• Department: Education
  • Project ID: EDU0284
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 40 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: simple percentage
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 2,084
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This study was made with the aims of assessing the effect of parent’s behaviour n the disciplinary attitude of primary school pupils in Owan East Local Government Area of Edo State. A review work showed the level of involvement and the role of parents in the upbringing of children in our society, most especially in the area under study. Three research questions were formulated and analyzed. The study was carried out of in the four primary schools out of many primary schools out of many primary in the local government area earlier mentioned. Well structured questionnaire was used as the instrument for the study. From the responses to the question analyzed the level of involvement of parents in the disciplinary attitude of children was revealed. So, its evidence from the research findings that parents contribute to in disciplinary act among pupils in the primary school and conclusions arrived at, ten (10) recommendations were made.
Chapter one         =
Statement of problem
Research questions
Purpose of the study
Significance of the study
Assumptions of the study
Scope of the study
Limitations of the study
Chapter two        =       
Review of related literature
The opinion and view on disciplinary and indisciplinary
Root causes of indisciplinary attitude
Solution to childhood delinquency
Appraisal of the literature review
Chapter three=
Population of the study
Sampling procedure
Administration of the instrument
Method of data analysis
Description of statistics technique
Chapter four        =
Presentation of the result and data analysis
Descriptive summary
Data analysis      
Chapter five =
Summary, conclusion and recommendation
Bibliography =
Appendix   =
          The study is an investigation into how parent’s behaviour affects the disciplinary attitude of the pupils in Owan East Local Government Area of Edo State. Indisciplinary act among pupils is a canker worm that has eaten deep into the fabric of the society. Therefore, it must be argued out of our school. Since the child’s first life experiences are acquired in the home environment from parents, mothers in particularly. The home environment has the potentiality of sharpening the child’s conception of the wider society. In most society, including developed ones the behaviour of a child is said to be influence by many factors. According to Egbe T. Ehiametalor and Olusole W. Aderunmu (1981:47) on one of the spectrum are pupils from broken homes or polygamous homes, and on the other side are those from monogamous homes or affluent homes on the behaviour or the child and his propensity to engage in a acts of indisciplinary attitude.
          Permissiveness and family environment are primary factor, which contribute to an accurate prediction of a child’s attitude towards pupils protest activities. Adetoro (2000) some attitudes are wrong and so need to be changed. To change attitude, there is need for good understanding and better information upon which those wrong impression are formed. Attitude can be refer to the way we think and feel about some thing or the way one behave towards something that shows how you think and feel. Most adult, behaviour are mostly governed by the attitude and opinions which we learn in our life experience. We arrived at attitude especially when a man fall into a new situation that he need to act upon, and he/she must get to reason how he/she need to act in order not to course more problems. To development of attitude or opinion may start within the family group, as children growing up under the influence and guidance of our parents attitude or opinion in this case you hear a word “like father like son” “like mother like daughter” A home that the father is a teacher and mother a disciplinarian you see that the children are been influenced to love education. However, if a child is brought up in a way that alcoholic is bad, such a child may find it difficult to change such an attitude in life. The second ways a child can develop his attitude or opinion of others many of our views are forced by the opinion of result of careful thinking and deliberation, which are taken from what we read in the newspapers, what we listen to on the radio or what the writer has seen through personal experience, what we seen on the television screen, but the problems we easily accept what we all told on radio, newspaper, television and personal view without even thinking whether our source of information is correct or not.
          The idea is that if we could read or obtain the fact or any subject and then came to our own conclusion. The third ways a child can develop his attitude and opinion is to adopt some attitude as an indirect expression of a personal problem of which he is not entirely aware. This may be as a result of one trying to express his own emotional difficulties for example attitude of intolerance towards people of a different religion, colour or race than himself. Disciplinary, in other words in defined as the training especially of the mind and character to produce self control, habits of obedience, and so on while “indisciplinary” according to Oxford English dictionary. Absence of lack of discipline, want of the person imposed by constituted, authority upon a body of person amenable to it, want of the order and method acquired by training.
          Disciplinary attitude in pre-primary school institutions should be interpreted as a training of our pupils during the transitional period in childhood. So by the time they gain full maturity, they are fully prepared for life socially, sexually, emotionally, intellectually, morally and economically. And any deviation from above constituted disciplinary attitude. According to Olusola W. Aderunmu (1981:147) said that indisciplinary attitude in the primary schools could be grouped into:
1.                 Anti-social acts: This refers to the destruction of public property and rioting, hooliganism, stealing and bulling.
