- Department: Computer Science
- Project ID: CPU0986
- Access Fee: ₦5,000
- Pages: 65 Pages
- Chapters: 5 Chapters
- Methodology: Nil
- Reference: YES
- Format: Microsoft Word
- Views: 2,775
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A computer virus is a piece of software which attaches itself to another programcausing undesirable effect on the program. It isattached similar to the way in which biological virus affect other organisms. The synonymous way it works with that of thehuman virus gave rise to the term computer virus. Computer viruses infectpersonal computers (PCs) and server. Some virusescreate mere annoyance, but others can do serious damage: delete or change files, steal important information, load and rununwanted applications, send documents via electronic mail (e-mail) or even cripple a machines operating system (OS). Randomsampling technique on respondents was performed while the data used for the study is collected from primary sources using awell-structured questionnaire. Data collected werelogically analyzed using descriptive tool such as percentages and charts andinferential statistical tool such as chi-square. Based on the administeredquestionnaires the result indicated that viruses can infectcomputer system through a number of ways such as exchange of flash drive, hard disk and network medium.
1.1 Background of the Study
This research paper finds the factors which leads the virusattacks among personal computer users. Today’s society hasseen an increase in the use of computers. As a result, users ofpersonal computer today need to have a virus protectionmechanism to face the growing computer viruses. Virusattacks on computer are more harmful that shows up andmore damage to the computer and It is important to analyzethe actions that a virus performs in one’s system and also theactivities that are possible to occur.This helps in protectingour PC with needful security mechanisms to safeguard thesecure information [A.Coulthard et all, 2002]. The purpose of this research paper is tointroduce to the reader the threats that the computer virusescan create,provide guidelines on how individuals canprotect themselves against these viruses.
Nowadays manycomputer viruses are designed to self-replicate andself-install over a very short period of time. They comeencoded with specific instructions to destroy andadvance through its host computer, and can affect amultitude of programs and applications very quickly.Recognizing the symptoms of a computer virus canhelp to successfully remove it from the infectedcomputer as quickly as possible; the sooner this iscompleted, the easier it will be to recover anydocuments or programs that may be damaged, andprevent the virus from further spreading [Ajayshivaa(2007)]. Afteridentification of typical factors which leads tocomputer virus attacks the possible solutions are putforwarded to PC users to surmount this virus attacksand for their future improvement in computer usage.
1.1.1 Types and Ways of Computer VirusAttacks
• Boot Sector Virus: These types of viruses effect on the disk and the hard drive that holds small section referred as the sectors. Once the boot sector is attacked,they become infected when you reboot the system with the infected diskette it spreads through the hard drive.
• Multipartite viruses: It is a form of hybrid boot sector program virus that affects the programming files. While the infected program is activated it hits the bootrecord. When the system is restarted it subsequently passes on the infection to other local drive in to computer scattering on the virus to the other programming files instantly.
• Macro viruses: infects a Microsoft Word or similarapplication and causes a sequence of actions to beperformed automatically when the application is
started or something else triggers it. A typical effect isthe undesired insertion of some comic text at certainpoints when writing a line.
• Stealth viruses: Have the characteristic of hiding andusually changes file sizes to escape detection. A viruswith stealth attributes tends to be found in a bootsector or a program file. Stealth viruses cover theirtrails by two techniques. The first is to redirect diskreads to other locations and the second technique ismaking a change in boot tables.
• Program Virus: The program virus is kept hidden inthe flies or documents, once they are activated or called, they start infecting the system by copying thevirus to other files and replicating to the system.
• Polymorphic Virus: The Polymorphic virus behaveslike a chameleon that changes its virus signaturefrequently once they get multiplied and ready to affectthe next new-fangled file. It is also referred to as binarypattern.
• FAT virus : It is a computer virus which attacks the fileallocation table (FAT), a system used in Microsoft products and some other types of computer systems toaccess the information stored on a computer.
The threat of attack by computer viruses is in reality a very big problem specifically attacks aimed at subverting computer security.This paper examines computer viruses as malicious logic in a research and development environment, relates them to various models of security and integrity, andexamines current research techniques aimed at controlling the threats viruses in particular, and malicious logic in general, pose to computer systems. Finally, a brief examination of the vulnerabilities of research and development systems that maliciouslogic and computer viruses may exploit is undertaken.
Uncertainty prevailed about the results of computer virus infections among computer users. It was decided therefore, to determine to what degree personal computer users have experienced problems with their stored information due to virus infections on their computers. If any problem was experienced, the environment in which they occurred would be simulated in a controlledexperiment, to determine the actual effect of the virusinfections. If any real risks were identified,recommendations to minimize or eliminate them would be made.
Specific objectives include:
i. To determine what effect computerviruses have had on computerizedinformation among personal computer users.
ii. To identify, in controlled laboratorytests, the degree of danger that some ofthese viruses pose to storedinformation.
iii. To reach conclusions based upon theresults of the laboratory tests.
iv. To suggest a disinfection procedure forthe computer users.
This study revolves around personal computer users and their files stored in the system. It studies how virus attack influences their computer usage and solutions which when implemented guides against virus infection and recovers already infected file.
This study is will be of immense help to everyone who has personal computer and connects to a network. It will guide against computer infection and gives protection against virus. It will also be useful to every computer user in general and the whole world at large.
• virus attacks: The process in which maliciously written programs infect a computer in order to gain unauthorized access to information and corrupt a file.
• virus detection: Getting rid of virus infection from a computer
• PC: Abbreviation for personal computer
- Department: Computer Science
- Project ID: CPU0986
- Access Fee: ₦5,000
- Pages: 65 Pages
- Chapters: 5 Chapters
- Methodology: Nil
- Reference: YES
- Format: Microsoft Word
- Views: 2,775
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