• Department: Education
  • Project ID: EDU0401
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 74 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: simple percentage
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 2,520
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This work was meant to study the problems of implementation of adult literacy programmes in Egor Local Government Area of Edo State. Five adult literacy centres were used for the study. The population used for the study is the programme coordinator, teachers, participants, non-participants of the programme and the sample is one hundred respondents. The ages range between 20 and 70. Questionnaires were the instrument used for data collection. The data collected were and used with the use of frequency and percentage tables, and descriptive methods. The findings of the study revealed that participants were between the ages of 20 and 70 years and their occupations included farming, trading and artisans. The literacy centres were grossly inadequate. The attitude of some adults towards the programme is not encouraging. The materials supplied by the government were inadequate and untimely. Based on the findings, recommendations were made that the local government to solve the problems of mobility and distance to the participants. The organizers should embark on effective method of publicity of the programme through the use of media and public lectures on the usefulness of literacy. The government should supply adequate fund and materials regularly for the participants.    
Background of the study
Statement of the problem
Purpose of the study
Research hypothesis       
Significance of the study
Limitation of the study
Definition of terms
Literature review
Presentation and analysis of data  
Summary, findings, conclusion and Recommendation
Although Nigeria began its campaign against illiteracy during the colonial era, It was not until independence that literacy programmes gained increased momentum. In the 1950s, regional government launched a free primary education, programme to enable adult have access to primary education, and in 1976 the central government introduced a compulsory, free universal primary education (U.P.E) Scheme. The UPE programme ushered in an era of expanded growth for primary school and education as a whole. Many teachers were trained through distance learning by the national teacher Institute (N.T.I) In 1982 the government of Sheu Shagari launched a ten year adult literacy campaign which included the establishment of state agencies whose main objective was to combat illiteracy in Nigeria. In 1996, the UNDP began to assist the literacy programmes with equipment, technical and financial resources. This enables the government to transfer the U.P.E into the universal basic education scheme (U.B.E 1999). Unlike the U.P.E, which endeavored to promote access to primary education, the U.B.E sought to promote access to education for all, including adults, out of school, youths, children and people living in special circumstances, such as nomads. During the period 1995-2004, these programmes raised the national literacy rate to 84% 69% for youth and adult respectively. Other efforts are currently underway to use the media, especially the radio to reach the countries 60 million and the more illiterates.
            The majority of the adults are farmers some are artism while others are petty traders. A close observation has show that since the introduction of mass literacy programmes in the country in 1982 by the federal government, the programme has not been fully felt by the adults in the local government area.
            With far reaching experiences, it has been discovered that the implementation of adult literacy programmes is faced with a great number of problems and this is focus of this study.
            Ovedeji (1980) describes literacy as the skill of reading and writing and computing. He pointed out several advantages of literacy. Literacy helps individuals to understand their civil rights and responsibilities, it helps individuals to take part meaningfully in the democratic process of their nation and contribute immensely to productiveness at individual state and national levels.
            On the background of its organization owes its success to the organizational strategies engaged by the organizers.
            Adult education is increasingly being seen as a response to the educational needs of men and women it covers a whole range of part time educational provision for persons whose social and economic responsibilities give them adult status. Adult education with in which literacy education is centered is of immense importance.
            It is said that health is wealth, without good health nothing can be done successfully and ill health can affect the general community. The well being and growth of the community can be maintained if the members are to a large extent literate.
            It is also note worthy that literacy helps people to be enlightened in the community with this such individual will be able to think mature and progressive decisions on issues concerning his life and those of others apart from this, the people who are handling affairs of this country are the adults and they take part in decision making process. Thus their education is a paramount importance as as not to allow the ship of the nation to capsize.
            The world is dynamic; changing every day for adults to be able to change with it, there is need for literacy programmes which are very important at community level up to national level.
            As a young and newly created local government, the Egor needs all the resources it can harness to develop among which are human resources.
This people need to be literate before they can partake meaningfully in the development programmes of the local government. It could therefore be said or concluded that the people of Egor local government area need to become literate so as to be able to develop themselves, the local government, the state and Nigeria in general
            Education, which is the backbone of developed nation in instrumental in the development of the developing nations like Nigeria. The level of adult education has been the major concern of the government as well as private individual since the launching of mass literacy campaign in 1982 by the federal government.
            The status of adult as at now in the educational system is very much more viewed with apathy by adults as by government agents.
            Politicians see it as an important instrument for development but the patriotic support for this programme dwindles the moment they get to the office.
            These problems range from inadequate finance, lack of enthusiasm on the part of the learners and instructors, inadequate infrastructure and materials and ignorance on the part of the clientele. It therefore with these problems in mind that this study is carried out.
            In the view of the above, the study looks at the problems involved in the organization of adult’s literacy programme in Egor local government area of Edo state was has contributed to its present status.
            This study is purposely meant to identify the problems militating against the implementation of adult literacy programmes in Egor local government area of Edo state in Nigeria.
            Several literacy programmes are known to have failed due to faulty organization strategies, similarly many factors contribute to the success of adult literacy programmes these include organizational frame work, positive attitude of adults, provision of adequate resources which include qualified personnel and materials.
            The following have been raised for this study;
That inadequate supply and low quality of literacy teacher must have affected the organization of adult literacy programmes in the local government.
The difference attitude of adults towards organization of adult literacy programmes must have affected it Implementation.
That inadequate provision of materials hindered the development of literacy education in the local government.
            It is generally hoped and believed that the solution put forward in the study will make great contributions to the society. It will be useful to adults who are yearning to acquire more knowledge. It will be of special benefit to the ministry of education administrators that have relevance to adult’s learners. The study may also be useful to further researches in the area of the development of informal education and continuing education systems.
            Research questions are necessary in order to have the maximum result in standing the problems involved in the organization of adult literacy programmes in Egor local government area of Edo state.
            These research questions were asked
Was adult literacy programme organized regularly?
Were there adequate and sufficient materials for the programme?
Was there any specific curriculum for the programmes?
Were the instructors paid by the government or the participants are not even paid at all?
What were the qualities of the instructors?
Did the instructors face any problem in teaching the adults?
Did the participants turn out in large numbers?
How successful is the programme in the local government?
Is the programme financed by the government or the participants?
Adult education: can be defined as any education given to adult person’s men and women. Adult education is sometimes defined as the education provided for all men and women who are aged 21 and above. This is a biological definition based in the assumption that adult is one who is aged 21 and above.  
Literacy: can be defined as the ability to read, write and speak a language as well as the ability to compute in broad terms, literacy is the ability to make and communicate meaning from and by the use of a variety of socially contextual symbols. According to (Cunningham, 2010) and Harste, 1994). Literacy has for instance, expanded to include literacy information and communication technologies and critical literacy.
Non formal adult education: can be defined as the training and instruction which takes place outside the formal education system or within the four walls of institutions adult and non formal education may be aimed also at young people who legally have not attained adult status, but for whom there is no further provision within the school system.
Adult literacy education: adult education is thus sometime using the programmes as the basis for an operational definition. For example, adult education been defined as adult literacy education. The weakness of this definition is that it excludes the body of knowledge accumulated in per literate and non literate societies. Yet it is known that such societies provided some knowledge and skills averting most facts of human endeavour religion, polities, work, and play. Language health and morals  
  • Department: Education
  • Project ID: EDU0401
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 74 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: simple percentage
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 2,520
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