• Department: Education
  • Project ID: EDU0268
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 48 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: simple percentage
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 2,544
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The aim of the research was to examine the effect of counselling and choice patter of vocational subject by senior secondary school students. Questionnaires was used to elicit information from the students of SS I in public and private schools of Uhunmwode local government area, Edo State. A total of 100 questionnaires (25 each from four schools) were used. The analysis of the investigation was carried so as to show may be the research questions should be accepted or not. The following are the major findings:
1.            Factors such as parental education talent, counselling and prestige attached to job influence the choice pattern of vocational subjects.
2.            Counselling in school involves early stage of advice at the time when decisions have to be made regarding the choice of specification subjects.
3.            Counselling impact positively on students giving accurate information about what occupation are available.
4.            Students perform well when they choose vocational subjects, from the findings of the study, it is obvious that counselling has great impact on the choice patter of vocational subject. Factors such as parental education, prestige attached to a job, talent also affect choice pattern of vocational subject.
Based on the outcomes of the findings, the following recommendations were made:
1.            Educational counselling should be introduced to all schools for students to get accurate information about occupation.
2.            Guidance services should start from the tentative period (age 12-18) before realistic stage (age 19-25).
3.            Every school should have a well trained counsellor.
Chapter One
Introduction ‘
Background of the study
Statement of problem
Purpose of the study
Research questions
Research hypothesis
Significance of the study
Scope of the study
Definition of terms
Chapter Two
Review of related literature
Counselling and vocational subject
The students and subject choice pattern
Developmental theory
Factors responsible for vocational choice of subject.
Effect of counselling on the choice
Pattern of vocational subject.
Chapter Three =
Design of study
Sample and sampling techniques
Research instrument
Reliability of instrument
Administration of instrument
Analysis of data
Chapter Four=
Data analysis, result and discussion
Type of counselling students received in secondary school
Counselling impact on students ‘
Factors that influence choice patter of vocational subject
Students’ performance and choice of vocational subject
Chapter Five=
Summary, conclusion and recommendations
References =        
          Vocational education is an important component in a nation where there is a low level of technical I know how, it has its primary goals, the training and imparting necessary skills to who shall be to who shall be self reliant economically, provision of technical knowledge and skills necessary for agricultural, commercial and economic development and provision of manpower in the applied science, technology and business, particularly art craft, advance craft and technical level. Obudo (2007) opined that at the secondary school level, vocational education is expected to give the students a full blown vocational education. In actualize its goals, the national policy on education (2004) observed that students who complete junior secondary school shall be streamed into senior secondary school, technical college, and act of school training centre and apprenticeship scheme, and streaming shall be based on the result of text to determine academic ability attitude and vocational interest.
          The goals as pointed out cannot be actualized with particular reference to self exploration, interest and accurate information that are available. Most Nigeria senior secondary school students experience problems conflicts and interest conforms and disappointment in living up to the demand of their subject especially vocational subjects in senior secondary school level. Such problems could sometimes lead to no low academic performance of the students or failure in life. Significant factors know to play a major influence on the academic performance of the students with particular performance to choosing of vocational subject are counselling, sex, status, of parents, prestige attached to the job, school subject and interest. In the case the senior secondary school subject should be prepared to meet the challenges of the changing labour market and therefore vocational development should be a priority. However, if left unguided in the choice of vocational choice particular some youths choose wrong and regret all their lives but a right choice result I a happy progressive and fulfilled, while a wrong choice may make the future progress of an individual.
          Strong (1994) likened interest and ability to motor and a boat, according to him interest determines the field interest or choice on a task have enable a less able person to do as well if not more than an able or interested person. From the foregoing in the assessment of the overall performance in vocational subjects counselling and choice pattern played vital role. This therefore, goes along way to show that vocational counselling and choice patter has a particular influence on choosing vocational subject and academic performance of some unguided students despite the lack of sensitization still go extra mile to ensure that perform better reverse is also the case as can be seen in some guided students performing lower and unguided students performing better than their counterparts in their vocational subjects.
          Most Nigerian senior secondary schools experience problems, difficulties and confusion in adjusting to the demand of their chooses course especially vocational courses in institutions of higher learning. The difficulties often experienced may ultimately lead to poor performance and poor academic achievement, it becomes imperative therefore to determine the effect of counselling choice patter of vocational subject by senior secondary school students.
1.            What factors influence the pattern of choice vocational subjects?
2.            Do you (students) perform positively when they choose vocational subjects?
3.            Does counselling impart positively on students?
4.            What type of counselling do you (students) receive in secondary school?
          The main purpose of this study is to determine the effect of counselling and choice pattern of vocational subjects by senior secondary school students, specifically the purpose are to determine:
1.            If the students positively when they choose vocational subjects.
2.            What factors (gender and parental education) influence the choice pattern of vocational subjects?
3.            if counselling is effectively important on senior secondary school students
The study will cover the effect of counselling and choice pattern of vocational subjects by senior secondary school students in Uhumwonde locals government area of Edo State. Senior secondary school one (SS1) students will be used. This is a class where the students have been streamlined to their chosen course only public schools in Uhumwonde Local Government Area of Edo State will be used.
          Choosing a course of study is one of the important discussions to make inappropriate choice may spell ruin for the individual and the society. The findings of this research therefore will benefit the students, counselors, and educational planners. Counselling experts have proved that the individual may stimulate into any appropriate occupation by mere lack, but the wise choice of an occupation requires accurate information about what occupations are available. The essence of this is to show the role of counselling on vocational subjects in the academic performance and achievements of the students. Moreover, it will also help to know how factors such as choice pattern, gender and parental education influence the choice of student’s performance and competency. Self confidence, self reliance and fulfillment interest motivation and general performance of students.
          It will also help teachers, counselors, mentors, collaborators as they lead the students through the process of self attainment and produce competence and credible manpower to the development of the country.
Vocational performance: Refers to choosing or liking occupation better than others performance are often avert expression of interest, interest is the motivating force which disposes one to want to know, learn or do something.
Vocational education; refers to an aspect of education that mainly concerned with the preparation of individual for skill performance on tasks, it is also a kind of training or retraining, which is geared towards making the individual learners more productive through improved performance in either paid employment or in self employment.
Counselling; Refers to all kind of information about occupations, their entry requirement, choosing relevant subjects given to make a wise decisions includes society personnel education aid and vocational counselling.
Choice: An act of choosing between two or more possibilities, it is also seen as the range or number of different things from which to choose.
Pattern: This refers to a regular way in which something happen or something is done.
Educational planners: These are experts who are incharge of planning the educational system such that it will benefit the individual and society at large, they are also known as curriculum experts.
Occupation: This is defined as the kind of job or profession an individual is doing.
Vocational subject: This refers to our area of knowledge of study that is directly related to vocational occupation where a large art of its curriculum is devoted to learning specific skills which its students is to use immediately after graduation.
Curriculum: According to Taylor (1965) curriculum can be defined as all the learning of students which is planned and directed by the school to attain its educational goals, in other words curriculum deals with all the learning experiences that is given to a person or pupils to make him develop both character, skills and learning and become useful to himself and contribute meaningfully to his family, town (community) nation and world.

  • Department: Education
  • Project ID: EDU0268
  • Access Fee: ₦5,000
  • Pages: 48 Pages
  • Chapters: 5 Chapters
  • Methodology: simple percentage
  • Reference: YES
  • Format: Microsoft Word
  • Views: 2,544
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