killing of students.
8.    Problem access road to the college which posses a lit of problem directly to the students.
As a result of the above mentioned problems, many students feel reluctant to study or come into the College of Education Ekiadolor to study directly or indirectly; this calls for the attention of the researchers to properly investigate and recommend solutions into these problems affecting the students in the College of Education Ekiadolor Benin. If this is not done, the student’s involvement into social interactions and relations including more relation continue to be affected.
The purpose or objective of this study is to identify the problems affecting tertiary institutions the causes and effects of these problems and suggests possible solutions to the problem.
          This research work will be undertaking in Edo state, but for the purpose of being specific, it is narrowed to Ovia North East Local Government Area of Edo state.
1.    Does inadequate learning facilities has contributed to the problems affecting tertiary institutions?
2.    Is there anyway electricity can be impediment to the process of schooling.
3.    Is there any way inadequate lecture hall can affects the students
4.    Does inadequate portable water contributes to the problems of tertiary institutions
          At the end of the research work, the result will help or enable the College of authority to know or identify the problems affecting the students in the college, the researcher will recommend valuable solutions and the authority on the other hand will provide suitable solution to eradicate those problems stated above.
Problem: some thing that is difficult to deal with or a thing that affects an individual,
Affecting: producing strong feelings of sadness and sympathy.
Tertiary institution: Is an institution with higher learning that provides education for people from aged 16 and older. It can be university, polytechnic, College of Education, University of Science and Technology e.t.c
Inadequate: Not enough, not good enough.
Educational system: Is an institution where all process of teaching, training and learning are involved.
Nigeria: A nation considered as a group of people with the same language, culture and history which live in a particular area under one government, an independent nation
Government: Government is a group of people who govern a country or state.
Hostel: Hostel is some where people especially people living a way from home can stay and eat fairly cheaply.
Electricity: The power that is usually used in modern building to provide light and to make machine work.
Lecture: a long talk given to a group of people on a particular subject especially as a method of teaching in an institution.
Hall: a building or large room for public events such as meetings, lecturing or dances.
PHCN: power holding company of Nigeria is an organization set up to be supplying electricity to the nation.  

  • Department: Education
  • Project ID: EDU0491
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 52 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: simple percentage
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 2,637
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