2.                 Act of deviance: These are usually directly against established rules of the school for example going out without permission, avoidance of wearing school uniforms, smoking, drug-taking, drinking, sexual immorality and failure to serve punishment and carryout lawful duties.
3.                 Acts of negligence: These are many and can include acts like lateness to classes and assemblies and careless handling of school personal properties.
Indisciplinary attitude is due to many factors: these are usually external or internal factors. Among the external factors are the parents, lack of control, when parents have no patients or self control and are not disciplinary attitude among the children who will have been deprived or parental care and supervision. An irresponsible father who was always drinking and too pre-occupied with activities neither have little or not time to train his children, neither would the nagging mother. There is hardly anybody who can train a child is used to at home is carried in to the school and to the public. At home where refined language is used is not likely to produce insolent children.
          Imparting discipline on the child is more than simply providing food and clothing or sending him or her to school to face life successfully the child need moral guidance. As the Holy Bible says in Proverbs 22 verse 6 “bring up a child in the way he should go and when he grows up he will not depart from it”.
          Presently, the rate of misbehaviour among pupils is alarming. Pupils are found with hard drugs and having indiscriminate smoking habits. So many of them practice immoral acts such as sex, some young girls wear more expensive cloths than the working class ladies. It is alarming in a closer look that most parents do not check their children, parents are loose. Most cases, some pupils pretend to leave the home for school but remain at home to watch immoral video cassettes even bought by some parents, some go their own ways from school to steal, fight in the street and cause unnecessary destruction of personal and public properties. The physical out look of the pupils is also a major problem. Some pupils do not want to wear the school uniform some even barb very guyish hair styles, some put on charms as chain or even wear chair, some do not want to bet up because their parents failed to by under wears for them to dress up properly. Many parents also are not concerned about their children dresses. And many parents do not understand what school system is all about. And so they cast their blames on lack of disciplinary attitude among pupils solely on teachers and school administrators.
          The study attempts to examine the following research questions.
1.                 Does lack of parents attitude in their children cause juvenile delinquency
2.                 Does parents bad life style influence indiscipline in children e.g. smoking
3.                 Does parent’s attitude alleviate indisciplinary act in pupils.
          The purpose of the study is to find out what parents do to encourage indisciplinary attitude among pupils (child’s). The purpose is to determine how parents behaviour affect the discipline act of pupils. It is also to find what parents can do to minimize indisciplinary attitude among pupils.
          This study will throw more light into the fact that learning cannot effectively successful without proper behaviour patters in the child’s since a child is the central of learning. It will also show that there is much room for parents to improve on their daily attitude at home towards their offspring’s. it will also prove to some extents the kinds problems to be encountered by the teachers as a result of the poor upbringing of the child. It is also to expose the extent to which home (parent) behaviour affect the general disciplinary attitude of the child.
          To following are some of the assumptions of the researcher over the effect of parent’s behaviour on the disciplinary attitude of the pupils.
1.                 Pupils are mostly faced with the problems of maladjustment of parental behaviour.
2.                 Pupils who receive less motivation for studies are likely going to perform below expectation academically as a result of negligence by parents.
3.                 Religion affection has some roles to play in curtaining attitude on pupils.
4.                 Bitterness and deviance of school rules and regulation among pupils can be attitude to parental attitude or disciplinary act.
          This research is carried out to give a survey analysis of the effect of parents behaviour on the disciplinary attitude of primary school pupils. In this research work, Owan East Local Government Area of Edo State is taken primary school were selected.
          The major term to be defined in this research work are teachers, behaviour, disciplinary, attitude, potentiality and spectrum.
Teacher: refer to the person who instruct, pass through pain and precious or provides the teaching learning process.
Behaviour: the things that a person or animal does.
Disciplinary: relating to the punishment of someone who has not obeyed rules.
Attitude: the opinions and feelings that you usually have about something.
Potentiality: an ability or quality that could develop in the future and
Spectrum: a complete range of opinion, people, situations etc going from one extreme to its opposite.
  • Department: Education
  • Project ID: EDU0284
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 40 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: simple percentage
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 2,084
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